March 05, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate
Senate-of-the-Whole Meeting

Monday, March 5, 2018

12:00pm to 1:00pm, Cougar Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of the February 5, 2018 Meeting

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Third Annual Student Research Conference: Proposals Due March 23 (1 Minute)
  2. Changes to Funding Formula (5 Minutes)
  3. Online Education Initiative Consortium Application (5 Minute)
  4. Community College Survey of Student Engagement (1 Minutes)

Action Items

  1. Election of Vice-President of the Academic Senate (3 Minutes)
    6. College and Career Access Pathways Partnership Agreement with Taft Union
    High School for WELD 1500 and INTC 1000 in 2018/2019 (10 Minutes)
  2. Guided Pathways Workplan (15 Minutes)
  3. Strategic Action Plan (10 Minutes)Other/Open Forum for Announcements



Next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, March 21 at noon in the Cafeteria Conference Room. Next meeting of the Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, April 2, at noon in the Cougar Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, March 5, 2018

Cougar Conference Room

Members Present: President, Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, David Layne, Adam Bledsoe, Greg Golling, Steve Lytle, Janis Mendenhall, Lori Sundgren, Brian Jean, Bradley Zumbro, Mike Jiles, Sawn Newson, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, David Mitchell, Tori Furman, Kristi Richards, Joe’ll Chaidez, Kamala Carlson, Danielle Kerr, Debora Rodenhauser, Adrian Agundez, Terri Smith, Tina Mendoza, Jennifer Altenhofel, Bill Devine, Diane Jones, Sharyn Eveland, Amar Abbott, Dan Hall, Antonio Alfaro, Shelley Getty, Julian Martinez, Carly Flowers

Guests: Brandy Young, Oleg Bespalov, Fernando Lara

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 P.M.

Public Commentary

  • None

Approval of the February 5, 2018 Senate Minutes

  • No corrections, minutes approved.

Third Annual Student Research Conference: Proposals Due March 23

  • Sharyn Eveland provided information on the application/selection process for students and an update for faculty interested in judging the student research projects.
  • There is a need for donations towards the first, second, and third place monitory prizes.
  • There is a competitive scholarship available for students who complete the application.

Changes to Funding Formula

  • The new funding formula: 50% FTES (historically 100%), 25% based on need (students who receive the California Promise AKA BOGFW and Pell Grants), 25% performance based (student success including completion of ADTs within three years, transfer within two years, completion of Chancellor approved certificates/programs).

Online Education Initiative Consortium Application

  • Competitive application process and item number eight wants to know what TC would bring if chosen. Currently, none of the colleges participating in the exchange are offering area A3 in the CSU general education breadth pattern. English 1600 would be an option.
  • Speech hasn’t been offered online because CSUs would not approve. September’s executive order 1103 changed that, stating all CSU general education breadth has to be achievable in all modes. No one else in the exchange is offering the Speech online.
  • CID approved courses are the only classes allowed in the OEI at this time.
  • Jennifer Altenhofel ask to look into HIST 2210 to see if other colleges are offering it on the exchange; if not, we do.
  • Courses offered once a year are eligible.
  • Hidden cost – single sign on for students which will cost about $10,000.

Community College Survey of Student Engagement

  • Office of Instructional Research provided a reminder to have the survey completed by April 20.
  • Oleg Bespalov thanked everyone for participating.

Election of Vice-President of the Academic Senate

  • Vicki Jacobi and Candace Duron were nominated at the last ASC meeting. Candace Duron contacted Geoffrey Dyer after the meeting and asked that she not be considered.
  • The position of AS VP will begin at the end of term in May.
  • Call for nominations: none
  • Vicki Jacobi elected Vice President of the Academic Senate.

College and Career Access Pathways Partnership Agreement with Taft Union High School for WELD 1500 and INTC 1000 in 2018/2019

  • There are grant requirements to participate in CCAP.
  • The high school may not be able to participate due to financial concerns.
  • The CCAP may end in 2020.
  • The Dual Enrollment Committee will meet Friday and look at CCAP and Special Admit process.
  • On a motion by Tori Furman, seconded by Kristi Richards, the College and Career Access Pathways Partnership Agreement with Taft Union High School for WELD 1500 and INTC 1000 in 2018/2019 was approved.

Guided Pathways Workplan

  • Primavera Arvizu sent out version 8 of the Guided Pathways Workplan, it went out by email this morning.
  • It will go to the Board as informational as it doesn’t require Board approval.
  • It will go back to Governance Council.
  • There may also be a Town Hall meeting.
  • The workplan has a big emphasis on data and on-boarding with a mandatory orientation for students.
  • Vicki Jacobi explained the action of the workgroup during their last meeting to make the outcomes more specific and measurable. Information from the Strategic Action plan was used.
  • All 14 of the key elements do not need to be worked on at the same time.
  • The Professional Development committee does not have a budget, so effort is being made to attach money to professional development.
  • This is $500,000 over five years; so lets try to do what we are already doing just better. The money is offered in a larger amount in the earlier years then tapers off.
  • The workplan is due the end of this month, March. This is the last time it will go through AS.
  • The workplan can be updated and re-submitted to the Chancellor’s Office multiple times.
  • Faculty will reach out to their respected Division Chair, the AS President, and attend the Town Hall to express any concerns/questions regarding the Guided Pathways Workplan.
  • No vote to approve a document that is incomplete.

Strategic Action Plan

  • Oleg Bespalov presented the Strategic Action Plan and explained the goals, metrics, and standards that will help guide the college.
  • There is a section on integrating operational plans with the Strategic Action Plan goals/data.
  • The college will track the goals on a dashboard.
  • On a motion by Diane Jones, second by Kamala Carlson, the Strategic Action Plan was approved.

Other/Open Forum


Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Minutes based on recording provided by Dan Hall

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Minutes approved as corrected April 2, 2018

Supporting Docs

