August 17, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate
Senate-of-the-Whole Meeting

Friday, August 17, 2018

11:00am to 1:00pm, Cougar Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of the April 30, 2018 Meeting


Information/Discussion Items

  1. Welcome to New Faculty (5 Minutes)
  2. Interim Dean of Instruction and CTE – Jessica Grimes (10 Minutes)
  3. Guided Pathways (20 Minutes)
  4. AB 705 (15 Minutes)
  5. ACCJC Midterm Report (15 Minutes)
  6. Online Education Initiative (15 Minutes)
  7. Zero-Cost Textbook Grant Update (15 Minutes)
  8. Student Centered Funding Formula (10 Minutes)


Other/Open Forum for Announcements


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Friday, August 17, 2018

Cougar Conference Room

Members Present: President: Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President: Vicki Jacobi, Secretary: Candace Duron,  David Layne, Adam Bledsoe, Tony Thompson, Dan Hall, Joy Reynolds, Danielle Kerr, Kamala Carlson, Shelley Getty, Ruby Payne, Mariza Martinez, Diane Jones, Jill Brown, Terri Smith, Julian Martinez, John Eigenauer, Chris Chungwee, Janis Mendenhall, Lourdes Gonzalez, Amar Abbott, Jennifer Altenhofel, Michelle Oja, Tina Mendoza, Robin Polski, Greg Golling, Chris Flachmann, Darcy Bogle, Sharyn Eveland, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Sara Wallace, Paul Blake, Mike Jiles, Juana Escobedo, Heather Silvis, David Mitchell, Adrian Agundez, Brandy Young, Antonio Alfaro, Joe’ll Chaidez, Kristi Richards, Debora Rodenhauser

Guests: Brandy Young, Jessica Grimes

The meeting was called to order at 11:11 A.M.

Public Commentary

  • None

Action Items

Approval of the April 30, 2018

  • No corrections, minutes approved.

Information/Discussion Items

Welcome to New Faculty

  • Sara Wallace – English
  • Donna Lesser – Dental Hygiene
  • Christi Adriano – Dental Hygiene
  • Heather Silvis – Speech

Interim Dean of Instruction and CTE – Jessica Grimes

  • PowerPoint presentation by Jessica Grimes, Interim Dean of Instruction and CTE
  • Projects under Jessica’s position include:
    • Guided Pathways
    • AB 705
    • CTE rebranding
    • CTE programs and grant projects
    • Faculty evaluations within Jessica’s service area
    • Adjunct faculty will report to Jessica
    • Professional development for adjunct faculty
  • There is help needed in the rebranding of CTE specifically with CTE faculty and students in CTE programs. The Chancellor’s Office will be on campus October 9th to create videos of CTE faculty and students.
  • The role of this position with regards to AB705 is to work towards a sensible solution, Jessica is just not sure what that looks like.
  • This role will assist with scheduling.

Guided Pathways

  • Over the summer, a Guided Pathways team extra duty assignment went out.
  • The Guided Pathways Team:

Paul Blake

Amar Abbott

Vicki Jacobi – appointed Chair

Darcy Bogle

Joe’ll Chaidez

Dean of Student Success

Dean of Instruction

  • Vicki Jacobi emailed the plan to the team recently of the 14 key elements.
  • The team will report out who is doing the items listed in the key elements and make sure we are documenting it.
  • Guided Pathways is a framework.
  • The team will:
    • work to implement the elements
    • report to Governance Council
    • communicate campus wide including work groups and committees
    • maintain a Guided Pathways website
    • Guided Pathways project timelines for activities
    • work with Profession Development Committee to provide professional development opportunities
  • Joe’ll clarified that the 14 elements are already in place, all the team is doing is reporting out a status on them and providing assistance when there are needs in order to complete the elements.
  • There is nothing in place yet on how to request funding for activities or how to be selected for involvement in an activity related the Guided Pathways elements.
  • The Guided Pathways Implementation Document was reviewed.
  • Vicki Jacobi, Joe’ll Chaidez, and Severo Blason put the key elements in rank order.
  • Guided Pathways has not been assigned a budget code, Amanda Bauer will create one.
  • The request column came from Vicki’s ideas to put a dollar amount next to the elements.
  • Both Deans are on the oversight committee so they can make the final decision with regards to money allocation.
  • Joe’ll clarified that the request column is not solidified, it was just Vicki trying to start the conversation of what we can do with some of the money.
  • The Guided Pathways Team will take the information to the Deans for them to problem solve.
  • Geoffrey Dyer urges faculty to be involved because there are 10+1 issues throughout Guided Pathways. Be mindful of the 10+1 matters and get information as appropriate.
  • Joe’ll’s idea of the Guided Pathways website is to provide transparency.

AB 705

  • Three memos went out over the summer:
  • The joint ASCCC and CCCCO Implementation Guidelines included information on English, Math, and BSTEM
  • The ESL implementation guidelines
  • Frequently Asked Questions document
  • The President of ASCCC was involved in the writing of the three memos and tried to ensure the optimal amount of local freedom while still adhering to the law.
  • If the implementation default parameter chart is followed then there is not need to collect data but if the implementation guidelines are not followed then two data pieces need to be collected:

1) The student was highly unlikely to succeed if placed directly into transfer level


2) Placement into something different, increases the throughput success rate

  • Kamala Carlson provided an update as to how the English department is responding to the increase need for English 1500 courses and the faculty support now being provided in the lab.
  • Clarification provided by Geoffrey Dyer, prerequisites still apply to transfer courses and remedial coursework can continue to be offered BUT students cannot be required to take them.
  • Tony Thompson reminded the group that the Accuplacer assessment test will no longer be available as of December 31st.
  • Reminder of the curriculum process and time-frame and that if working outside the default parameters, two different data types are required.
  • The Director of Institution Research position has been posted.
  • The Academic Development Committee (ADC) is a sub of Academic Senate and is charged with looking at basic skills. The Guided Pathways Team will work with ADC with regards to basic skills and AB 705.
  • Discussion: If a student decided to take a basic skills class and doesn’t pass, the options and implications will be discussed with the student by counselors and advisors and an email is sent to students from Admissions and Records. The student can choose to re-take the class or to take a different class. Non-transfer course grades do not transfer with the student and are not calculated in the transfer grade point average.

ACCJC Midterm Report

  • The midterm report is due October 15.
  • The report is expected to be brief and concise.
  • Geoffrey Dyer will continuously send out the most recent version
  • This is a regular/standard report.
  • Please check it for accuracy.

Zero-Cost Textbook Grant Update

  • Tabitha Raber, ADMJ adjunct, is overseeing the Administration of Justice for Transfer ZTC grant using open education resources with the exception of the sciences.
  • Textbooks are being purchased for the classes that will not sue the open education resources as a band-aid.
  • Dan Hall presented the volunteer list of faculty and the courses that make up the ZTC for ADMJ for transfer degree requirements.
  • The grant ends December 18th but a six month extension can be requested.
  • Open Education Resources (OER) can be used in an Online Education Initiative (OEI) class.

Online Education Initiative

  • The Online Education Initiative (OEI) is being rebranded to California Virtual Campus (CVC); the old California Virtual Campus website is being rebranded to Finish Faster.
  • Go to Canvas and log in, change the end of the URL to #2439 to view Canvas Course #2439 for the Quest Readiness modules.
  • Course Exchange process:
    • Establish local peer online course review team (POCR)
    • Course Design Academic offered by @one
    • Front of the line on Finish Faster course search website.
  • Congratulations to David Layne for going through this process.
  • Implementation team was emailed so that the Chancellor’s Office has a contact at the college in the areas requested.
  • Some faculty are using the OEI course design rubric as a guide even if their class is not OEI.
  • Darcy Bogle reminded the group that all required textbooks are in the library reserve for students to use in the library for up to two hours.

Student Centered Funding Formula

  • The link is provided in the agenda.
  • The FAQs are a good resource as well as Brock McMurray’s presentation at the In-service breakfast.
  • Three years held harmless.
  • The 20% supplemental allocation point chart was reviewed and discussed.

Other/Open Forum

  • The next Academic Senate Council meeting is August 22nd.
  • The next Academic Senate of the whole meeting is August 29th.

Meeting adjourned at 1:05 PM.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Approved August 29, 2018
