August 29, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Senate-of-the-whole Agenda

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

12:00pm to 1:00pm,
Cougar Room



Call to Order
Public Commentary

Action Items
1. Approval of Minutes of August 17, 2018 Meeting (1 minute)
2. California Academic Partnership Program  (8 minutes)
3. Credit Hour Calculations (10 minutes)
4. Academic Senate Noncredit, Legislative, and Guided Pathways Liaisons (5 minutes)

  1. Minimum Qualifications and Equivalency (10 Minutes)

Information/Discussion Items
  6. ACCJC Midterm Report (5 minutes)
7. Online Education Initiative (5 minutes)

  1. Sociology Position Announced (5 minutes)

Other/Open Forum for Announcements


The next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, September 19, at 12:00pm in the Cafeteria Conference Room. Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, October 1, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Cougar Conference Room


Members Present: President: Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President: Vicki Jacobi, Secretary: Candace Duron, Carly Flowers, Terri Smith, Mariza Martinez, Ruby Payne, Diane Jones, Sharyn Eveland, Heather Silvis, Paul Blake, Kamala Carlson, Jill Brown, Rebecca Roth, Kristi Richards, Natalie Woodall, Lori Sundgren, Janis Mendenhall, David Mitchell, Dan Hall, Lourdes Gonzalez, Michelle Oja, Tina Mendoza, Jennifer Altenhofel, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Amar Abbott, Antonio Alfaro, Joy Reynolds

Guests: Whisper-Lynn Null

The meeting was called to order at 12:09 P.M.

Public Commentary

  • None

Action Items

Approval of Minutes of August 17, 2018 Meeting

  • No corrections, minutes approved by consensus.

California Academic Partnership Program (CAPP)

  • The CAPP capacity building grant for up to $12, 000 has implications that deal with academic and professional matters.
  • Juana Rangel-Escobedo was able to attend the required training meeting.
  • Must be awarded this CAPP capacity building grant in order to be eligible to apply for the implantation grant.
  • This grant is exploratory, supports the guided pathways framework, establishes collaborative relationships and intersegmental alignment with local high schools.
  • The VPSS will make the decision to apply for CAPP. Severo Balason has reached out to Juana Escobedo and Lori Sundgren for help in completing the grant application.
  • On a motion by Terry Smith, second by Kristi Richards, the California Academic Partnership Program grant was approved in light of academic and professional matters.

Credit Hour Calculations

  • Vicki Jacobi and Juana Escobedo attended the Curriculum Institute in July. One of the workshops was on the calculation of the credit hour.
  • Reviewed the ppt presentation from ACCJC given at the Curriculum Institute with particular attention to the Revisions of CCR, Title 5 section 55002.5.
  • Reviewed Taft College AP 4020.
  • With curriculum submission this October, the college is being asked to submit both the AP and BP on Program and Curriculum Development.
  • On a motion by Terri Smith, second by Kamala Carlson, the update of credit hour calculation language to AP 4020 recommendation was approved to move forward the Curriculum Committee and come back to Academic Senate for approval of the draft in October.

Academic Senate Noncredit, Legislative, and Guided Pathways Liaisons

  • ASCCC encouraged local senates in Fall 2015 to establish a liaison for CTE, Non-Credit, and Legislative. During this same time, updates were being made to our local constitution and bylaws. The CTE liaison was written into the constitution and bylaws and provided a seat on Senate Council. Recently, ASCCC has also asked for a Guided Pathways Liaison.
  • Tori Furman is the CTE liaison.
  • Vicki Jacobi has signed up with the Chancellor’s office as the Guided Pathways Liaison.
  • Kelly Kulzer-Reyes will volunteer as the Legislative Liaison once approved by the Senate.
  • There currently is not a non-credit program at TC still, Vicki Jacobi will sign up to receive emails as part of Curriculum co-chair.
  • The guidelines on setting up a liaison gives discretion to local senates; it could be small groups of faculty or an individual.
  • One option is to take volunteers from Senate Council to serve as the liaisons.
  • On a motion by Ruby Payne, Seconded by Vicki Jacobi, abstained by Candace Duron, for the Noncredit, Legislative, and Guided Pathways Liaison positions to come from ASC on a volunteer basis was approved.

Minimum Qualifications and Equivalency

  • Referenced AP 7211 Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalencies.
  • Referenced West Kern Community College District Equivalency Determination form.
  • Referenced Title 5 section 53203
  • Three things are to be considered when determining equivalencies to meet faculty minimum qualifications: coursework, experience, eminence.
  • Discipline faculty have authority over determining faculty minimum qualifications and equivalencies; Human Resources should not be pre-screening and making the determination.
  • Terri Smith asked if minimum qualifications and equivalencies apply to substituting a class? Geoffrey Dyer will come back to the Senate with an answer.
  • On a motion by Michelle Oja, Seconded by Sharyn Eveland, the request to ASCCC for faculty minimum qualifications and equivalency training was approved.

Information/Discussion Items

ACCJC Midterm Report

  • Thank you to the team who has worked on the mid-term report: Dan Hall, Jessica Grimes, Brandy Young, Vicki Jacobi, and Geoffrey Dyer.
  • The most recent document of the ACCJC Midterm Report was emailed to Senate this morning.
  • Please look for any errors or if you have additional information let the team know.
  • Geoffrey Dyer will continue to send email updates of the report.

Online Education Initiative

  • Geoffrey Dyer will take the lead on the Online Education Initiative grant with the departure of Dan Hall. Jessica Grimes will be listed as the second.
  • Jessica Grimes will attend a mandatory meeting on September 15th.
  • Last meeting, Dan Hall mentioned the Quest Readiness Modules; please begin using these when relevant to your course content.
  • Geoffrey Dyer will send out the link to the Quest Readiness Modules in an email to faculty.
  • Reviewed the OEI application list of classes. The classes must have a CID to participate in OEI exchange.
  • Becky Roth asked if the replacement Distance Education Coordinator will take over the OEI grant once hired? Geoffrey Dyer doesn’t know the answer to that.

Sociology Position Announced

  • Daniels sent out an email that she will not follow the Academic Senate ranking number one of CTE Counselor and has chosen the number two ranking Sociology Professor.
  • Candace Duron is concerned about the rumor she has heard that the CTE Counselor was not selected by the President because a Counselor does not count on the right side of the 50% law.

Other/Open Forum


Meeting adjourned at 1:04 PM.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Approved October 1, 2018
