October 16, 2019 Meeting


Taft College Senate Council Agenda

Wednesday, October 16, 2019
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Cafeteria Conference Room

Call to Order

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval September 18, 2019 Minutes (Attachment to Follow) (3 minutes) ACTION


  1. Lunch & Learn Topics (VPI and Dean) INFORMATION

Forwarded to the Professional Development Committee.

  1. Distance Education Committee Charter INFORMATION

Returned to the DE committee with recommendations from Senate Council discussion and links to asccc.org DE community.

  1. Distance Education Form (Director of DE) INFORMATION

Forwarded to the Curriculum Committee for action.

  1. Senate subcommittees and Brown Act requirements INFORMATION

Public posting of Agendas is required for all subcommittees of the Academic Senate. The Committee websites are available with limited content. Agendas posted to the committee sites, if named using the convention (see attachment) will auto-populate to the Academic Senate webpage. Contact Jason Zsiba for passwords and training.

  1. Process for Charters and Forms Approvals INFORMATION

Official Academic Senate documents guide and inform many functions of the institution.  Recognizing which documents, among multiple versions, is the officially recognized document decreases confusion and contention among stakeholders.  Official documents also provide connection across the institution that are referenced in official guides.  Timeliness of updates and validation of changes affects the accuracy of these guides.  Committee charters are used to update and ensure accuracy of the Governance Guide.

Old Business

  1. Administrative Procedure 7120 Recruitment and Hiring Procedure draft ACTION

The VP of Human Resources has created AP 7120 to document the recruitment and hiring procedures.  The new AP includes sections specific to faculty roles in the recruitment and hiring processes, areas with specific Academic Senate responsibilities.

Update: This AP is returned to the Senate Council following a series of meetings between Academic Senate President, VP of Human Resources, and Superintendent/President in which the concerns expressed in the last Senate Council meeting were addressed.

Action requested:  Review for reconciliation with concerns by the Senate Council members (see attachments re: summary of initial meeting with VP of HR; minutes of September 18, 2019 meeting), review and forward to Senate of the Whole with recommendation(s) for action.

New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. Repository for Official Academic Senate Documents ACTION

Identifying the current, approved version of committee charters is impeded, as there is no single, institutionally recognized repository for documents approved by the Academic Senate.

Action requested: Formally adopt the N-drive as the repository for officially recognized charters and other Senate documents.

  1. Develop and Adopt a Timeline for Charters Approvals ACTION

No clearly defined timeline existed for formal recognition of Academic Senate subcommittee charters.  A timeline would provide clear guidance to committee chairs for the regular review and submission of charters to the Senate for formal recognition.

Action requested: Develop and document a timeline for review and submission of charters to the Senate Council for approval.

  1. Resolutions for Debate and Possible Adoption at Fall Plenary Session ACTION

Drafts of proposed resolutions are available for review prior to the Fall Plenary session of the ASCCC.  Although all proposed resolutions are important to the functioning and direction of the Academic Senate, not all resolutions of necessarily equal in priority to the Taft College Academic Senate.

Actions requested:

1) A brief review of the proposed resolutions by category is requested in which the Senate Council selects categories for deeper review.

2) Review of the proposed resolutions in selected category(ies),

3) Forward to Senate of the Whole with recommendation(s) for action.

Note: All proposed resolutions will be forwarded to the Senate of the Whole for consideration and possible action. Recommendations from the Senate Council shall be provided only for those identified by the Senate Council for special focus.

Discussion Items

  1. Upcoming Items

    1. Committee Membership – having enough representatives to be effective or at least meet the charter numbers (i.e. 3 identified faculty positions, 1 person with 3 hats)

    2. Meeting Committee Responsibilities in relation to 10+1 – effectiveness and member knowledge?




Taft College Senate Council Minutes
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Cafeteria Conference Room

Call to Order 12:10 pm

Public Commentary

No members of the public were present at this meeting

ASC members present:

Kanoe Bandy, Greg Golling, Kristi Richards, Debora Rodenhauser, Kelly Kulzer- Reyes, Mike Jiles, Bill Devine, Tori Furman, Juana Escobedo, Sharyn Eveland


Ruby Payne

Action Items

  1. Approval September 18, 2019 Minutes (Attachment to Follow) (3 minutes) ACTION


  1. Lunch & Learn Topics (VPI and Dean) INFORMATION

Forwarded to the Professional Development Committee.

Questions about the topics were brought up. Clarification about the administration’s desire to support new faculty was provided.

  1. Distance Education Committee Charter INFORMATION

Returned to the DE committee with recommendations from Senate Council discussion and links to asccc.org DE community.

  1. Distance Education Form (Director of DE) INFORMATION

Forwarded to the Curriculum Committee for action.

  1. Senate subcommittees and Brown Act requirements INFORMATION

Agendas posted to the committee sites, if named using the convention (see attachment) will auto-populate to the Academic Senate webpage. Contact Jason Zsiba for passwords and training.

  1. Process for Charters and Forms Approvals INFORMATION

Official Academic Senate documents guide and inform many functions of the institution.  Recognizing which documents, among multiple versions, is the officially recognized document decreases confusion and contention among stakeholders.  Official documents also provide connection across the institution that are referenced in official guides.  Timeliness of updates and validation of changes affects the accuracy of these guides.  Committee charters are used to update and ensure accuracy of the Governance Guide.

Old Business

  1. Administrative Procedure 7120 Recruitment and Hiring Procedure draft ACTION

Discussion about AP 7120 included concerns about equity, the difference between equal and equity, and clarity of the AP. We had volunteers to put concerns about this AP in writing to share with the VP of Human Resources. There were multiple concerns about the clarity of the language used in AP 7120.


Eveland shared how she uses the ASCCC White Paper on committee selection when she forwards names to the hiring committee.

Motion to table this discussion by Jacobi

Second – Jiles

Motion passed


The VP of Human Resources has created AP 7120 to document the recruitment and hiring procedures.  The new AP includes sections specific to faculty roles in the recruitment and hiring processes, areas with specific Academic Senate responsibilities.

Update: This AP is returned to the Senate Council following a series of meetings between Academic Senate President, VP of Human Resources, and Superintendent/President in which the concerns expressed in the last Senate Council meeting were addressed.

Action requested:  Review for reconciliation with concerns by the Senate Council members (see attachments re: summary of initial meeting with VP of HR; minutes of September 18, 2019 meeting), review and forward to Senate of the Whole with recommendation(s) for action.

New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

Motion to table items 8 and 9 until November’s ASC meeting by Rodenhauser.


Motion passed.

  1. Repository for Official Academic Senate Documents ACTION

Identifying the current, approved version of committee charters is impeded, as there is no single, institutionally recognized repository for documents approved by the Academic Senate.

Action requested: Formally adopt the N-drive as the repository for officially recognized charters and other Senate documents.

  1. Develop and Adopt a Timeline for Charters Approvals ACTION

No clearly defined timeline existed for formal recognition of Academic Senate subcommittee charters.  A timeline would provide clear guidance to committee chairs for the regular review and submission of charters to the Senate for formal recognition.

Action requested: Develop and document a timeline for review and submission of charters to the Senate Council for approval.

  1. Resolutions for Debate and Possible Adoption at Fall Plenary Session ACTION

Kulzer-Reyes mentioned concern about the need for 1.04.

Motion to move resolutions to the Senate of the Whole – Bandy

Second – Rodenhauser

Motion passed

Drafts of proposed resolutions are available for review prior to the Fall Plenary session of the ASCCC.  Although all proposed resolutions are important to the functioning and direction of the Academic Senate, not all resolutions of necessarily equal in priority to the Taft College Academic Senate.

Actions requested:

1) A brief review of the proposed resolutions by category is requested in which the Senate Council selects categories for deeper review.

2) Review of the proposed resolutions in selected category(ies),

3) Forward to Senate of the Whole with recommendation(s) for action.

Note: All proposed resolutions will be forwarded to the Senate of the Whole for consideration and possible action. Recommendations from the Senate Council shall be provided only for those identified by the Senate Council for special focus.

Discussion Items

  1. Upcoming Items
    1. Committee Membership – having enough representatives to be effective or at least meet the charter numbers (i.e. 3 identified faculty positions, 1 person with 3 hats)
    2. Meeting Committee Responsibilities in relation to 10+1 – effectiveness and member knowledge?


