February 04, 2019 Meeting


Taft College Senate-of-the-whole Agenda

Monday, February 4, 2019

12:00pm to 1:00pm
Cougar Room


Call to Order
Public Commentary

January 16, 2019 Minutes

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Budget Update—Brock McMurry (5 Minutes)
  2. Taft College Foundation—Sheri Hornbunk (5 Minutes)
  3. Administrative Retreat Rights (5 Minutes)
  4. Minimum Qualifications, Equivalency & Assigning Courses to Disciplines (10 Minutes)
  5. Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Events (2 Minutes)
  6. Open Educational Resources (OER) Liaison (1 Minute)

Action Items

  1. Officer and Academic Senate Council Representative Elections (10 Minutes)
  2. a) President
    b) Secretary
    c) Adjunct Representative
    d) Applied Technologies Representative
    e) English Language Arts Representative
    f) Liberal Arts Representative
  3. Nomination for Emeritus Faculty (5 Minutes)
  4. Criteria for Ranking Faculty Position Requests (5 Minutes)

Open Forum for Announcements

The next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, February 20, at 12:00pm in the Cafeteria Conference Room. Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, March 4, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, February 4, 2019

Cougar Conference Room


Members Present: President: Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President: Vicki Jacobi, Secretary: Candace Duron, Darcy Bogle, Lori Sundgren, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Amar Abbott, Heather Silvis, Sara Wallace, Julian Martinez, Sharyn Eveland, Terri Smith, David Mitchell, Joy Reynolds, Kristi Richards, Natalie Woodall, Jill Brown, Gracie Mickelberry, Debora Rodenhauser, Mike Jiles, Tony Thompson, Kanoe Bandy, Bill Devine, Diane Jones, Ruby Payne, Danielle Kerr, Mariza Martinez, Tina Mendoza, Jennifer Altehnofel,

Guests: Deb Daniels, Brock McMurray, Sheri Hornbunk

The meeting was called to order at 12:10 P.M.

Public Commentary

  • None

January 16, 2019 Minutes

  • On a motion by Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, second by Jennifer Altenhofel, the minutes were approved as corrected.

Information Items

Budget Update

  • Brock McMurry provided a budget update including information on the new Student Centered Funding formula.

Taft College Foundation Innovation Grants

  • Sheri Hornbunk provided information on the Foundation Innovation Grants guidelines. The application is due April 22nd.

Administrative Retreat Rights

  • Diane Jones will update the language to be consistent with an Administrative Procedure and bring it back to Senate in March.

Minimum Qualifications, Equivalency & Assigning Courses to Disciplines

  • The Curriculum and General Education Committee will proceed with assigning courses to disciplines.
  • It is recommended when serving on a screening committee to have the AP and faculty disciplines list available as a reference.

Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Events

  • February 21st at Bakersfield College, Faculty Diversity training
  • March 22nd Area A meeting
  • April 11-13th ASCCC Plenary

Open Education Resources (OER) Liaison

  • As a member of AS Council, Mike Jiles has volunteered to be the OER Liaison.
  • ASCCC is offering compensation for this role as part of a grant.

Action Items

Officers and Academic Senate Council Representative Elections

  • A call for nominations for the following: President, Secretary, Adjunct Representative, Applied Technologies, English Language Arts Representative, Liberal Arts Representative
  • Congratulations:

President: Sharyn Eveland

Secretary: Terry Smith

Adjunct Representative: Kristi Richards

Applied Tech Representative: Kanoe Bandy

Liberal Arts Representative: Debora Rodenhauser

English Language Representative: vacant


Nomination for Emeritus Faculty

  • On a motion by Diane Jones, seconded by Sharyn Eveland, the nomination for Brian Jean as Emeritus Faculty was approved.


Criteria for Ranking Faculty Position Requests

  • Geoffrey Dyer is concerned that people are addressing the same metrics in different ways with the application of different data to the same metrics.
  • Academic Senate Counsel recommendation is to ask Division Chairs to provide the AS with a faculty position ranked request for voting.
  • Geoffrey Dyer explained that the process must include clear and specific criteria, guidelines, and a timeline. The ASCCC paper from April 2018 provides a list of possible criteria that may be used.
  • More discussion needed; no action taken.

Other/Open Forum

  • None

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Supporting Docs
