November 20, 2019 Meeting







12:00PM TO 1:00PM



Academic Senate Council Members present:

Bill Devine, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Mike Jiles, Debora Rodenhauser, Greg Golling, Juana Escobedo, Sharyn Eveland, Kristi Richards


Call to Order

Public Commentary Action Items

1.      Approval October 16, 2019 Minutes (3 minutes)                                                     ACTION

Approved by consensus


  1. Distance Education Committee Charter INFORMATION

Update on revision.


There is a name update to reduce confusion between DE (Dual Enrollment) and DE (Distance Education) committees. Distance Education has updated their name to Distance Learning and Education Committee.


  1. Process for Charters and Forms Approvals INFORMATION

The process for revision and approval of charters is located in the Bylaws of the Taft College Academic Senate. Information from officially recognized charters is included in the Taft College Governance Guide.


Eveland shared the link to the Bylaws for information purposes.


Old Business

4.      Administrative Procedure 7120 Recruitment and Hiring Procedure draft               ACTION

The VP of Human Resources has created AP 7120 to document the recruitment and hiring procedures. The new AP includes sections specific to faculty roles in the recruitment and hiring processes, areas with specific Academic Senate responsibilities.

Update: This AP is returned to the Senate Council following a series of meetings between Academic Senate President, VP of Human Resources, and Superintendent/President in which the concerns expressed in the last Senate Council meeting were addressed.

Action requested: Review for reconciliation with concerns by the Senate Council members (see attachments re: summary of initial meeting with VP of HR; minutes of September 18, 2019 meeting), review and forward to Senate of the Whole with recommendation(s) for action.


Faculty continue to express concern about video interviews.

When Taft College posts a new position or class, faculty present at Academic Senate Council also suggested clarifying on the posting whether the position is face-to-face or fully online (FO). In future years, Academic Senate may want to consider also using the Distance Learning definitions ‘partially online’ (PO) and ‘online with in-person proctored assessment’ (OPA) in coordination with the Office of Instruction.  (These are the proposed Distance Learning definitions from the Spring 2019 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Resolution: Support New Distance Education Definitions.)


Golling made a motion to move AP 7120 to the Senate of the Whole with a second by Jiles. Motion passed by unanimous vote.


New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Report ACTION

Report on progress of Taft College for scaling of the Guided Pathways adoption activities.

Action requested: Review and move forward to the Senate of the Whole for approval.


Golling made a motion to move Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Report to the Senate of the Whole with a second by Rodenhauser. Motion passed by unanimous vote.


  1. Student Equity and Access – Program Report INFORMATION Upcoming required report on progress of Taft College for scaling of the Guided Pathways adoption activities. Notification of this required report was received last week. The timeline for reporting will not allow the completed report to come to the Senate Council before going to the Senate-of-the-Whole. This is notice that the report will be an action item on the next Senate-of-the-Whole

Action requested: NONE.


Eveland informed the Council that the report has not been completed yet. IR is working on the data. It is due soon.


7.      Charters for Approval of Revisions                                                                          ACTION

Charters have been submitted with proposed revisions. Review the proposed revisions in light the purpose of the committee and 10 +1 expectations.

Action requested: Approve with revisions or return to committee with recommendations.


Escobedo made a motion to move charters to the Senate of the Whole with a second by Golling. Motion passed by unanimous vote.


  1. Repository for Official Academic Senate Documents ACTION

Identifying the current, approved version of committee charters is impeded, as there is no single, institutionally recognized repository for documents approved by the Academic Senate.

Action requested: Formally adopt the N-drive as the repository for officially recognized charters and other Senate documents.


There was a discussion of the Academic Senate Officers & Senate Council drive (a.k.a. N-drive).

Devine made a motion to formally adopt the N-drive (Academic Senate Officers & Senate Council drive) with a second by Rodenhauser. Motion passed by unanimous vote.


9.      Develop and Adopt a Timeline for Charters Approvals                                           ACTION

No clearly defined timeline existed for formal recognition of Academic Senate subcommittee charters. A timeline would provide clear guidance to committee chairs for the regular review and submission of charters to the Senate for formal recognition.

Action requested: Develop and document a timeline for review and submission of charters to the Senate Council for approval.


Jiles made a motion to develop and document a timeline for review and submission of charters to the Senate Council for approval with a second by Golling. Motion passed by unanimous vote.


Discussion Items

10.   Upcoming Items

  1. Committee Membership – having enough representatives to be effective or at least meet the charter numbers (i.e. 3 identified faculty positions, 1 person with 3 hats)

Committee membership is complicated. It is difficult to ensure there is adequate representation by Academic Senate members distributed appropriately throughout the Academic Senate subcommittees.  This further complicated by the need or requirement for faculty representation of other committees.


  1. Meeting Committee Responsibilities in relation to 10+1 – effectiveness and member knowledge?


Adjournment 1:02 pm
