January 10, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate
Senate-of-the-Whole Meeting

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

11:00am to 1:00pm, Cougar Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of the December 4, 2017 Meeting

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Online Education Initiative Consortium Expansion—Dan Hall (8 Minutes)
    2. Guided Pathways: ASCCC Resolutions & Workplan—Geoffrey Dyer (8 Minutes)
    3. Academic Senate Council Representatives (1 Minute)
    4. Needed Positions Discussion—Division Chairs (42 Minutes)

Action Items

  1. Presentation and Ranking of New Faculty Position Requests (40 Minutes)
    a. CTE Counselor
    b. English
    c. Librarian
    d. Sociology
    6. Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws Revisions (Continued First Reading) (10
  2. Already Approved: Addition of CTE & DE Committees; Screening
    Committee Appointment Process
    b. Resolutions Process: Simple Majority in ASC, One Reading at
    S-o-w, Two-Thirds Required at S-o-w
    c. Brown Act Requirement for AS Subcommittees
    d. Compulsory Resignation If Opposed after Six Years
  3. General Issues
    Other/Open Forum for Announcements


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Cougar Conference Room

Members Present: President, Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Secretary, Candace Duron, Dan Hall, Amar Abbott, Michelle Oja, Tina Mendoza, Juana Escobedo, Greg Golling, Kamala Carlson, Jessica Grimes, Kristi Richards, Tori Furman, Bill Devine, Jill Brown, Terri Smith, Ruby Payne, Carly Flowers, Tony Thompson, Brian Jean, Mariza Martinez, David Layne, Adam Bledsoe, Mike Jiles, Michelle Beasley, Sharyn Eveland, Chris Chung-Wee, Danielle Kerr, Debora Rodenhauser, Lourdes Gonzalez, Anna Teeters, John Eigenauer, Chris Flachmann, Joe’ll Chaidez, David Mitchell, David Reynolds, Joy Reynolds, Abbas Jarrahian, Darcy Bogle, Julian Martinez, Kanoe Bandy, Robin Polski, Janis Mendenhall, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Diana Champion, Mike Mayfield, Paul Blake, Shelley Getty, Leigh Golling, Rebecca Roth

Guests: Oleg Bespalov, M. Amer

The meeting was called to order at 11:10 A.M.

Public Commentary

  • None

Approval of December 4, 2017 Senate Minutes

  • On a motion from Mike Jiles, Second by Robin Polski, abstained by Michele Oja, minutes approved as corrected.

Online Education Initiative Consortium Expansion – Dan Hall

  • The college has until March 1 to complete the application to be considered for the Online Education Initiative Consortium.
  • Support and funding provided by the state for participation in the online course exchange.
  • The consortium provides online course designers to help meet the standards of the OEI rubric, accessibility specialist, free online tutoring, and Cranium Café.
  • The application asks the college to commit to offering 10% of online classes on the exchange within two semesters. This equates to about 9 classes.
  • The person who builds the class and has it approved for the exchange is the only one approved to teach the class.
  • Dan will send out the rubric.
  • This is good because it will improve the quality of online classes and may help increase enrollment in low enrolled classes. It would also allow TC students to take classes through the exchange that we may not be able to offer.
  • There will be an OEI session with Vivian Verella in T14 at 1pm.
  • This item will go to the next Academic Senate Council meeting for action.

Guided Pathways: ASCCC Resolutions & Workplan – Geoffrey Dyer

  • The Guided Pathways Workplan is due on March 30.
  • There were seven resolutions passed during the Fall 2017 Plenary all dealing with the faculty role in developing the Guided Pathways framework.
  • Any faculty who would like to attend the Guided Pathways meetings is welcome.
  • Guided Pathways is not new, it is just a framework to organize and write down what we are already doing.
  • Resolution 17.05 summarized: The local Academic Senate to appoint faculty release/reassign time to serve in developing the framework of Guided Pathways.

Academic Senate Council Representatives

  • The very first Academic Senate Council Representatives are approaching completion of their two years of service:
    • Tori Forman CTE Liaison
    • Greg Golling Math/Science Representative
    • Mike Jiles Social Science Representative XXX
  • Nominations for representatives for these positions will be accepted up to and during the February Senate-of-the-whole meeting. If more than one faculty member accepts nomination for any of the positions, an election will be held at the February Senate-of-the-whole meeting.

Needed Positions Discussion – Division Chairs

  • AS passed a resolution asking Administration to provide a soft number of replacement/new faculty for the next year by December 1.
  • Superintendent/President Deb Daniels supported the Speech Full-time Tenured Track replacement of Gary Graupman but could not comment on any additional positions.
  • The needs of all divisions were discussed; some of the needs will follow with the presentation.
    • Applied Tech: It has been in program review since 2009 (when we started the program review process) that the division is down one business faculty position. There is a possible retirement in the near future, which because of the overload this person carries, equates to two positions.
    • English: will be presenting an English faculty position need.
    • Liberal Arts: excited for the posting of the Speech instructor position.
    • Learning Support Division: Will be presenting a Librarian position again, as it has been presented as a need since 2014. A Student Success instructor was presented in 2015, it is still a need, but even more so with AB705 and the relevant need of co-curricular courses. Tori Furman will be presenting a CTE Counselor position. EOPS needs a 100% Counselor replacement position. Pre-Collegiate Success Coordinator is a non-tenured track position lumped into the integrated plan. Isaias Hernandez is the adjunct Mental Health Counselor and although we will likely be applying for a grant to extend his hours a full-time Mental Health Counselor is needed. Other under-represented groups who are served minimally include Veterans and Foster Youth.
    • Math/Science: The division is a large umbrella for Heath and PE, Energy, Dental Hygiene, Kinesiology, etc. The science classes need space. Full-time faculty must carry large amounts of overload and to get a pool of adjuncts is challenging. The Biology/Life Science classes have large waitlists. Math carries a lot of overload even with adjuncts.
    • Social Science: there are 11 degree programs not including the general education requirement political science. One full-time faculty in ADMJ, CJA, and POSC. Sociology has no full-time faculty. The division gained Robin Polski for PSYC and ECEF. Political Science and Sociology are at max, cannot offer more even though waitlist are maxed.

Presentation and Ranking of New Faculty Position Requests

  • CTE Counselor presentation by Tori Furman.
  • English presentation by Kamala Carlson.
  • Librarian presentation by Vicki Jacobi
  • Sociology presentation by Michelle Oja

Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws Revisions (Continued First Reading)

  1. Already Approved: Addition of CTE & Distance Education Committees; Screening Committee Appointment Process
  2. Resolutions Process: Simple Majority in ASC, One Reading at Senate-of-the-whole, Two-Thirds Required at Senate-of-the-whole
  • Existing order: Academic Senate Council 2/3 vote to approve a resolution, Academic Senate requires two readings and 2/3 vote to approve a resolution.
  • Recommended changes:
    • Simple majority in Academic Senate Council
      • On a motion from Jessica Grimes, seconded by Kamala Carlson, the change to the Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws to pass a resolution in Academic Senate Council by simple majority was approved.
    • One reading in Academic Senate
      • On a motion from Kelly Kulzer-Reyez, seconded by Robin Polski, the change to the Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws requiring one reading to pass a resolution in Academic Senate was approved.
    • 2/3 vote in Academic Senate of the whole
      • 2/3 votes favors the minority.
      • On a motion from Michelle Oja, seconded by Deborah Rodenhouser, requiring 2/3 votes to pass a resolution in Academic Senate of the whole with 22 YES, 18 NO, 4 abstained, the motion failed.
  1. Brown Act Requirement for AS Subcommittees
  • On a motion from Mike Jiles, seconded by Jessica Grimes, abstained by Michelle Oja, the following of the Brown Act Requirements for all Academic Senate Subcommittees was approved.
  1. Compulsory Resignation If Opposed after six years
    1. On a motion from Mike Jiles, seconded by Becky Roth, opposed by Michelle Oja, abstained by Tina Mendoza, to strike the language to step down after six years was approved.
  2. General Issues
  • The Academic Senate of the whole agenda is lengthy. There isn’t always time to address all the 10+1 items. We’ve had to trust that this work is being done involving the faculty who sit on the other committees doing the work.
  • In 2015 it was decided to keep a Senate of the whole structure.
  • Other colleges have a problem with participation in Senate; we do not have this problem.
  • A recommendation to have informational items separate from action items was made. It was explained that the agenda begins with informational items to allow faculty who have class to arrive late to the meeting and still participate in the action items.
  • As we continue to look at the bylaws, it may be a good time to think about the structure of the Academic Senate.

Other/Open Forum

  • Becky Roth explained that the Professional Development Committee worked hard to offer a variety of really good workshops. Please take a look at the in-service workshop schedule.

Meeting adjourned at 1:12 PM.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Minutes approved as corrected February 5, 2018

Supporting Docs

