Landing Template - Taft College

Guided Pathways

Create the Best Sequence of Courses to Complete Your Education

Guided Pathways is a unique and comprehensive approach to ensure that you will stay on track, receive the support you personally need, and see a clear, achievable pathway to graduation. We work closely with students and faculty. Guided Pathways is an evidence-based program that comprehensively addresses the conditions needed for students to thrive and complete their goals, and it closes any achievement gaps. This will enable you to efficiently complete your certificate or degree program. Together, we create a clear, intentional, and well-sequenced curriculum and program, and you are always at the center of this process. 

The "Key Elements of Guided Pathways" are listed below "The Four Pillars" and linked bars.

Check out Explore Major Pathways at Taft College. Our "Meta Majors" help you make smarter choices!  Design the most efficient pathway for your successful program completion and graduation.

Please note: the linked bar for View The Guided Pathways Dashboard goes to an external website.

Explore Major Pathways

View the Guided Pathways Dashboard

The Four Pillars of Guided Pathways

Clarify the path

Enter the path

Stay on the path

Ensure Learning

The Key Elements of Guided Pathways

  • Programs that are fully mapped out and aligned with further education and career advancement while also providing structure or guided exploration for undecided students.
  • Redesigning and integrating basic skills and developmental education classes to accelerate students to college-level classes.
  • Structured Onboarding Processes including improved placement tests and co-requisite instruction that provide students with clear, actionable, and usable information they need to get off to the right start in college.
  • Instructional support and co-curricular activities aligned with classroom learning and career interests.
  • Responsive student tracking systems aligned with interventions and resources to help students stay on the pathway, persist, and progress.
  • Proactive academic and career advising from the start through completion and/or transfer, with assigned point of contact at each stage.

Guided Pathways Oversight Committee

Vicki Jacobi
Articulation Officer/ Counselor

Amar Abbott
High-Tech Access Specialist

Darcy Bogle

Salvador Jimenez Murguia
Associate Professor, Sociology

Juana Rangel Escobedo

Cecilia Alvarado
Dean of Student Success

Lori Sundgren
Pre-Collegiate Success Coordinator