April 02, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate
Senate-of-the-Whole Meeting

Monday, April 2, 2018

12:00pm to 1:00pm, Cougar Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of the March 5, 2018 Meeting

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Taft College Academic Senate Webpage (2 Minute)
  2. Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Resolutions for Discussion and Voting at Spring Plenary (5 Minutes)
  3. Online Education Initiative Consortium Update (9 Minutes)
  4. AP 4020: Academic Renewal Procedure (5 Minutes)

Action Items

  1. AP 5011: Special Admit Procedure (9 Minutes)
    6. ACCJC Annual Report (10 Minutes)
  2. Institutional Student Learning Outcome: Computation (10 Minutes)

Other/Open Forum for Announcements


Next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, April 18 at noon in the Cafeteria Conference Room. Next meeting of the Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, May 7, at noon in the Cougar Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, April 2, 2018

Cougar Conference Room

Members Present: President, Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Kristi Richards, Jessica Grimes, Kamala Carlson, Bradley Zumbro, Mike Jiles, Amar Abbott, Sharyn Eveland, Antonio Alfaro, Joy Reynolds, Debora Rodenhauser, Tina Mendoza, Tori Furman, Carly Flowers, Diane Jones, Shelley Getty, Mariza Martinez, Dan Hall, Terri Smith, Lourdes Gonzalez, Janis Mendenhall, Darcy Bogle, Juana Escobedo, Bill Devine, Greg Golling, Brian Jean, Ruby Payne, David Mitchell

Guests: Brandy Young, Oleg Bespalov

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 P.M.

Public Commentary

  • None

Approval of the March 5, 2018 Senate Minutes

  • On a motion by Mike Jiles, seconded by Juana Escobedo, the March 5th minutes were approved with two grammar corrections.

Taft College Academic Senate Webpage

  • Brian Jean has worked with Jason Zsiba to update the interface to make the Senate webpage easier to use and agendas and minutes searchable.
  • The hope is to use the website as the mechanism for posting the agendas and documents in place of the large email send to the closed group sometime in the future.

Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Resolutions for Discussion and Voting at Spring Plenary

  • Take a look through the draft resolution packet and relay any input to AS President Geoffrey Dyer prior to voting on Saturday. If there are specific concerns, Geoffrey can bring them to the mic for debate.
  • Geoffrey Dyer read aloud the draft resolutions 7.04 and 7.05 as they relate to AB 705.
  • There are state Academic Senate concerns over the of lack of collegial consultation with the Chancellor’s Office on a number of topics.

Online Education Initiative Consortium Update

  • We approved a motion to apply for the Online Education Initiative Consortium. The status quo has been to make available five seats for the exchange when participating in the consortium. The day prior to the due date, the Request for Application was updated to reflect a target of 20 seats.
  • OEI will be rebranded and combined with California Virtual Campus (CVC)
  • Jeanene Robertson provided a spreadsheet going back three years for online class enrollment and waitlist in order to make a preliminary prediction of where the impact might be if we moved forward with the OEI.
  • Geoffrey Dyer presented a draft resolution: Small and Rural College Participation in OEI Course Exchange.
  • Darcy Bogle asked, how will priority registration work with courses on the exchange? Geoffrey Dyer thinks it will be consistent with whatever priority registration the student has at his or her college.
  • Brian Jean asked, if at some-point the 20 seats do not fill through the exchange, do the TC students get the seats? Geoffrey Dyer answered, yes, through the exchange.
  • There is a disclaimer that says colleges already at cap may place their own students in the seats.
  • The OEI is NOT the same as the 115th college; it is not for the same population of students.

AP 4020: Academic Renewal Procedures

  • Darcy Bogle recommended language change that is more consistent with the draft written by former Director of Admission and Records, Amber Anderson. The changes to AP 4020 were approved by Academic Policies and Procedures Committee.

AP 5011: Special Admit Procedure

  • The Taft College Counseling asked that the instructor signature be removed from the Special Admit procedure. TUHS asked that the age restriction also be removed.
  • The concerns with adult language/content and liability seem to be addressed on the form, requiring the parents’ signature.
  • Per Diane Jones, the Dual Enrollment Committee felt comfortable removing the instructor signature as Darcy Bogle assured the committee that we will be notified when a minor is in your course.
  • A request was made for the Dual Enrollment Committee to review Title 5 to see if Math 1060, Intermediate Algebra, can be removed as on option for special admit.
  • On a motion by Juana Escobedo, seconded by Mike Jiles, a no vote from Joy Reynolds, the changes to AP 5011 Special Admit Procedure was approved.

ACCJC Annual Report

  • The ACCJC Annual Report is due today.
  • Oleg shared the report which contains enrollment data, an update on where we are in our SLO cycle, and basic financial information.
  • On a motion from Vicki Jacobi, seconded my Tori Furman, the ACCJC Annual Report was approved.

Institutional Student Learning Outcome: Computation

  • Option 1 Current ISLO computation: Graduates should be able to solve problems involving data gathering and analysis, apply mathematical concepts, and use technology in the process.
  • Option 2 Proposed change to Computation ISLO from fall 2018 in-service meeting: Graduates should be able to use quantitative reasoning to solve problems involving data gathering and analysis, and apply mathematical concepts to a variety of everyday life situations.
  • ASC proposed a name change to Quantitative Reasoning.
  • Option 3 Adopt the CSU general education B4 language as. noted in EO 1100 Article 5 B4 Mathematical/Quantitative Reasoning: “ …students shall demonstrate the ability to reason quantitatively, practice computational skills, and explain and apply mathematical or quantitive reasoning concepts to solve problems.”
  • Proposed change to Computation ISLO- Fall 2018: Graduates should be able to use quantitative reasoning to solve problems involving data gathering and analysis, apply mathematical concepts to a variety of everyday life situations.
  • Vicki Jacobi would like to propose that during fall in-service we meet to discuss the possible integration of the Institutional SLOs and the General Education SLOs because there is overlap.
  • On a motion by Bill Devin, seconded by Tori Furman, no votes from Tina Mendoza and Sharyn Eveland, abstained by Joy Reynolds, the ISLO change to option 3, with the replacement of the word practice with the word use was approved.

Other/Open Forum


Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Minutes based on recording provided by Dan Hall

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Minutes approved as corrected April 30, 2018
