March 07, 2022 Meeting




MONDAY, March 7, 2022


12:10PM to 1PM

Call to Order

Roll Call (3-minutes)

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes January 14, 2022 Meeting ACTION
  2. Approval of Minutes February 7, 2022 Meeting ACTION

Information Items

  1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION

Action Items

  1. Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Steering Committee Charter ACTION
  2. Academic Senate Procedures – Documenting for Reference, Review, and Revision ACTION
  3. Academic Senate subcommittee Documentation Responsibilities
  4. Academic Senate Committee Chair Terms and Election
  5. SLO Revision/New Course Template ACTION
  6. Board Policy Modifications ACTION
  7. BP 1200 District Mission
  8. BP 3200 Accreditation
  9. Academic Senate Elections Vote ACTION
  • Academic Senate Vice President
  • Career and Technical Education Liaison
  • Learning Support Senate Council Representative
  • Math/Science Senate Council Representative
  • Social Science Senate Council Representative
  1. Equitable Placement and Completion: English and Math Validation of Practices and Improvement Plans (AB 705)                   ACTION
  2. WKCCD/TUHS Dual Enrollment 2022-23 Memorandum of Understanding ACTION
  3. Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Report ACTION
  4. ACCJC Annual Report                         ACTION

Information/Discussion Items                                                      NO ACTION

  1. Strategic Action Plan 20-21 Status Results (Li, X.) PRESENTATION
  2. Committee Report: Career and Technical Education Committee REPORT
  3. Requests for Reports – Committee Reports: – April DISCUSSION

On what should committee report(s) focus?  (5 minutes)

  1. Moving to a representative senate
  2. Other Topics of Interest Q&A (5 minutes) NO ACTION

Open Forum for Announcements                                                   NO ACTION



