January 16, 2019 Meeting


11:00AM TO 1:00PM
Call to Order
Public Commentary
Action Items
1. December 3, 2018 Meeting Minutes (1 minute) pg. 2
2. California Academic Pathways Partnership (CAPP) Guided Pathways Alignment Grant—Vicki
Jacobi (15 Minutes) pg. 4
3. Officer and Academic Senate Council Representative Nominations (5 Minutes) pg. 25
a) President
b) Secretary
c) Adjunct Representative
d) CTE Liaison
e) Applied Technologies Representative
f) English Language Arts Representative
g) Liberal Arts Representative
4. New Faculty Position Request Ranking (70 Minutes)
a) Business (attachment to follow)
b) English pg. 26
c) Chemistry (attachment to follow)
d) Kinesiology (attachment to follow)
e) Learning Center Coordinator pg. 34
f) Life Science (attachment to follow)
Information/Discussion Items
5. Zero-Cost Textbook (ZTC) Grant Update—Mike Jiles (10 Minutes)
6. Vice President of Instruction Candidate Forums: January 14-17 (3 Minutes)
7. ASCCC Visit: January 17, 1-3pm (5 Minutes)
8. Relevant Committee Minutes as Update (Can be discussed if time allows)
a. Academic Senate Committees
i. Academic Development Committee pg. 36
ii. Curriculum & General Education Committee pg. 37
iii. Career Technical Education Committee pg. 40
iii. Distance Education Committee pg. 43
iv. Dual Enrollment Committee pg. 44
b. Governance Council Committees
i. Budget Committee pg. 46
ii. Strategic Planning Committee pg. 49
Open Forum for Announcements
The next meeting of the Academic Senate Council is Wednesday, January 30, at 12:00pm in the Cafeteria Conference Room. Next meeting of the
Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, February 4, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Minutes

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Cougar Conference Room


Members Present: President: Geoffrey Dyer, Vice President: Vicki Jacobi, Secretary: Candace Duron, Chris Chung-Wee, Wendy Berry, Sara Wallace, Brian Jean, Mariza Martinez, Julian Martinez, Amar Abbott, Diana Champion, Christi Adriano, Joe’ll Chaidez, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, Joy Reynolds, David Mitchell, Steve Lytle, Antonio Alfaro, David Reynolds, Brandy Young, Heather Silvis, David Layne, Janis Mendenhall, Shelley Getty, Debora Rodenhauser, Danielle Kerr, Vicki Jacobi, Jennifer Altenhofel, Robin Polski, Tony Thompson, Kanoe Bandy, Tina Mendoza, Michelle Oja, Greg Golling, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, John Eigenauer, April Hanawalt, Michael Jiles, Terry Smith, Kamala Carlson, Jill Brown, Lori Sundgren, Kristi Richards, Tori Furman, Sharyn Eveland, Tabitha Raber, Dave Wymore, Diane Jones, Lourdes Gonzalez, Darcy Bogle.


Guests: Brandy Young


The meeting was called to order at 11:11 A.M.

Public Commentary

  • None


Action Items

December 3, 2018 Meeting Minutes

  • On a motion by Jennifer Altenhofel, second by Robin Polski, the minutes were approved as corrected.


California Academic Pathways Partnership (CAPP) Guided Pathways Alignment Grant

  • Implementation grant to continue to develop relationships with Taft Union High School.
  • Vicki Jacobi presented the grant application/document.
  • Severo Balason assigned Vicki Jacobi as the lead on the CAPP grant.
  • The CAPP grant team includes: Vicki Jacobi, Lori Sundgren, Juana Escobedo, Tammy Sutherland, Severo Balasoin, and the state assigned person to help in implementation named Yolanda.
  • On a motion by Michelle Oja, second by Sharyn Eveland, opposed by Diane Jones and Greg Golling, The CAPP Guided Pathways Alignment Grant was approved.


Officers and Academic Senate Council Representative Nominations

  • Call for nominations:
    • David Layne nominated Kelly Kulzer-Reyes for President; she accepted.
    • Jennifer Althenhofel nominated Sharyn Eveland for President; she accepted.
    • Mike Jiles nominated Kristi Richards for Adjunct Representative; she accepted.
    • Kamala Carlson nominated Deborah Rodenhauser for Liberal Arts Representative; she accepted.
  • Nominations for all open positions will be accepted until and during the February meeting, prior to voting.

New Faculty Positions Request Ranking

  • Business – presentation by Kanoe Bandy
  • English – presentation by Kamala Carlson
  • Chemistry – presentation by Greg Golling
  • Kinesiology – presentation by Kanoe Bandy
  • Learning Center Coordinator – presentation by Joe’ll Chaidez and Lori Sundgren
  • Life Science – presentation by Greg Golling

Information/Discussion Items

Zero-Cost Textbook (ZTC) Grant Update

  • Mike Jiles and Tabitha Raber provided an update on the grant.
  • A six month extension was granted through June.
  • The state Vision Resource Center (VRC) website has a lot of good resources and ZTC materials. Tabitha will send out the web link.
  • There are still a few general education areas need a course using ZTC materials for the grant.
  • The hope is to offer the ADMJ degree with ZTC in fall 2019 and have it noted in the catalog.


Vice President of Instruction Candidate Forums: January 14-17

  • The AS Officers will have met on behalf of the Senate.
  • Please attend the forums if your schedule allows.


ASCCC Visit: January 17, 1-3pm

  • The training will cover the disciplines list, minimum qualifications and equivalencies, and assigned courses to divisions/disciplines.
  • Serving on a faculty hiring screening committee is important work and is part of 10+1.


Relevant Committee Minutes as Updated

Other/Open Forum

  • None

Meeting adjourned at 12:49 PM.

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Supporting Docs
