August 19, 2022 Meeting




Cougar Room

11:10AM to 1PM


Call to Order

Roll Call (3-minutes)

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes May 2, 2022, Meeting (2 minutes) ACTION

Information Items

  1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION
  2. Updates:
    1. Baccalaureate Degree
    2. Senate Goals progress updates (2016-17 and 2021-2022)
  3. Taft College Centennial Birthday Celebration August 19th, 2022!!! INFORMATION
  4. CVC-OER for COVID-19 Emergency Conditions Allowance Application [CCCCO Memo 2022‑23 COVID-19 Emergency Allowance] – WKCCD Board Approved INFORMATION
  5. Introduction of Academic Senate officers and Senate Council representatives: INFORMATION

President; Sharyn Eveland Vice President: Vicki Jacobi Secretary: Amar Abbott

Senate Past President: Geoffrey Dyer

Academic Senate Council Representatives:

Allied Health & Applied Technology: Kanoe Bandy English Language Arts: Bill Devine

Business, Arts, and Humanities: Lori Travis Math/Science: Nate Cahoon

Learning Support Division: Joe’ll Chaidez Social Science: Jennifer Altenhofel

Adjunct Faculty: OPEN

ASCCC Liaisons:

Legislative Liaison:  OPEN

OER/OEI Liaison: Michelle Oja

CTE Liaison: OPEN

Academic Senate Standing Committee Chairs:

AP&P: Michelle Beasley and VPSS. Damon Bell

ADC: Danielle Kerr

CTE: Darcy Bogle

Curr. & GE: Vicki Jacobi and VPI Leslie Minor DLE: Adam Bledsoe

Dual Enrollment: Greg Golling

Faculty Professional Development: Ruby Payne SLOASC: Tina Mendoza

Action Items

  1. Taft College Academic Senate 2-Year Goals ACTION

Action requested: Approve for 2022-2023 with no modification

  1. Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Phase 1 Grant Application ACTION

Action requested: Apply for ZTC Phase 1.

Information/Discussion Items                                                                                NO ACTION

  1. Review of Academic Senate purview: 10 +1 INFORMATION
  2. Educational Master Plan Process (Li) DISCUSSION
  3. Committees: Types, Purpose, & Roles and the Academic Senate 10+1 DISCUSSION
  4. Requests for Reports – Committee Reports: – September DISCUSSION

On what should committee report(s) focus?

13.  Up for ‘Perfection’ Prior to Debate: Resolutions and Recommendations DISCUSSION

Process for determining and documenting decisions, recommendations, and requests from the Senate-of-the-Whole.

14.  Other Topics of Interest Q&A (5 minutes) DISCUSSION

Open Forum for Announcements                                                                          NO ACTION



