October 07, 2019 Meeting


Taft College Senate-of-the-whole Agenda

Monday, October 7, 2019

12:00pm to 1:00pm
Cougar Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval September 9, 2019 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Superintendent/President update – Deb Daniels(5 minutes)
  2. Accreditation Sub-committee Membership (3 minutes)
  3. Updates from Academic Senate Sub-Committee (30 minutes total; 5 minutes each)
    1. ADC – Lori Sundgren
    2. CTE – Tori Furman
    3. Distance Learning – Joy Reynolds
    4. Dual Enrollment – TBD
    5. SLO/ASC – Joe’ll Chaidez
    6. Professional Development Committee – R. Polski
  4. Taskforce to Develop Equivalency Process — J. Altenhofel (3 minutes)
  5. Presentation: DSPS Services – A. Alfaro (7 minutes)

Open Forum for Announcements (5 minutes)


Next Meeting:  November 4, 2019


Taft College Senate-of-the-whole Agenda

Monday, October 7, 2019

12:00pm to 1:00pm
Cougar Room

Call to Order 12:10 pm


Amar Abbott, Antonio Alfaro, Jen Altenhofel, Michelle Beasley, Darcy Bogle, Nathan Cahoon, Joe’ll Chaidez, Becky Colaw, Bill Devine, Candace Duron, Geoffrey Dyer, Juana Escobedo-Rangel, Tori Furman, Amble Hollenhorst, Vicki Jacobi, Mike Jiles, Diane Jones, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Julian Martinez, Mariza Martinez, Janis Mendenhall, David Mitchell, Michelle Oja, Ruby Payne, Robin Polski, Joy Reynolds, Kristi Richards, Terri Smith, Lori Sundgren, Lori Travis


Dr. Deb Daniels, Dr. Leslie Minor

Public Commentary


Action Items

  1. Approval September 9, 2019 Minutes (3 minutes)

The minutes were approved without objection.                                                                                                         ACTION

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Superintendent/President update – Deb Daniels(5 minutes)

Dr. Daniels provided an update on the student center. She mentioned that we are currently going for two bonds because of the failure of the first contractor to complete the project. One of the bonds would be for the loan to secure funding to complete the student center. The other bond is to refinance the Measure A bond to save the district and taxpayers money.


Blake: Could the funds be placed in an escrow account?

J. Reynolds: What happens if the insurance company currently covering this loss becomes insolvent?

Chaidez: Is construction to be completed one year from now or 365 days from the next start date?

  1. Accreditation Sub-committee Membership (3 minutes)

An invitation was presented for individuals to contact Eveland about joining the accreditation subcommittee on Standard 1. Any interested participants can contact Eveland for more information.

  1. Updates from Academic Senate Sub-Committee (30 minutes total; 5 minutes each)

a. ADC – Lori Sundgren

Update: ADC has worked on using tutor data to impact decisions. This committee continues to support the local conference, “Building Bridges.” TutorTrac data questions and needs for student tutoring support can be sent to L. Sundgren.

b. CTE – Tori Furman

Update: CTE is streamlining the funding request process. This committee has funded projects in ECE and Direct Support Education (DSE) over the past year. Future funding requests should be placed in goals through the Annual Program Review (APR) process.

CTE has also renewed its charter, and it hopes to expand involvement. All faculty are encouraged to attend their meetings. Survey will be sent to solicit feedback on best meeting times for maximum faculty participation. Currently, CTE meets on the first Thursday from 12:10-1 pm. Contact Tori Furman if you are interested in attending, have questions, or are considering joining the committee.

c.  Distance Learning – Joy Reynolds

Update: Distance Education Committee meets the second Monday of the month from 12:10-1 pm. This committee has recently simplified the distance learning approval form for courses offered in offline, online or hybrid modalities. It is currently working on the Distance Education Accessibility Plan.

d. Dual Enrollment – TBD

Update: Diane Jones updated on this committee’s work. Dual Enrollment meets the first Wednesday of the month from 12-1pm in the Cougar Room. There is an active Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the high school to offer dual enrollment courses on the TUHS site.

There is interest in further developing this partnership. If you have ideas of classes to teach in the dual enrollment program, contact Greg Golling.

e. SLO/ASC – Joe’ll Chaidez

Update: The SLOASC Committee has recently reviewed its charter. There were two additions to the charter: 1) Service Unit Outcomes and 2) Library/Learning Center outcomes.

The committee is reviewing the assessment guidebook on SLOs ten pages at a time. As the committee reviews, updates are added.

SLO data day feedback received through survey. The committee is currently exploring best process for participation in the SLO data day efforts.

f. Professional Development Committee – R. Polski

Update: Polski, tri-chair of PDC, reported on fall, winter, and May in-service opportunities. If there is a specific need for professional development, please contact her or another PDC member. This committee has limited funds. Updated on safety, locks, and interest-based bargaining included. In January, there is interest in having John Eigenauer share his recently published research on irrationality during in-service.

J. Altenhofel has agreed to lead faculty reports in January.

Faculty with in-service PD requests and ideas should send an informal email to Robin Polski.

  1. Taskforce to Develop Equivalency Process — J. Altenhofel (3 minutes)

The goal of this taskforce is to develop a process any screening committee can use.  Dyer recommended using the Minimum Qualifications toolkit available on the ASCCC website.  Payne requested discussion of CTE equivalency discussion with Faculty Association to ensure both 10+1 and bargaining needs are clear.

  1. Presentation: DSPS Services – A. Alfaro (7 minutes)

Alfaro and Mendenhall reported on how students with disability accommodations cards qualified for those cards. Alfaro also mentioned October is disability awareness month and there are events happening throughout the month. Please consider encouraging students to attend (handout distributed).

Adjournment 1:04 pm
