March 18, 2022 Meeting



Special Meeting


Friday, March 18, 2022

12:10PM TO 1:00PM

Call to Order

Public Comment

Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval February 16, 2022 Minutes (3 minutes) ACTION

Informational Items/Updates:

  1. ASCCC Spring Plenary resolutions under consideration UPDATE
  2. Process flow for BP/AP review UPDATE
  3. Banner 9 transition INFORMATION
  4. MyTC Single Sign-on INFORMATION
  5. VPN two-factor identification INFORMATION
  6. SPC – Program Review Changes INFORMATION

Old Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole for Action

  1. Process for Documentation and Revision of Course Assignment Requirements Associated with Disciplines and Minimum Qualifications Continued to April 4

The Curriculum and General Education Committee requests the Academic Senate work with administration to develop a process for the documentation of recommended specific skills, experience, or knowledge for a single course within a discipline.  Example: Where to document ‘Experience in crisis intervention work’ as an expectation or requirement for assignment to teach the crisis intervention course.

New Business: Assignment of Responsibility for Development and/or Recommendation to Senate of the Whole

  1. AP 4240 Academic Renewal ACTION

Forward to the Academic Senate-of-the-Whole with recommendation for adoption.

  1. Local Senate Process for Documentation and Revisions of Disciplines and Minimum Qualifications ACTION

Forward process to the Academic Senate-of-the-Whole with recommendation for adoption.

  1. Institutional Set Standards ACTION

Forward to the Academic Senate-of-the-Whole with recommendation for adoption.

  1. CTE Curriculum Addition Recommendation INFORMATION

Submitted recommendation to Division for consideration.


Other Announcements



