November 05, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Senate-of-the-whole Agenda

Monday, November 5, 2018

12:00pm to 1:00pm,
Cougar Room



Call to Order
Public Commentary

Action Items
1. Approval of Minutes of October 1, 2018 Meeting (1 minute)
2. Math Faculty Retirement Replacement (10 Minutes)

  1. Curriculum and General Education Committee Charter Updates (5 Minutes)

Information/Discussion Items
4. Distance Education Updates (5 Minutes)

  1. Highlights of ASCCC Fall Plenary (10 Minutes)
    6. Adopted ASCCC Resolutions (5 Minutes)
    7. AB 705 (7 Minutes)
    8. Guided Pathways (7 Minutes)

Open Forum for Announcements


The next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, November 21, at 12:00pm in the Cafeteria Conference Room. Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, December 3, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, November 5, 2018

Cougar Conference Room


Members Present: President: Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President: Vicki Jacobi, Secretary: Juana Escobedo, Adam Bledsoe, Ruby Payne, Diane Jones, Mike Mayfield, Jennifer Altenhofel, Robin Polski, Kamala Carlson, Tori Furman, Lori Sundgren, Carly Flowers, Terri Smith, Julian Martinez, Mariza Martinez, Sharyn Eveland, Heather Silvis, Paul Blake, Jill Brown, Kristi Richards, Janis Mendenhall, David Mitchell, Lourdes Gonzalez, Michelle Oja, Tina Mendoza, Jennifer Altenhofel, Amar Abbott, David Reynolds, Joy Reynolds, Gracie Mickelberry, Sara Wallace, Adrian Agundez, Greg Golling, Wendy Berry, Joe’ll Chaidez, Chris Flachmann, James May, Shelley Getty, Tony Thompson


Guests: Vickie Kimbrough

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 P.M.

Public Commentary

  • None

Action Items

Approval of Minutes of October 1, 2018 Meeting

  • On a motion by Jennifer Altenhofel, second by Robin Polski, the minutes were approved as corrected.

Math Faculty Retirement Replacement

  • On a motion by Diane Jones, second by Mike Mayfield, the math faculty retirement replacement was approved.

Curriculum and General Education Committee Charter Updates

  • On a motion by Ruby Payne, second by Kamala Carlson, the updates to the Curriculum and General Education Committee Charter were approved.

Information/Discussion Items

Distance Education Updates

  • Adam Bledsoe provided updates:
    • Pending board approval, Adam Bledsoe will be the new Director of Distance Education beginning January 2019
    • CVC/OEI – new courses have been put forward. Let Adam/Nichole know if you would like to volunteer to participate in NetTutor. Cranium Cafe training and logistics are being worked out
    • IT has stated that the Distance Education orientation page website is unstable. This website is most used for offline courses. Adam proposed a Canvas page to house a syllabus and information for offline courses. This would not apply to the inmate population. The student would need to be registered in the course before seeing the orientation information unless the course is made public.


Highlights of ASCCC Fall Plenary

  • Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Jacobi, and Tori Furman provided an update on the breakout sessions attended including the new funding formula, online education, inmate education, UC transferable coursework and ADTs, non-credit courses and prior learning credit, minimum qualifications for CTE instructors, guided self-placement, guided pathways, and diversification of faculty.

Adopted ASCCC Resolutions

  • Resolution regarding improving participatory governance with the Chancellor’s office was read.
  • The resolution around the use of the OEI rubric in local distance education courses was adopted.
  • The resolution encouraging us not to auto award degrees and certificates without student permission was adopted.
  • There is a resolution about maintaining rigor in coursework in light of AB 705.
  • There is a resolution about the use of multiple measures with high school g.p.a. for placement.
  • Counselors need to look at 18.05 about making placement policies public.
  • There is a resolution on guided self-placement.
  • Geoffrey Dyer will email the final document of all adopted resolutions.

AB 705

  • Only do validation studies if you are doing something new and data collection for two years.
  • Cannot do status quo for placement.
  • Lori Sundgren acknowledges the role of the Learning Center in providing support with respect to AB 705. There is a need for space, the Learning Center is now using the PDC. The Learning Center has increased hours and staffing. Guided Pathways is funding transfer level tutoring.

Guided Pathways

  • Suggestion to design the pathways around the student voice.
  • Consider math pathways when developing meta-majors.
  • Vicki Jacobi provided an update on the plan and the 14 key elements.

Other/Open Forum

  • None

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Recording provided by Adam Bledsoe

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Approved 12.03.18

Supporting Docs
