January 30, 2019 Meeting


12:00PM TO 1:00PM
Call to Order
Public Commentary
Action Items
1. Minutes of November 21, 2018 Meeting pg. 2
2. OER Liaison pg. 4
3. Succession Planning pg. 6
4. Administrative Retreat Rights Policy pg. 7
5. Nomination for Emeritus Status pg. 17
6. Criteria for Faculty Position Requests pg. 22
7. Minimum Qualifications, Equivalency, & Assigning Courses to
Disciplines pg. 68
Information/Discussion Items
8. ASCCC Faculty Diversity Hiring Regional: BC, Feb. 21 pg. 107
9. Proposed Title 5 Regulations for AB 705 pg. 108
Open Forum for Announcements
Next meeting of the Academic Senate-of-the-whole is Monday, February
4, at 12:00pm in the Cougar Room. Next meeting of the Academic Senate
Council is Wednesday, February 20, at 12:00pm in the Cafeteria
Conference Room.


Taft College Academic Senate Council Minutes

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Cafeteria Conference Room


Members Present: Vice President Vicki Jacobi, Secretary Candace Duron Tony Thompson, Kanoe Bandy, Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, Greg Golling, Debora Rodenhauser, Juana Escobedo, Sara Wallace


Guests: None


The meeting was called to order at 12:07 p.m.


Public Commentary

  • None


Action Items


Minutes of November 21, 2018 Meeting

  • On a motion from Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, second by Kanoe Bandy, the minutes were approved.


OER Liaison

  • Mike Jiles as the ASC representative has volunteered to be the OER Liaison.
  • Mike Jiles as the OER Liaison moves forward to Senate of the Whole by consensus.


Succession Planning

  • There are currently two nominations for president: Sharyn Eveland and Kelly Kulzer-Reyes.
  • Vicki Jacobi shared that Geoffrey Dyer nominated Terry Smith as Secretary; she accepted.
  • Kanoe Bandy accepts the Applied Technology Representative on ASC.
  • Debora Rodenhauser accepts Liberal Arts Representative on ASC.


Administrative Retreat Rights Policy

  • The BP 7250 is updated using the Community College League of California’s most updated template information.
  • The Faculty Association has a draft board policy that reads more like contract language and appears to be more of a Administrative Procedure (AP) rather than a Board Policy (BP).
  • On a motion by Kanoe Bandy, second by Debora Rodenhauser,  the Administrative Retreat Rights Policy was approved to move forward to Senate of the Whole with the recommendation to change to an Academic Procedure and update the language to be consistent with other APs.


Nomination for Emeritus Status

  • The Math and Science Division has nominated Brian Jean for Emeritus status.
  • On a motion by Kelly Kulzer-Reyes, second by Candace Duron, the nomination of Brian Jean for Emeritus status was approved to move forward to Senate of the Whole.


Criteria for Faculty Position Requests

  • When recruiting and hiring, keep in mind BP 7100 and 7120, the ASCCC paper, and Faculty Minimum Qualifications list.
  • There is an interest in having conversations with a small group (at one time that group was the Division Chairs), gathering all the Division needs, and understanding the vision/goals of the college (through continually dialog with the President) when making the faculty position requests.
  • On a motion by Vicki Jacobi, second by Tony Thompson, the criteria for faculty position requests be developed by Division Chairs with recommendation for faculty positions to come from the Division Chairs as an action item to the Academic Senate, was approved to move forward to Senate of the Whole.


Minimum Qualifications, Equivalency, & Assigning Courses to Disciplines

  • It is on the Curriculum agenda to develop a process to assign courses to disciplines including a notation on the Course Outline of Record. Then the Curriculum Committee will look at minimum qualifications and equivalency within the disciplines looking at minimum qualifications and course content knowledge.
  • Questions have been raised about the pre-screening done by Human Resources.HR staff attended the ASCCC training. HR cannot pre-screen for equivalency.


Information/Discussion Items


ASCCC  Faculty Diversity Hiring Regional: BC, February 21st.


Proposed Title 5 Regulations for AB 705

  • Take a look at the guided self-placement language.


Other/Open Forum for Announcements

  • None


The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.


Recorded notes provided by Juana Rangel-Escobedo

Submitted by Candace Duron, Secretary

Supporting Docs
