November 07, 2022 Meeting




MONDAY, November 7, 2022

Cougar Room

12:10 PM to 1 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call (3-minutes)

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes October 3, 2022, Meeting ACTION

Information Items

  1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION
  2. January Ranking of Faculty Position Needs INFORMATION
  3. Senate Council Update INFORMATION


Action Items

  1. Assignment of Responsibility to Committees DISCUSSION/ACTION
    1. Recommendations for Faculty Professional Development sessions AY 22-23/23-24:
      1. Academic Senate 10+1 – What is and what is not 10+1
      2. Minimum Qualifications – what, how, why, and when?
  • Equivalency to Minimum Qualifications – what, how, why, and when?
  1. Curriculum –
    1. Local Processes and Systemwide Processes for course and program approval
    2. Assigning Discipline(s) to courses
    3. Everything C-ID, TMC and ADT
  2. Academic Freedom

Information/Discussion Items                                                                  NO ACTION

  1. Resolutions Adopted at ASCCC Fall 2022 Plenary PRESENTATION
  2. Committee Report: Curriculum Committee (Jacobi)                                     REPORT
  3. Requests for Reports – Committee Reports: – December DISCUSSION

On what should committee report(s) focus?  (5 minutes)

  1. Other Topics of Interest Q&A (5 minutes) NO ACTION


Open Forum for Announcements                                                                NO ACTION




