January 14, 2022 Meeting





Cougar Room

11:10PM to 1PM



Call to Order

Roll Call (3-minutes)

Public Commentary


Action Items

  1. Approval of Minutes December 13, 2021 Meeting (2 minutes) ACTION


Information Items

  1. Superintendent/President Update (5 minutes) INFORMATION
  2. Academic Senate Elections in March INFORMATION

Nominations in February for:

  • Academic Senate Vice President
  • Career and Technical Education Liaison
  • Learning Support Senate Council Representative
  • Math/Science Senate Council Representative
  • Social Science Senate Council Representative


Action Items

  1. Ranking of New Faculty Position Needs ACTION
  2. Ethnic Studies
  3. Campus-wide Committees Participatory Governance: Recommendation for Campus-wide Committee Meeting Schedule ACTION


Information/Discussion Items                                                                               NO ACTION

  1. Committee Report: REPORT
    1. Academic Development
    2. AP&P
    3. Senate Council
    4. Career and Technical Education
    5. Curriculum & General Education
    6. Dual Enrollment
    7. Faculty Professional Development
    8. Student Learning Outcomes
  2. Quorum during COVID DISCUSSION
  3. Requests for Reports – Committee Reports: – December DISCUSSION

On what should committee report(s) focus?  (5 minutes)

  1. Other Topics of Interest Q&A (5 minutes)


Open Forum for Announcements                                                                          NO ACTION






Friday, January 14, 2022



Call to Order:

The meeting was called order at 11:15 pm.


Abbott, Amar; Altenhofel, Jennifer; Beasley, Michelle; Bledsoe, Adam; Bogle, Darcy; Cahoon, Nathan; Carlson, Kamala; Chung Wee, Christopher; Colaw, Rebecca; Devine, Bill Duron, Candace; Dyer, Geoffrey; Eveland, Sharyn; Getty, Shelley; Golling, Greg; Jacobi, Victoria; Kerr, Danielle; Kulzer-Reyes, Kelly; Lytle, Steve; Martinez, Julian; Martinez, Mariza; Mayfield, Michael; Mendenhall, Janis; Mendoza, Tina; Mitchell, David; Oja, Michelle; Page, Jason; Payne, Ruby; Polski, Robin; Rangel-Escobedo, Juana; Reynolds, Joy; Richards, Kristi; Rodenhauser,  Debora; Thompson, Tony; Travis, Lori, Webster, Kyle; Woodard, Natalie



Bishop, Marianne; Daniels, Debra; Minor, Leslie; Van Ry, Veronica


Public Commentary:

There was no public comment.

Action Items:

Approval of Minutes December 13, 2021, Meeting (ACTION)

The Senate President asked the membership two times. Is there anyone who objects to approving the minutes? Minutes were approved with unanimous consent.


Information Items

Superintendent/President Update (INFORMATION)

Dr. Deborah Daniels welcomed the faculty back and wishes all a happy new year. Also, she (Dr. Daniels) thanked us for the flexibility of moving our classes online for a month due to Covid 19. Dr. Daniels further explains the reasoning behind movement classes online; she stated that we had one of the highest risk populations because we do not require vaccination to attend the institution. We have one of the lowest vaccination rates in the county. So, she (Dr. Daniels) felt that the risk to the employees needs to be mitigated, and once again, she appreciates our flexibility in moving classes online.

Dr. Daniels further states that even though it has been a tough couple of years due to Covid 19, some silver linings have happened regarding the Covid 19 funds that allowed us to upgrade technology and several classrooms. Also, hopefully, we can celebrate our centennial year if Covid 19 subsides enough for us to enjoy the celebrations planned for the centennial year.

Dr. Daniels updated us on the budget and said that it looks good and hoped the Chancellor’s office does not hold our low enrollment against us, and hopefully will give us time to recover. Also, she (Dr. Daniels) stated that we are not alone with low enrollment numbers across the state community colleges have the same issues.


Celebrating Exemplary Service (INFORMATION)

The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recognized Mr. Geoffrey Dyer for exemplary service to the Academic State Senate and Taft College local Senate.  Mr. Geoffrey Dyer served several years in the state academic Senate distinguishing himself among his colleagues with a strong voice and willingness to serve. Taft Academic Senate recognizes Mr. Geoffrey Dyer! Thank you for your service.

Academic Senate Elections in March (INFORMATION)

Dr. Eveland informed the body that nominations would be in February for the following positions:

  • Academic Senate Vice President
  • Career and Technical Education Liaison
  • Learning Support Senate Council Representative
  • Math/Science Senate Council Representative
  • Social Science Senate Council Representative

Dr. Eveland implored faculty to consider nominees for the positions they thought were important. She (Dr. Eveland) also stated that it was an excellent way to learn how the Academic Senate works behind the scenes.


Action Items

Ranking of New Faculty Position Needs (ACTION)

The Academic Senate President stated that only one position was put forth for ranking.  Dr. Michelle Oja would be presenting the proposed Ethnic Studies position for the Social Science division.  Also, just because the Academic Senate ranks specific faculty positions, the Superintendent/President determines which, if any, are recommended to the Board of Trustees.  Dr. Oja stated that the reason why her division is putting this position forward is that there is a new ethnic studies general education requirement.  This change affects the general education requirement through the California Community College system, and this change will also meet the requirements of the UC’s and the CSU’s.  In order to meet this requirement, a person must have an ethnic studies background and meet minimum qualifications standards to teach and develop those courses in the California Community College system.

The Senate President asked the membership two times. Is there anyone who objects to approving the Ethnic Studies faculty position for recommendation to the Superintendent/President?  Ethnic Studies was approved by unanimous consent.


Campus-wide Committees Participatory Governance: Recommendation for Campus-wide Committee Meeting Schedule (ACTION)

The Senate President asked the membership two times. Is there anyone who objects to making a respectful request to bring back the campus-wide calendar? The respectful request was approved by unanimous consent.


Information/Discussion Items (NO ACTION)

Committee Report (REPORT)

Academic Development: No report was given.

AP&P: Dr. Eveland reports shifting the meeting to the public sphere and redacting the documentation. The documents were only discussed in terms of request, not the student. Although this is a significant shift, the AP&P committee has been a closed session meeting, so the change to the public sphere has been interesting and aligns with 10+1. In addition, there is little uncertainty regarding the committee since the online petition format will be moved to be initiated by the counselors.

            Senate Council: The President Academic Senate stated that the Senate Council is little behind, because those no December meeting, because the meeting was scheduled during final exams. The Senate Council is comprised of representatives from each division. The Senate discuss and moves forwards items to the Senate of the whole. Dr. Eveland also stated if you have any items that should on the Senate Council, please forward them to your department representative and she will make sure they get on the agenda.    

            Career and Technical Education: Ms. Darcy Bogle reported that she is new to the CTE committee and has set goals for the oncoming year. One of the primary goals is a specified minimum qualification for applicants. Also, she (Ms. Bogle) stated that the State Academic Senate provided an excellent minimum qualifications handbook regarding CTE minimum qualifications. The CTE committee will make a list of examples to make it easier for applicants to apply for CTE instruction jobs.

            Curriculum & General Education: Dr. Jacobi reported that the curriculum committee is reviewing courses through their standard five-year review. Also, at every meeting, there are talking about incorporating equity and inclusion into the course of record. Dr. Jacobi stated that the two major laws that will be implemented would affect everyone’s area. The first one is AB 1111, which will require the community college system to change its standard core numbering system, starting with CID-approved courses. The second law that is being implemented is AB 928.  The community college system is working with the UC’s and CSU to decide the common general education pattern.  After that, we will consent to the new system and change our general education pattern to match their general education to inhere with AB 928.

Dual Enrollment: Dr. Greg Golling reported that the Dual Enrollment committee is working on a memorandum of understanding with a high school for the 2022-23 years.  In addition, they are trying to clarify what classes should be offered for Dual Enrollment and their hopes that this will be completed in February. The dual enrollment committees also looked at providing free summer courses like to do for the fall and spring semesters.

            Faculty Professional Development: Ms. Ruby Payne reported on the Professional Development committee. First, she thanked Ms. Diane Jones for setting up the spring in-service and putting everything online. Also, she (Ms. Payne) further goes on to state that there currently working on the May in-service and August in-service at the same time. So, she (Ms. Payne) recommends that you submit your ideas for professional development as soon as possible because everything must be finalized by April 2022.

Student Learning Outcomes: Ms. Tina Mendoza also reported on Student Learning Outcomes committee. Ms. Mendoza wanted to thank everyone for your participation during the in-service. The student learning outcome committee is currently working on new documentation for faculty to update SLOs and new courses when they submit their SLO’s. In addition, the SLO committee is working on goals for the upcoming academic year. The primary goal is to go to everybody’s division and department to learn the appropriate assessment, whether it’s SLO’s for courses or area outcomes for departments.

Distance Learning and Education committee: Ms. Kulzer-Reyes reported that the distance-learning and education committee has been working hard for the past two years and has made many amendments to CORs to ensure that the institution maintains online learning. Also, Ms. Kulzer-Reyes stated that the in-service presentation was informative and hoped that people learned during the event. Mr. Adam Bledsoe also provided an update on the committee. Mr. Bledsoe said that the DLE committee had discussed high flex training and course offerings. High flex courses are offered simultaneously face-to-face and online, and the committee is discussing high flex modality now and will in future meetings.

Quorum during COVID (DISCUSSION)

The Academic Senate President was asked to discuss quorum.  Dr. Eveland stated the zoom sessions had required no modifications to quorum rules. Last semester’s attendance fluctuated during our face-to-face meetings, but the body maintained a quorum to ensure that we had 22 senators present to meet the requirement. During some of the discussions that required action, and we did not have a quorum, no action was taken until the next meeting where a quorum was met.  That is how the Senate face-to-face sessions have been functioning since the global pandemic.

Requests for Reports – Committee Reports: – February (DISCUSSION)

Dr. Jacobi suggested that the presentation she gave to the social science division should be added to next month’s agenda, the name of the presentation is the curriculum process. Also, Dr. Oja requested that the committees that did not present during this meeting today present next month, such as Academic Development, Hall of Fame, and any other committee that did not report on January 14, 2022.

Ms. Kulzer-Reyes requested discussion regarding the governor’s requirements of the Brown Act. Mr. Dyer stated that he is getting a lot of inquiries regarding the Brown Act and communicated to Dr. Eveland that he (Mr. Dyer) could about the Brown Act requirements next meeting.

Dr. Jennifer Altenhofel suggested that we discuss the idea of an acquisitions committee or some sort of discussion about how faculty could be more active in participating in library decisions.  Ms. Ruby Payne noted there is process for creating committees.

Mr. Dyer suggested that we talk about the Strategic Planning Committee regarding annual program reviews and wanted to make sure that the academic Senate would have input on any recommendations from the Strategic Planning committee.

Other Topics of Interest Q&A

Dr. Oja, the Open Educational Resource (OER) liaison, announced when you are doing your program review, and you are interested in creating an OER, it might be a goal for your department.

Ms. Kulzer-Reyes announced the disability COVID 19 panel that the Abilities Partnership Team committee presents. The panel is on March 31, 2022, at 1:10 PM. Also, the Abilities Partnership Team committee will be showing Hearts of Glass for disability awareness.

Open Forum for Announcements (NO ACTION)

            There were no announcements.

Adjournment: Ms. Kulzer-Reyes made a motion to adjourn, Ms. Debora Rodenhauser seconded the motion.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 pm


Submitted by Dr. Amar Abbott

Minutes approved: March 7, 2022
