December 05, 2022 Meeting




MONDAY, December 5, 2022

Cougar Room

12:10PM to 1PM

Call to Order

Roll Call (3-minutes)

Public Commentary

Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes November 7, 2022, Meeting ACTION

Information Items

  1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION
  2. January Ranking of Faculty Position Needs INFORMATION
  3. Going to the Senate Council: INFORMATION
    • Senate Position: Criteria for Use of Flex Time Option
    • Developing Criteria for Creating Dual Enrollment Programs with Additional High Schools

Action Items

  1. Faculty Professional Development Committee Requests Direction on: (R. Payne) DISCUSSION/ACTION
    • Prioritization of professional development topics
    • Methods of professional development delivery (modality)
    • Time frame for professional development (by topic, for example an hour/a full day)
    • Duration (by topic, for example on-going/one-time)
    • Identifying possible trainers and/or resources
    • Identifying faculty to take the lead on specific professional development topics/activities
  1. Requesting Consideration: Propose for Ranking a Coordinator of Dual Enrollment Faculty Position (J. Altenhofel) DISCUSSION/ACTION
  2. Process for Expanding Courses Offered Through Existing Dual Enrollment Programs DISCUSSION

Information/Discussion Items                                                                   NO ACTION

  1. OERI Grant Phase I Update and New RFP (M. Oja) DISCUSSION
  2. Committee Report: Distance Learning and Education (A. Bledsoe)             REPORT
  3. Requests for Reports – Committee Reports: – January DISCUSSION

On what should the committee report(s) focus?  (5 minutes)

  1. Other Topics of Interest Q&A (5 minutes) NO ACTION

Open Forum for Announcements                                                           NO ACTION



