April 30, 2018 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate
Senate-of-the-Whole Meeting

Monday, April 30, 2018

12:00pm to 1:00pm, Cougar Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary
Approval of Minutes of the April 2, 2018 Meeting


Information/Discussion Items

  1. Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Spring 2018 Plenary Highlights & Adopted Resolutions (10 Minute)
  2. AB 705 Update (10 Minutes)
  3. Online Education Initiative Consortium & Distance Education Update (10 Minutes)
  4. Zero-Textbook-Cost Grant Update (15 Minutes)
  5. Academic Senate Faculty Excellence Awards Timeline (5 Minutes)

Other/Open Forum for Announcements


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, April 30, 2018

Cougar Conference Room


Members Present: President Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Secretary Candace Duron, Shawn Newson, Adam Bledsoe, David Layne, Terri Smith, David Mitchell, Paul Blake, Dan Hall, Mariza Martinez, Diane Jones, Ruby Payne, Kanoe Bandy, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Shelley Getty, Chris Flachmann, Mike Jiles, Tori Furman, Kamala Carlson, Joe’ll Chaidez, Jessica Grimes, Bradley Zumbro, Joy Reynolds, Debora Rodenhauser

Guests: None

The meeting was called to order at 12:09 P.M.

Public Commentary

  • None

Approval of the April 2,2018 Senate Minutes

  • On a motion by Mike Jiles, seconded by Jessica Grimes, the April 2nd minutes were approved with corrections.

Academic Senate For California Community Colleges Spring 2018 Plenary Highlights & Adopted Resolutions (Dyer & Jacobi)

  • Review the ASCCC 51st Spring Session Resolutions document adopted April 14, 2018.
  • Topics included the new budget formula, the 115th fully online college geared towards non-traditional CTE students, AB 705, and collegial conversations.
  • Resolutions read and discussed:

7.01 Support Equity-Minded Funding That Relies on Locally Identified Goals

6.03 Support AB 2767 California Community Colleges Funding Formula Study

6.02 Opposition to the Proposed California Online Community College District

6.07 Support AB 2621 Online California Community College

7.0 Consultation with the Chancellor’s Office

7.04 Identifying Appropriate Assessment Measures

7.05 Legal Interpretation of AB 705

7.06 Support Students’ Rights to Enroll in English as a Second Language (ESL) Coursework

7.07 Maintain Language Placement Tests as a Multiple Measure Option for English as a Second    Language (ESL)

  • Geoffrey Dyer accepted a one year term on the state AS executive committee as the Area A Representative.

AB 705 Update (Chaidez)

  • Students with greater than a 1.96 grade point average in high-school will be recommended to take transfer level coursework.
  • If the high-school transcript is not available, the student can self-report the information.
  • Prerequisites to entry transfer level math and English courses go away.
  • If the high-school transcript grade point average is a 2.6 or higher, support services do not need to be recommended.
  • Students can move back and forth through the sequence.
  • Colleges are to move to a guided self-placement process for assessment.
  • Things to consider include curriculum development, tutoring, SIs, and impact on the Library.

Online Education Initiative Consortium & Distance Learning Update (Hall)

  • Taft College has been accepted to the OEI Consortium.
  • OER/ZTC and OEI are two different projects but there is some overlap.
  • Resources available include: Net Tutor, VeriCite, Cranium Cafe, Proctorio, and Curriculum Design Academy.
  • Resolution 7.09 Small and Rural College Participation in Online Education Initiative Course Exchange asked the 20 seats be changed to a percentage.

Zero-Textbook-Cost Grant Update (Hall)

  • ZTC Grant team was selected for Administration of Justice for Transfer: Tabitha Raber, Mike Jiles, and Dave Wymore
  • Grant funds will be used to purchase textbooks for students in science courses.
  • The use of OpenStax to find textbooks has been beneficial.
  • A physical copy of OpenStax books are in the library for your review.
  • ADMJ faculty may begin writing their own ZTC materials when textbook materials do not exist.

Academic Senate Faculty Excellence Awards Timeline

  • The process adopted for the Academic Senate Faculty Excellence Awards cannot happen before the August in-service.
  • Think about having the awards during Faculty Appreciation week or August in-service of 2019.

Other/Open Forum

  • President Daniels extended an invitation for the AS Officers to meet with the VPI candidates for a hour to discuss 10+1 topics. Forward any of your specific questions to Geoffrey Dyer, Vicki Jacobi, Candace Duron, or Tony Thompson.
  • The ranking of faculty positions request will be held in January.

Meeting adjourned at 12:59 PM.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Approved August 17, 2018
