February 07, 2022 Meeting





Zoom:  https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/91785542581

12:10PM to 1PM

Call to Order

Roll Call (3-minutes)

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes January 14, 2022 Meeting (2 minutes) ACTION

Information Items

  1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION
  2. Academic Senate Elections in March INFORMATION

Nominations in February for:

  • Academic Senate Vice President
  • Career and Technical Education Liaison
  • Learning Support Senate Council Representative
  • Math/Science Senate Council Representative
  • Social Science Senate Council Representative
  1. Ranking of New Faculty Position Needs – Ethnic Studies

Action Items

  1. Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Steering Committee Charter ACTION
  2. Approval of Curriculum Committee Charter ACTION
    1. Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Steering Committee
  3. Academic Senate Procedures – Documenting for Reference, Review, and Revision ACTION
    1. Academic Senate subcommittee Documentation Responsibilities
    2. Academic Senate Committee Chair Terms and Election

Information/Discussion Items NO ACTION

  1. Strategic Action Plan 20-21 Status Results (Li, X.) PRESENTATION
  2. Committee Report: None REPORT
  3. Requests for Reports – Committee Reports: – March DISCUSSION

On what should committee report(s) focus?  (5 minutes)

  1. Other Topics of Interest Q&A (5 minutes)

 Open Forum for Announcements NO ACTION







Call to Order

The meeting was called to order it 12:10 PM


Roll Call:

The Secretary of the Academic Senate of the Whole took the role; at the time, he (Dr. Abbott) did not realize that there were only 22 members.  Unfortunately, the Academic Senate did not meet quorum.


Abbott, Amar; Altenhofel, Jennifer; Cahoon, Nathan; Colaw, Rebecca; Devine, Bill; Duron, Candace; Flachmann, Christopher; Getty, Shelley; Mendenhall, Janis; Mendoza, Tina; Mitchell, David; Page, Jason;

Richards, Kristi; Sundgren, Lori; Travis, Lori; Oja, Michelle; Jacobi, Victoria; Reynolds, Joy; Martinez, Mariza

Payne, Ruby; Dyer, Geoffrey


Daniels, Debra; Minor, Leslie; Van Ry, Veronica

Public Commentary

There was no public comment


Action Items

Approval of Minutes January 14, 2022, Meeting (ACTION)

The Academic Senate President ask two times for the minutes to be approved unanimously. The motion was passed unanimously by the membership. Unfortunately, the Academic Senate of the Whole did not meet quorum. Therefore, approval of the minutes is moot. The minutes will have to be voted on next meeting for approval.

Information Items

Superintendent/President Update (INFORMATION)

The Superintendent/President, Dr. Deb Daniels, stated that we were returning to face-to-face classes on February 14, 2022. Also, Dr. Daniels told everyone about the Centennial gala celebration that will be having in a few weeks; more information will be forwarded out to the community with additional details. Finally, she (Dr. Daniels) stated that there would be a dissent Centennial activity challenge that will, and in May that will be exactly 100 days in celebration of our one-hundredth anniversary as a community college.

Academic Senate Elections in March (INFORMATION)

Dr. Sharyn Eveland stated the following positions would be up for election in March, so (Academic Senate) we will be taking nominations today. You can email her with your candidate’s name. We (Academic Senate) will accept nominations up to the beginning of the March meeting, when voting will occur later in the agenda. She (Dr. Eveland) further states that if there’s only one candidate for any position, they will automatically be granted the seat.

  • Academic Senate Vice President
  • Career and Technical Education Liaison
  • Learning Support Senate Council Representative
  • Math/Science Senate Council Representative
  • Social Science Senate Council Representative

Dr. Michelle Oja nominated Dr. Vicki Jacobi for Academic Senate Vice President. Dr. Jacobi accepted the nomination. Dr. Eveland asked the body was there any other nominations at this time. The academic Senate membership did not nominate anyone else for an open position during the meeting.


Ranking of New Faculty Position Needs – Ethnic Studies

The Academic Senate membership forwarded one position; it was ethnic studies. Dr. Eveland forwarded the position request to Dr. Daniels for her consideration to hiring this position.


Action Items

Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Steering Committee Charter (ACTION)

The Academic Senate did not meet Quorum, so the body took no action.


Approval of Curriculum Committee Charter (ACTION)

The Academic Senate did not meet Quorum, so the body took no action.


Academic Senate Procedures – Documenting for Reference, Review, and Revision (ACTION)

Dr. Eveland explained what the Academic Senate Council is reviewing procedures on how we conduct the selection of division chairs and how subcommittees perform their business. Currently, none of these processes are written down, and that’s what the Academic Senate Council is looking at how to archive what has been written and the operations that were conducted. The bullet points below are the documents presently being looked at by the Academic Senate Council.

  • Academic Senate subcommittee Documentation Responsibilities
  • Academic Senate Committee Chair Terms and Election

Information/Discussion Items

Strategic Action Plan 20-21 Status Results (Li, X.) (PRESENTATION)

Dr. Xiaohong Li did not present at our meeting.

Committee Report:(REPORT)

              There were no committee reports requested for this month’s meeting.

Requests for Reports – Committee Reports: – March (DISCUSSION)

Dr. Oja requested that Dual Enrollment be scheduled to report out for the next meeting.

Other Topics of Interest Q&A

Dr. Jacobi stated the Curriculum Committee oversees assigning courses to disciplines, not minimum qualifications. The meeting is on zoom on Thursday (February 10, 2022) and welcomes everybody to come.


The Meeting was adjourned at 12:32 PM

Submitted by Dr. Amar Abbott

Minutes approved: March 7, 2022
