November 04, 2019 Meeting


Taft College Senate-of-the-whole Agenda

Monday, November 4, 2019
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Cougar Room

Call to Order
Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval October 7, 2019 Minutes (3 minutes)      ACTION
  2. Superintendent/President update (10 minutes)      INFORMATION
  3. Discussion of Proposed Resolutions (15 minutes)      ACTION
    Action requested: Identification of concerns, interests, or specific questions about the proposed resolutions
  1. Resolutions for Debate and Possible Adoption at Fall Plenary Session (5 minutes)      ACTION
    Action requested: Directions for supporting or not supporting specific drafts of Resolution.

Information/Discussion Items

  1. Governance Council Update (5 minutes)      INFORMATION
  2. Presentation: EEO Committee re-imaged – A. Abbott and H. del Rosario (10 minutes)      INFORMATION

Open Forum for Announcements (5 minutes)     NO ACTION


Next Meeting:  December 2, 2019


12:00PM TO 1:00PM


Amar Abbott, Nathan Cahoon, Becky Colaw, Bill Devine, Geoffrey Dyer, Sharyn Eveland, Tori Furman, Shelley Getty, Amble Hollenhorst, Mike Jiles, Diane Jones, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Julian Martinez, Mariza Martinez, Michelle Oja, Ruby Payne, Robin Polski, Joy Reynolds, Kristy Richards, Debora Rodenhauser, Lori Travis


Brandy Young

Deb Daniels

Call to Order 12:10 pm

Public Commentary: none

Action Items

  1. Approval October 7, 2019 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION

Motion to approved the perfected October 7th minutes. D. Jones. Second, R. Polski. Approved without objection.

  1. Superintendent/President update (10 minutes) INFORMATION

Dr. Daniels gave an update on program review funded activities. The total amount for 2017-18 projects was $375,000 dollars. Last year’s projects included the S4 remodel, additional faculty members and models for course work. These science projects totaled over $150,000. The TC Foundation acquired $156,000 from Chevron which will lead to increased offerings in January.

The benefit of the program review process is communication about funding needs from faculty. The list goes to the Governance Council, and the list helps the college understand what projects need to be funded. Dr. Daniels mentioned that the funded projects allow faculty to “start to see” the benefit of the program review process.

There will be a change in the program review process to a three-year cycle so faculty will begin looking at funding in a three-year pattern instead of a one-year pattern instead of planning with annual projects there will be a change to annual updates about these projects.

Academic Senate president Dr. Eveland asked about funding for this year the response was there is no additional money available this year. Apparently, this year will only have $50,000 available for program review projects. Currently we are experiencing a bottleneck and specialty funding has been used for safety issues.

Dr. Daniels also mentioned the active shooter training, part b on January 17th from 10 am until 5 pm. There will be four simulations during the training.

The Student Center is proceeding the trailer has arrived it should be 400 days from start to finish.

  1. Discussion of Proposed Resolutions (15 minutes) ACTION

On Wednesday the Academic Senate of the Whole leadership team will leave for Fall Plenary. Faculty members who have opinions or concerns about proposed resolutions please send an email to S. Eveland. At the time of our Academic Senate meeting on November 4th, there are seven items on the consent agenda; some will likely move off the consent agenda at the area meetings held at Fall Plenary.

We have until Thursday of Fall Plenary to bring new resolutions forward.

During the Academic Senate meeting, a few resolutions were of interest to senators. L. Sundgren sent feedback to S. Eveland prior to the meeting. Feedback was appreciated.

Eveland request a motion to direct the Taft College delegate’s votes for Fall Plenary.

After broad discussion about the plenary process, the current proposed resolutions in the Fall Plenary packet, and verification of quorum, the Senate of the Whole acknowledged that having a voice at plenary includes review of the resolutions and communicating concerns or support for these resolutions is important.



Oja moved that there are no current concerns with the proposed resolutions. Jiles seconded.

Unanimous approval.

Second motion:

Abbott made a motion that the Taft College delegate has no specific directions about how to vote. Oja seconded.

Furman abstained.

Dyer opposed.

19 senators voted in favor of this resolution.


Governance Council Update

Governance guide

Charter updates should be shared with S. Criss.

Committees send charters to senate council

Collegiality in Action Training Session

Tabled: EEO Committee presentation with H. del Rosario and A. Abbott

Adjourned 1:00 pm
