September 21, 2022 Meeting




Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Cafeteria Conference Room

12:10PM TO 1:00PM

Call to Order

Public Comment

Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval August 15, 2022 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION

Informational Items:

  1. AP 7211 FSA, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalency INFORMATION


  1. General Education Requirements of the Associate Degree, Baccalaureate Degree, and Associate Degree for Transfer ASCCC webinar Oct 3, repeated Oct 6 (link to webinar information)                                                                                                                                          DISCUSSION
  2. All things ASCCC OERI (link to webpage) DISCUSSION
  3. Curriculum Resources for California Community Colleges (link webpage) DISCUSSION
  4. Other system-wide issues impacting Academic Senate 10 +1 (link to ASCCC home page)
  5. Brown Act Training for Academic Senate Subcommittee Chairs DISCUSSION
  6. Clarity on Academic Senate Purview re: All Things Curriculum DISCUSSION

What’s happening now and what should be happening.

Old Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action


New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole

  1. Committee Charters ACTION
    • Academic Development Committee
    • Dual Enrollment Committee

Forward to Academic Senate of the Whole with recommendation to approve.

  1. Assignment of Responsibility to Committees ACTION 
    • ADC – Identify and Recommend Best Practices for Supporting Success [AB 705, AB 1705]
    • Faculty PDC – Professional development standards for online and hybrid instruction; ensuring accessibility in all modalities; infusing DEIA-A in instructional activities; curriculum development ‘how to’; access and funding for discipline specific professional development
    • DLE – Creation and institutionalization of POC-R
    • CTE – Recommendations on new or revised CTE curriculum programs

Forward to Academic Senate of the Whole with recommendation to approve.

  1. Establishing Regular Meetings with Senate Subcommittee Chairs DISCUSSION

Other Announcements



