March 21, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate Council Meeting

Wednesday, May 21, 2018

12:00pm to 1:00pm,
Cafeteria Conference Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of February 21, 2018 Meeting


Information/Discussion Items
  1. ASCCC Resolutions for Discussion at Area Meetings

  1. Online Education Initiative
  2. Academic Senate Faculty Excellence Awards

Action Items
4. Special Admit Procedure
5. Institutional Student Learning Outcome: Computation
6. ACCJC Annual Report

  1. Recommendations on Replacing Retiring Faculty

Other/Open Forum for Announcements


Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, April 2, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room. Next Meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, April 18 in the Cafeteria Conference Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Council Minutes

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Cafeteria Conference Room


Members Present: President Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Secretary Candace Duron, Tony Thompson, Juana Escobedo, Greg Golling, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Mike Jiles, Debora Rodenhauser


Guests: Sandy Mittlesteadt,  Oleg Bespalov


The meeting was called to order at 12:01 p.m.


Public Commentary

  • None


Approval of February 21, 2018 Meeting Minutes

  • On a motion by Vicki Jacobi, second by Mike Jiles, the minutes were approved as corrected.


ASCCC Resolutions for Discussion at Area Meeting

  • Geoffrey Dyer read the resolution 9.02 for discussion at spring Plenary: Pathways to Meet General Education Requirements of Quantitative Reasoning
  • Discussion on the requirement of intermediate algebra to the UC/CSU system as a first-time freshman versus the CSU general education and IGETC for transfer students.
  • The resolution seems to be addressing the local general eduction pattern requirement of analytical and quantitative reasoning not transfer requirements.


Online Education Initiative

  • Geoffrey Dyer has written two draft resolutions for possible discussion if he decides to submit them.
    • Effective Practices in Online Communications Courses
    • Small and Rural college Participation in OEI Course Exchange
  • Discussion on the change in the number of seats required by the RFA to participate in the OEI. It changed suddenly from five to twenty.
    • Juana Escobedo has noticed that increase n the number of seats in online classes at other CCCs. At TC the load would have to be negotiated before this could be considered.
    • Vicki Jacobi suggests the language be changed to a percentage rather than a distinct number.
  • There are gaps in areas A1 Speech and B3 lab requirements in the CSU general education breadth. It is important to offer all required general education in an online formate. The CSU system is already doing it.
    • With the use of online tools and canvas it would be possible to offer a speech class in front of an instructor and with an audience of peers.
    • The UC system is building online science labs.
    • Dan Hall has purchased a science lab kit.
    • Guidance and clear models are needed


Academic Senate Faculty Excellence Awards

  • The Academic Faculty Excellence awards process was approved.
  • The next step is to have nominations made by Division Chairs. Then a subcommittee will be selected to make a section by the August in-service.


Special Admit Procedure

  • The Dual Enrollment Committee met and voted to remove the age requirement and the instructor signature from the Special Admit Procedure.
  • The Director of Admission and Records will notify the instructor if a minor is in their class.
  • On a motion from Juana Escobedo, seconded by Mike Jiles, the Special Admit Procedure was approved to move forward to Senate-of-the-Whole.


Institutional Student Learning Outcome: Computation

  • Proposed change to Computation ISLO- Fall 2018:
    • Graduates should be able to use quantitative reasoning to solve problems involving data gathering and analysis, apply mathematical concepts to a variety of everyday life situations.
  • Discussion around the definition of computation.
  • Suggestion to use the language in area B4 of the CSU general education pattern:
    • students shall demonstrate the abilities to reason quantitatively, practice computational skills, and explain and apply mathematical or quantitative reasoning concepts to solve problems. Courses in this Subarea shall include a prerequisite reflective only of skills and knowledge required in the course. In addition to traditional mathematics, courses in Subarea B4 may include computer science, personal finance, statistics or discipline-based mathematics or quantitative reasoning courses, for example.
  • On a motion from Mike Jiles, seconded by Juana Escobedo, both definition as options for ISLO:Computation were approved to move for to Senate-of-the-Whole.


ACCJC Annual Report

  • On a motion from Candace Duron, seconded by Debora Rodenhauser, the ACCJC Annual Report was approved to move forward to Senate-of-the-whole.


Recommendations on Replacing Retiring Faculty

  • Item tabled.


Other/Open Forum for Announcements

  • None



The meeting adjourned at 1:01 p.m.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Approved April 18, 2018
