September 09, 2019 Meeting
Call to Order Public Commentary
Action Items
1. Approval August 23, 2019 Minutes (Attachment to Follow) (3 minutes)
2. Ballot for English Language Arts area Senate Council representative (5 minutes)
Information/Discussion Items
3. Welcome (2 minutes)
4. Introductions (5 minutes)
5. Update from Task Force on Grading and Student Workers (15 minutes)
6. Upcoming Items
a. Committee Membership and Responsibilities (5 minutes)
b. Proposed Process for Charters and Forms Approvals (5 minutes)
c. Accreditation Steering and Sub-Committees (5 minutes)
i. Role of Faculty in Accreditation (5 minutes)
7. Upcoming ASCCC Events and Attendance Opportunities (5 minutes)
Open Forum for Announcements (5 minutes)
Taft College Academic Senate Minutes
Monday, September 9, 2019
Cougar Conference Room
Members Present: President Sharyn Eveland, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Jennifer Altenhofel, Bill Devine, Michael Jiles, Diane Jones, Mariza Martinez, Michelle Oja, Ruby Payne, Juana Rangel-Escobedo, Candace Duron, Debra Rodenhauser, Amble Hollenhorst, Joy Reynolds, David Mitchell, Shelly Getty, Nathan Cahoon, Geoffrey Dyer, Lori Travis, Amar Abbott, and Becky Colaw.
Guests: Deb Daniels, Leslie Minor, and Brandy Young
The meeting called to order at 12:12 p.m.
Public Commentary
- No lunch provided at the Senate meeting. Eveland asked if someone would be interested in arranging lunch. There is $300.00 in the budget for each meeting. It would be okay to bring your own lunch. Devine said that he would have pizza delivered for the next meeting.
Review of Nov. August 23, 2019 Senate Minutes
- Motion to approve without changes by Oja, second by Rodenhauser.
Ballot for English Language Arts area Senate Council representative
- Eveland advised the Senate Council needs of an English Language Arts representative. Devine stated that he would accept the nomination for the position. Since there were no other nominations, a formal ballot process is not required. Devine is now the representative on the Senate Council.
- President Eveland welcomed members to the fall Academic Senate meeting.
- The Academic Senate welcomed four new members. Amble Hollenhorst is the new English instructor, Becky Colaw is a new adjunct faculty in Psychology, Nathan Calhoon is the new Math instructor, and Lori Travis is the new Speech instructor. All welcomed the new members.
Update from Task Force on Grading and Student Workers
- Eveland stated that the ad hoc group of Payne, Altenhofel, J. Martinez, Rodenhauser, Jones, and Eveland meet with Vice President Minor to discuss the issue. An email from VP Minor detailed the issues of what was agreed upon in the meeting. Eveland explained that if someone need clarification, they should go to their division chair or VP Minor directly. Jones advised that the concerns expressed in the meeting were a bit of a surprise but that the compromise was good in safe guarding student information. Oja asked what next steps would be. Jones stated that the issue was resolved. Oja asked about the process not being collegial consultation. Jones stated that in the future parties would work to better the process. The meeting allowed for good questions and clarifying the definitions with good open communication. Those in attendance at the Senate meeting were in agreement that the situation was collegial. VP Minor stated appreciation for the open, civil discussion.
Upcoming Items
- Committee Membership and Responsibilities
Eveland led the conversation to ensure senators on committees connect to the 10 + 1 responsibilities, specifically those subcommittees of the senate. Each charter states the minimum number of faculty assigned to the committees. On some committees, the membership of senators is less than the charter requires.
- Proposed Process for Charters and Forms Approval
Charter revisions and accurate charters need to go to the Academic Senate. Each person should serve on at least two committees (unless approved for an alternative assignment).
Emails will go out to the committee chairs to send in the most recent charters. Revised charter should also go to the senate secretary once approved by the subcommittees. Other charters from committees not under the Academic Senate should come to the Senate as informational items.
Devine asked if there was a problem with membership and meeting schedules in that some committees meet less often or have less work . Oja asked if it would be reasonable to move forward with the definitions in the constitution or by-laws. Dyer advised that it is the constitution and by-laws, however, there needs some updating on the website. He said that electronic copies of the minutes from the subcommittees sent to members and voted on in the meetings. Dyer explained that the new 508 committee went through the approval process with the Senate. Sharyn stated that it is an operational committee. Altenhofel asked where to find all the committees. Reply, Governance Guide on the IR website.
New forms need to go to the Senate Council for decision as to what committee needs to review it. For example, a change in the Distance Education Course Approval form needs to go to the Curriculum and General Education Committee.
- Accreditation Steering and Sub-Committees
- Role of Faculty in Accreditation
We are starting the self-evaluation process as required by ACCJC (), which is an 18 month process. Faculty will be asked to serve on sub-committees. ASCCC has a good white paper, Effective Practices in Accreditation: A Guide for Faculty, (available on the ASCCC website under publications) and members were advised to read pages 3-6 on faculty responsibilities.
Three phases for Institutional Self Evaluation Report (ISER)- Phase I: evidence collection, Phase II: using evidence to meet the Standards, and Phase III: editing the draft report into one voice. Asked if part of sub-committee meeting regularly would count as a committee assignment. Not up to the Senate. Dyer reported that people who serve on Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) are tasked under Governance Council to oversee ISER. Steering committee chairs are part of the subcommittee of SPC. Eveland stated the Senate needs to have representation on all three phases.
Devine stated that everyone should participate “All hands on deck” to serve. People agreed that not just a few people should do all the work. Serving would be valuable, as one would learn more about the college. It is our responsibility to ensure that we are living up to the standards set by faculty.
Discussion ensued about people who did not want to serve. This issue is a union issue not Academic Senate. VP Minor stated that she would want them to give evidence of why they could not serve on one of the sub-committees.
- Upcoming ASCCC Events and Attendance Opportunities
Eveland sent to division chairs list of Guided Pathway events and webinars for math, English, ESL, AB 705 and more for professional development. Office of Instruction has some funds for people to participate in these events if interested.
Dyer showed the ASCCC website for upcoming events. then link on tab on top for events.
Area A meeting is at Woodland College, October 11, 2019 from 10 – 3 pm. Eveland will be attending. Dyer is the Area A representative.
ASCCC Plenary is Nov 6-9 in Irvine. Topics cover the 10 + 1.
Late May ASCCC and the Chancellor’s Office will host Faculty Diversification Summit. Dates will be reported in upcoming Senate meeting.
Several OEI webinars are scheduled.
Oja asked if Adjuncts would be paid for attending as part of professional development. The item should be taken to the union.
- Open Forum for Announcements
Jones reported that printing is free in the math lab as part of a long-standing practice. Need to look into how to make other resources available in other areas rather than taking something away from students.
- Adjournment
Next meeting is October 7th. Meeting adjourned at 12:58 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 1:06.
Respectfully submitted by Vicki Jacobi