February 21, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate Council Meeting

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

12:00pm to 1:00pm,
Cafeteria Conference Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of January 31, 2018 Meeting


Information/Discussion Items
1. Dual Enrollment Committee Update

Action Items
2. College and Career Access Pathways Partnership Agreement with Taft
Union High School
3. Special Admit Procedure
4. Nominations for Vice President of the Academic Senate
5. Guided Pathways Workplan
6. Strategic Action Plan

Other/Open Forum for Announcements


Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, March 5, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room. Next Meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, March 21 in the Cafeteria Conference Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Council Minutes

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Cafeteria Conference Room


Members Present: President Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Secretary Candace Duron, Tony Thompson, Kristi Richards, Juana Escobedo, Greg Golling, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Kanoe Bandy, Mike Jiles, Debora Rodenhauser,

Guests: Tammy Sutherland, Darcy Bogle, Mary Alice Finn, Sarah Criss, Oleg Bespalov, Bill Devine, Julie McNeil

The meeting was called to order at 12:01 p.m.

Public Commentary

  • None

Approval of January 31, 2018 Meeting Minutes

  • No corrections, minutes approved.

Dual Enrollment Committee Update

  • The Dual Enrollment Committee charter was approved.
    While attending the board meeting Mike Long asked why TUHS members are non-voting.
  • The committee is currently determining who the members are and when to meet. One of the first order of business will be the special admit process and CCAP.
    CCAP is time sensitive and all are in agreement to move forward with trying it again for another year.
  • Diane Jones will chair the committee through the end of term.
    Membership interests include: Tori Furman, Kristi Richards, Mary Alice Finn, Tammy Sutherland, Caroline Schoneweis, Darcy Bogle, Ted Pendergrass, Vicki Jacobi, Bill Devine, Greg Golling, Diane Jones.
  • The role of TUHS on the committee is to work in partnership, to provide perspective and input from TUHS in the  dual enrollment planning at TC.
    The committee will document dual enrollment policy and procedure.

College and Career Access Pathways Partnership Agreements with Taft Union High School

  • Information provided by Fernando Lara and Bonita Steel, if the CCAP agreement is discontinued it would be a violation of the CCCP2 grant with fiscal ramifications.
  • On a motion by Greg Golling, seconded by Vicki Jacobi, the College and Career Access Pathways Partnership Agreement with Taft Union High school with no updates and one year renewal was approved to move forward to the Senate-of-the-whole.

Special Admit Procedure

  • Darcy Bogle and Mary Alice Finn expressed an interest in revising AP 5011 Admission and Concurrent Enrollment of High School and Other Young Adults specifically the special admit procedure.
  • Mary Alice Finn would like the age to be changed from 16-years-old to 15-years-old as there are students who are junior status but are 15-years-old and have been excluded from participating.
  • Admission and Records office should be notifying instructors if a minor is in their class; if this process is followed then there may be an interest in removing the requirement of instructor permission/signature prior to enrolling.
  • In the past, the notification from Admission and Records has not gone out.
  • During the High School Counselor Luncheon put on annually by the Counseling Center, local high school counselors from Kern County asked the instructor approval prior to enrollment be removed. They said it was a barrier to concurrent enrollment.
  • Tammy Sutherland confirmed that it could be difficult to get ahold of adjunct instructors.
  • TUHS requires a minimum gpa for students to participate, TC does not.
  • The parents and high school must sign a consent and awareness of the adult content.
  • Vicki Jacobi asked how an instructor would opt out. Perhaps the instructor does not want the added responsibility of having a minor in the classroom.
  • Diane Jones suggested this topic go to the Dual Enrollment Committee as it falls under the charter.
  • No action was taken; item tabled.

Nomination for Vice President of the Academic Senate

  • Vicki Jacobi accepted the nomination from Geoffrey Dyer
    Candace Duron accepted the nomination from Juana Rangel-Escobedo

Guided Pathways Workplan

  • The most recent draft went out by email yesterday.
  • The most complete version will go to the next Senate-of-the-Whole meeting.
  • All faculty are invited to participate in the Guided Pathways meetings. There has been low attendance.
  • Read the draft and email Vicki Jacobi and/or Primavera Arvizu any input if you are not able to attend the meetings.
  • On a motion by Tori Furman, seconded by Greg Golling, abstained by Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, the Guided Pathways Workplan was approved to move forward to the Senate-of-the-Whole.

Strategic Action Plan

  • Oleg Bespalov hosted a town hall meeting on the Strategic Action Plan.
  • There are key metrics with leading and lagging indicators.
    The lagging indicators take years to see movement on. For support, the lagging indicators have leading indicators, things you can see impact now.
  • We look at the college most similar to us as comparison: Barstow, Mendocino, Lake Tahoe, and Siskiyous.
  • Guided Pathways is an important part of the Strategic Action Plan.
  • It aligns with the vision statement of the Chancellor’s Office.
  • On a motion from Vicki Jacobi, seconded by Deborah Rodehauser, the Strategic Action Plan was approved to move forward to Senate-of-the-whole.

Other/Open Forum for Announcements

  • March 5, 2018 Candace Duron is at the Counseling Collaborative Conference. A substitute secretary is needed.

The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary.

Minutes approved as corrected March 21, 2018
