January 31, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate Council Meeting

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

12:00pm to 1:00pm,
Cafeteria Conference Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of November 15, 2017 Meeting


Information/Discussion Items
1. CCAP Agreement with TUHS for WELD 1500 & INTC 1000

Action Items
2. Nominations for CTE Liaison, Math/Science ASC Representative, and
Social Sciences ASC Rep
3. Online Education Initiative Consortium Expansion
4. Dual Enrollment Committee Charter
5. Academic Policies & Procedures Committee Charter Revisions

  1. Academic Senate Faculty Excellence Awards

Other/Open Forum for Announcements


Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, February 5, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room. Next Meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, February 21 in the Cafeteria Conference Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Council Minutes

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Cafeteria Conference Room

Members Present: President Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Secretary Candace Duron, Tony Thompson, Kristi Richards, Tori Furman, Juana Escobedo, Greg Golling, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Kanoe Bandy, Mike Jiles, Debora Rodenhauser, Dan Hall, Shawn Newsom

Guests: Tammy Sutherland, Sandy Mittelsteadt

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m.

Public Commentary

  • Sandy Mittelsteadt expressed excitement over the welding opportunity for Taft High School and Taft College and would like to keep the program going and perhaps increase it.

Approval of November 15, 2017 Meeting Minutes

  • On a motion by Tori Furman, seconded by Kanoe Bandy, the November 15th minutes were approved as corrected.

CCAP Agreement with TUHS for WELD 1500 & INTC 1000

  • TUHS CCAP had six students in WELD 1500 fall 2017 and five students in INTC 1000 spring 2018.
  • CCAP language reads, not to reduce access to the same class offered at the partnering school.
  • When asked, Superintendent/President Deb Daniels says we haven’t reduced access to TC students; classes were cut due to low enrollment.
  • Dena Maloney signed a grant with the Department of Education in which the WKCCD will expand collaboration for a five-year commitment (although funding was for three). If participation in the grant were not adhered to then there may be money that would have to be paid back.
  • The chancellor’s office just approved the updates to the Welding degree. The data is showing that the students from TUHS in this program are coming to TC. Still, it is challenging finding adjunct faculty.
  • If the TUHS student doesn’t pass the TC class, they will have to make up the class. Welding serves as an elective unlike English 1500, which serves as a requirement.
  • Can the class be open to both TUHS and TC students because both have low enrollment?
  • Because of the timeline, this item may be on the board agenda for first reading prior to a Senate vote.
  • This is a 10+1 curriculum issue that relies on the Academic Senate but the board is allowed to move forward if they can cite a fiscal concern and provide a written explanation.

Nominations for CTE Liaison, Math/Science ASC Representative, and Social Sciences ASC Representative

  • The CTE Liaison, Math and Science, Social Science and Learning Support Division Representatives have all served a 2-year complete term.
  • Call for nominations: Tori Furman, Greg Golling, Mike Jiles, and Juana Escobedo all accept nominations to continue serving their respective area/division.

Online Education Initiative Consortium Expansion

  • The consortium participation requires 10% of distance education courses to be offered in the exchange within two semesters and 20% within four semesters. Based on the current numbers, 20% would be 18 courses.
  • Benefits include:
    • Online resources to all students and faculty at no cost. This would include Cranium Café, which costs $18 thousand dollars and will expire next month.
    • Improve the quality of distance education classes.
    • Various classes/programs with low enrollment could offer on the exchange with the possibility of increasing enrollment.
    • Possible increase in completion as students can take a class that may not be offered at TC through the CID approved classes in the exchange. The students can register in a streamlined process without having to apply to the other participating campus.
    • Help with long-term enrollment sustainability.
  • With Bakersfield College’s new South West Center and the Governor’s announcement of an online college, we may want to increase what we are known for and do well. TC has a reputation for online classes.
  • Not all colleges that apply for the OEI consortium will be selected.
  • With 40% of FTES coming from online classes, some are afraid that if we do not participate we will be left behind. Others are worried that this will increase enrollment at TC during a time when there is no growth money.
  • There are conversations at the state level of a FTES funding formula.
  • The rubric attached to the exchange is intense. If selected to participate there would be professional development help and the consortium comes with access to instructional design and accessibility specialists.
  • On a motion by Tori Furman, seconded by Mike Jiles, the Online Education Initiative Consortium Expansion was approved to move forward to Senate-of-the-Whole.

Dual Enrollment Committee Charter

  • Recommended changes:
    • Curriculum Co-Chair as an additional member
    • Identified one of the full-time Faculty as “CTE”
    • Changed how the counselor is identified
    • Made Office of Instruction Representative non-voting
  • On a motion by Mike Jiles, seconded by Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, the Dual Enrollment Committee Charter, with the recommended changes, was approved to move forward to Senate-of-the-Whole.

Academic Policies & Procedures Committee Charter Revisions

  • There are updates to the membership and an addition of a faculty co-chair.
  • Is it typical for non-faculty members to vote on Academic Senate sub-committees?
  • On a motion from Mike Jiles, seconded by Vicki Jacobi, Academic Policies & Procedures Committee Charter Revisions were approved to move forward to Senate-of-the-Whole.

Academic Senate Faulty Excellence Awards

  • Jessica Grimes and Michelle Oja worked on a process and criteria for Faculty Excellence Awards for faculty who participate in 10+1 issues.
  • The process asks for recognition to occur during the Celebration of Success dinner; the recommendation was made for the recognition to occur during the August Senate-of-the-Whole meeting during in-service.
  • On a motion from Mike Jiles, seconded by Kelley Kulzer, abstained by Tori Furman and Kanoe Bandy, the Academic Senate Faculty Excellence Awards process and criteria was approved to move forward to Senate-of-the-whole.

Other/Open Forum for Announcements

  • None

The meeting adjourned at 1:01 p.m.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary.

Minutes approved February 21, 2018
