September 19, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate Council Meeting

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

12:00pm to 1:00pm,
Cafeteria Conference Room



Call to Order
Public Commentary

Action Items
1. Approval of Minutes of August 22, 2018 Meeting
2. Academic Senate Noncredit, Legislative, and Guided Pathways Liaisons

  1. ACCJC Midterm Report
    4. Succession Planning: February Academic Senate Elections
  2. AB 705
  3. Guided Pathways

Information/Discussion Items
  7. California Academic Partnership Program Capacity Building Grant Award

  1. ASCCC Fall Plenary: Nov 1-3, Irvine
    9. Minimum Qualifications (PDF) and Equivalency

Other/Open Forum for Announcements


Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Mondayday, October 1, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room. The next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, October 17, at 12:00pm in the Cafeteria Conference Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Council Minutes

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Cafeteria Conference Room


Members Present: President Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Secretary Candace Duron, Tony Thompson, Juana Escobedo, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Michael Jiles, Kristi Richards, Greg Golling, Tori Furman


Guests: None


The meeting was called to order at 12:06 p.m.


Public Commentary

  • None


Action Items

Approval of Minutes of August 22, 2018 meeting

  • On a motion by Tony Thompson, second by Vicki Jacobi, minutes are approved as corrected.


Academic Senate Noncredit, Legislative, and Guided Pathways Liaisons

  • Senate-of-the-Whole voted to allow volunteers from Academic Senate Council to serve as the Noncredit, Legislative, and Guided Pathways Liaisons.
  • Vicki Jacobi had indicated herself as the Guided Pathways Liaison.
  • Kelly Kulzer-Reyes attempted to sign up as the Legislative Liaison but the email notification came back as unauthorized. Kelly will email info and cc Geoffrey Dyer on the email in hopes of getting her signed up.
  • Tori Furman is in the CTE Liaison as per the bylaws and election.
  • Geoffrey Dyer asked for additional liaison volunteers. Liaisons don’t have to be just one person. One liason can be small groups of faculty. Mike Jiles will consider volunteering in the future.
  • Geoffrey Dyer asked Kelly, Vicki, and Tori to inform the Academic Senate Council agenda as they get information.


ACCJC Midterm Report

  • The latest version was viewed by Governance Council. Michelle Oja asked during Governance Council for language update; view page five.
  • Kelly Kulzer-Reyes asked about the specifics of Cranium Cafe; we had it once, then we didn’t, and now we do limited to counseling use.
  • Greg Golling asked for clarification on the employed field of study on page 24 in reference to Liberal Arts Allied Health. He wonders if the TOP code is correct.
  • On a motion by Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, second by Greg Golling, the ACCJC Midterm Report was approved to move forward to Senate-of-the-Whole with Vicki Jacobi checking with Office of Instruction on the TOP codes.


Succession Planning: February Academic Senate Elections

  • Geoffrey Dyer’s two-year term as President of Academic Senate is up and will be voted on in the February election.
  • Candace Duron’s two-year term as Secretary of the Academic Senate is up and will be voted on in the February election.
  • Candace Duron will check the term dates for members of Academic Senate Council.
  • The bylaws and constitution is not specific about the start of the two-year term.
  • Geoffrey Dyer encouraged all to consider running for Academic Senate President as he is finishing up his second term.
  • Tony Thompson said it is important for faculty to have an opportunity to run for Senate office and feel included.
  • The election is held in February giving the elected four months’ time to shadow and learn the position.
  • Perhaps now that compensation has been increased, more faculty will become interested.
  • Plenary is in November. Perhaps if someone is interested in running for Senate they could attend. Geoffrey Dyer’s attendance is funded by ASCCC; Vicki Jacobi will used Guided Pathways funding, and Tori Furman will use CTE funding. Much of the Academic Senate funding is spent on providing food during meetings.


AB 705 & Guided Pathways

  • Kelly Kulzer-Reyes provided an update on the English Departments idea/work:
    • possible two term stretch course but are still looking at impact
    • non-credit tutoring/faculty lab hours option
    • co-requisite tutoring
  • Academic Development Committee is looking at the use of NetTutor.
  • Vicki Jacobi mentioned that tutoring is being funded by Guided Pathways as the basic skills funding for tutoring was cut.
  • Math department put a College Algebra course through curriculum.
  • Tutoring and Student Services support is needed for AB 705.
  • Kelly Kulzer-Reyes provided her student worker funding to Lori Sundgren for an embedded tutor in her class.
  • Tori Furman is concerned about the sustainability as it sounds like we are using temporary funds, Guided Pathways, to support AB 705.


Information/Discussion Items


California Academic Partnership Program Capacity Building Grant Award

  • Taft College was awarded the California Academic Partnership Program Capacity Building Grant.
  • The narrative was provided and briefly reviewed.


ASCCC Fall Plenary: November 1-3, Irvine

  • Let Geoffrey Dyer know if you are interested in attending.


Minimum Qualifications and Equivalency

  • ASCCC is scheduled to provide training on faculty minimum qualifications and equivalency during the January In-service on the 17th from 1-3pm.


Other/Open Forum for Announcements

  • Mike Jiles has a concern from the Social Science Division about dual enrollment at the high school and the notification regarding minors in class. Geoffrey Dyer said he had forwarded the relevant correspondences regarding the PSYC section and notifications to Greg Golling of the Dual Enrollment Committee.

The meeting adjourned at 1:03 p.m.


Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary
