March 20, 2019 Meeting


Taft College Academic Senate Council Meeting

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

12:00pm to 1:00pm
Cafeteria Conference Room



Call to Order
Public Commentary

Action Items
1. Minutes of February 20, 2019 Meeting (forthcoming)

  1. Scheduling of April Academic Senate Council Meeting
  2. Auto-awarding of Degrees and Certificates (Vicki Jacobi, Barbara Amerio) pg.
  3. Online CTE Pathways Grant
  4. ACCJC Annual Report (attachment forthcoming)

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Criteria and Process for Prioritizing New Faculty Position Requests
  2. ASCCC Pre-session Resolutions for Discussion at Area A Meeting on

March 22

Open Forum for Announcements


Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, April 1, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room. Next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is TBD.


Taft College Academic Senate Council Minutes

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Cafeteria Conference Room


Members Present: Geoffrey Dyer, President, Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Tony Thompson, Kanoe Bandy, Debora Rodenhauser, Michael Jiles, Tori Furman, Kristi Richards,


Guests: Adam Bledsoe, Brandy Young, Barbara Amerio, Amar Abbott (guest or member?)


The meeting called to order at 12:01 p.m.


Public Commentary

  • None


Action Items


Minutes of February 20, 2018 Meeting

  • Dyer made minor changes to the minutes and they were adopted as amended.


Scheduling of April Academic Senate Council Meeting

After review of Doodle poll, all approved the next meeting set for April 29th, in view of spring break and it being the 5th Monday of the month so there were no conflicts with other meetings.


Auto-awarding of Degrees and Certificates

Introduction by Thompson as to why this began an agenda item due to statewide academic senate discussion on listserve.  Dyer read fall 2018 resolution number 09.01 (sent out in previous packet). Jacobi shared that Curriculum Committee had discussion of auto awarding certificates only.  The item has not come up as an action item.  Furman shared that Student Services after 6 months to a year discussion, agreed to auto award and did auto award certificates in CTE.  Furman has meeting scheduled with Harold Russell (new Admission and Record Director, (not sure of title) on April 4th.  Process is not automatic.  It requires review.  Amerio advised that awarding certificates would not affect financial aid.  Financial aid may limit the number of degrees it would pay for.  Needed to be completed within the 90 unit time frame.  Discussion of process to auto award making the process less manual.  Discussed possible implications to awarding with unknown consequences.  Most saw only positive in auto awarding.  Furman to delay meeting with Russell.  Motion was made by Jacobi and second by Bandy to move issue to Senate of the Whole with a recommendation to follow resolution.  Discussion of process through CCCMyPath and CCCApply.  All voted yes, except Furman with a No vote.


Online CTE Pathways Grant


Dyer provided background to the Online CTE Pathways Grant and letter of interest, advising that grants that have to do with 10 + 1 should come to the Senate of the Whole.  Bledsoe advised that the first meeting to write the grant is on Friday, March 22nd, with 6 members including Jessica grimes, David Layne, Jennifer Altenhofel, (and three others).  Purpose of the grant is to track new credential for on-line  with a focus on CTE.  CTE had discussed perhaps Occupational Safety, and Health identified as one possible certificate path.  Would attempt to improve course by alignment with CVC-OEI rubric.  Bandy liked that the grant might help improve low enrollment courses.  Furman stated that Medical Coding was discussed in CTE Committee meeting.  Disability Services discussed as another possible credential since all the courses are already taught on line.  Request level $0 to $100,000 in grant funds.  Bandy liked the idea there would be compensation for faculty to work on this.  Not all courses would work in online modality.  Jiles stated the concerns about trying to use Zero Textbooks as many books are not available to CTE area as he has found out in the ZTC grant.  Application is due May 1st.  Motion by Bandy, Second by Furman to move item to Senate of the Whole.  All yes with Jiles abstaining.


ACCJC Annual Report


Dyer presented the ACCJC Annual Report due April 5th.  Young provided explanation of areas.  Discussion over item 7a, List of any individual program, which has experienced a 50% increase or decrease in the last year.  Reponses was none.  Some SPC members met earlier in the day to review the data.  Decided to leave response of none.  Furman suggested a more accurate description would be Data Not Available or not available.  Report going to Governance Council on Friday, March 22 for review and discussion.  Document may go back to SPC on April 1st.  Motion made by Bandy and seconded by Jacobi to move forward to the Senate of the Whole.  All yes votes.


Information/Discussion Items


Criteria and Process for Prioritizing New Faculty Position Requests


Dyer presented information in the packet and wants to see more consistency in the data presented, perhaps have form pre-populated by the IR office.  Bandy asked for clarification of inconsistent data.  Dyer replied, inconsistency in how loads were presented adjuncts vs full time overload, faculty teaching in other divisions not included.  Data was not all in APRs. Bandy explained there are different realities of the different divisions.  Division chairs could have discussions and bring information to Senate Council to do the ranking and the present to the Senate of the Whole.  Agreed to move forward. (not an action item but seems to me we agreed to move forward to Senate of the Whole?)


ASCCC Pre-session Resolutions for Discussion at Area A Meeting March 22rd.


Dyer reported that he and Sharyn Eveland would be attending. (Dyer is the Area A representative and Chairs the Resolutions Committee).  Dyer pointed out several resolutions of interested for Guided Pathways 5.01 and 5.02.  Presented a new resolution written by Abbott regarding accessibility of materials from publishers.  Dyer provided a handout of the resolution.


Open Forum for Announcements






The meeting adjourned at 1:02 p.m.


Recorded by Adam Bledsoe, Notes/minutes by Vicki Jacobi

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Supporting Docs
