March 04, 2019 Meeting


12:00PM TO 1:00PM
Call to Order
Public Commentary
February 4, 2019 Minutes (Attachment to Follow)
Information/Discussion Items
1. Upcoming ASCCC Events (2 Minutes)
a) AB705 Data Revision Project Recoding Regional, March 18, Santa Clarita
b) Area A Meeting, March 22, Stockton
c) 2019 Spring Plenary, April 11-13, Millbrae
2. Local Assignment of Courses to Disciplines: Update—Vicki Jacobi (5 Minutes) pg. 2
3. Distance Education—Adam Bledsoe (15 Minutes)
a) Improving Online CTE Pathways Grant Program pg. 28]
b) CVC-OEI Progress
c) Distance Education Course Review Process pg. 44
4. Faculty Diversity Hiring (5 Minutes) pg. 50
Action Items
5. Faculty Hiring Prioritization Process (10 Minutes) pg. 63
6. Administrative Retreat Rights (10 Minutes) pg. 107
Committee Reports (can be discussed if time allows)
7. Academic Senate Subcommittees
a) Academic Development Committee pg. 111
b) Career Technical Education Committee pg. 113
c) Curriculum & General Education Committee pg. 117
d) Distance Education Committee pg. 119
e) Dual Enrollment Committee pg. 121
f) Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee pg. 125
8. Governance Council Subcommittees
a) Budget Committee pg. 127
b) Strategic Planning Committee pg. 130
Open Forum for Announcements
The next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, March 20, at 12:00pm in the Cafeteria Conference Room. Next meeting of the
Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, April 4, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Monday, March 4, 2019

Cougar Conference Room


Members Present: President: Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President: Vicki Jacobi, Secretary: Candace Duron, David Layne, Mariza Martinez Jennifer Altenhofel, Tina Mendoza, Mike Jiles, Tabitha Raber, Dave Wymore, Julian Martinez, Joe’ll Chaidez, Juana Escobedo, Michelle Oja, Terry Smith, Bill Devine, Robin Polski, Diane Jones, Steve Lytle, Ruby Payne, Shelley Getty, David Mitchell, Amar Abbott, Brian Jean, Heather Silvis, Janis Mendenhal, Kanoe Bandy, Tori Furman, Kristi Richards, Natalie Woodall, Sharyn Eveland, Jill Brown, Antonio Alfaro,


Guests: Adam Bledsoe, Leslie Minor


The meeting was called to order at 12:10 P.M.


Public Commentary

  • None


February 4, 2019 Minutes

  • Minutes adopted by unanimous consent.


Information Items


Upcoming ASCCC Events

  • Contact Sharyn Eveland and Geoffrey Dyer if you are interest in attending the following upcoming events:
    • AB705 Data Revision Project Recoding Regional, march 18, Santa Clarita
    • Area A Meeting, March 22, Stockton
    • 2019 Spring Plenary, April 11-13, Millbrae


Local Assignment of Courses to Disciplines Update

  • Vicki Jacobi shared that the General Education and Curriculum Committee will begin the process of assigning disciplines to the CORs. The committee will not decide minimum qualifications.


Faculty Diversity Hiring

  • Geoffrey Dyer attended the training hosted by Bakersfield College. Dyer reported that Heather and Alex from HR were also in attendance.
  • Studies show that students, especially underrepresented minority students, are more successful when they have an instructor they can relate to.
  • Michelle Oja was just on the screening for Sociology faculty. She would like not to have the demographic information such as gender and race viewable because of unconscious bias.
  • Dyer suggesting bringing concerns to the meeting with Dr. Minor, HR, Division Chairs, and the AS President when they discuss the process.


Distance Education

  • Improving Online CTE Pathways Grant Program
    • The letter of intent to participate in this grant is due March 15th.
    • Develop a fully online CTE certificate following the CVC-OEI process and rubric.
  • CVC-OEI Progress
    • Peer Online Course Review (POCR) team to be established to help with the length of time it is taking for the state to approve the courses.
    • @one is offering a POCR training.
    • Administration will be looking at possible incentives to modify existing online classes to meet the OEI rubric standards.
    • The Professional Development Committee may provide an opportunity during in-service.
  • Distance Education Course Review Process
    • The Distance Education Committee is looking at changing/updating the DE course approval form.
    • It is within the DE Committee charter to establish standards for online instruction.
    • The form/process is not the part of the General Education and Curriculum Committee. The GE and Curriculum committee does not approve the changes/updates to the form; the Board of Trustees has the authority.


Action Items


Faculty Hiring Prioritization Process

  • ASC recommended that the Division Chairs rank faculty positions in collaboration with each other and input from administration on the needs/direction of the college, then bring their ranked list back to AS for approval.
  • The ASCCC paper on hiring processes and priorities recommend having a clear criteria and process in mutual agreement with the board.
  • The criteria need to be agreed to and be explicit.
  • On a motion by Diane Jones, seconded by Sharyn Eveland, the faculty hiring prioritization process was postponed.


Administrative Retreat Rights

  • Reviewed draft of AP7251 and updates to the BP7250.
  • Daniels will ask for a legal review.
  • On a motion by Jennifer Altenhofel, seconded by Juana Escobedo, the recommended new Administrative Retreats Rights new AP and updates to the BP were approved.


Committee Reports


Academic Senate Subcommittees

  • Strategic Planning Committee Development Committee
  • Career Technical Education Committee
  • Curriculum & General Education Committee
  • Distance Education Committee
  • Dual Enrollment Committee
  • Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Steering Committee


Governance Council Subcommittees

  • Budget Committee
  • Strategic Planning Committee


Other/Open Forum

  • Tori Furman announced the CTE grant form criteria for 19-20 academic year will be reviewed during the CTE Committee Thursday at 12:30pm in S11.


Meeting adjourned at 12:59 PM.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Supporting Docs
