September 30, 2015 Meeting


Access Committee – Special meeting

Sept. 30, 2015

Pre-collegiate equity mentoring

  • Review of outcomes of student focus group yesterday
  • Decide on next steps for pre-collegiate equity mentoring program
    • Establish a program maximum of 15 hrs/wk

Equity Overview

  • First year and beginning of second: capacity building, planning, professional development
    • Equity originated/emphasized awareness of 80% rule for ISS, SSSP
    • Developing equity strategy model
      • replicating APR data but with equity disaggregation
      • developing a master DI list
      • Creating real institutional strength/capacity in data reporting
    • Professional development
      • Manuel Pastor
      • multiple conferences
      • Cognos
      • Develop equity library collection
      • Kimberly Papillon on Implicit Association Bias
      • Garden Pathways – community partner, conversations on Trauma Informed Approaches, and training in mentor model
      • ESP – group that is self-educating on pre-collegiate strategies and issues
    • Equity as think-tank for interventions, on DI students -> to SSSP if taking to scale
      • Exploration of role for TC childcare center
      • Commitment to cohort/concierge models
      • Avoiding jumping prematurely into “solutions” – temptation to (e.g.) hire a bunch of new counselors/advisors
      • Funding with direct impact on students
    • First year outcomes
      • Upgrade servers, licenses; Cognos trained reporters; specialized training in Framework Manager to understand data packages; development of Cognos club; SQL Servers for extension datamarts; SSIS ETL training; special training in APR/DI
      • Childcare – moving to voucher exploration – capacity and funding issues with direct child care
      • APR reporting – in progress; replication of successful course completion (based on Governance Council priority) – have Cognos club members speak to their ability to now extend and develop APR with equity disaggregations
      • DI reporting – version 1; anchored in successful course completion; version 2 a likely rewrite using new ability to create ‘minimarts’
  • Staffing
    • Classified position to manage administrative overhead of running mentor program and doing extensive ongoing professional development
    • Pre-collegiate coordinator – 11-month faculty position dedicated to coordinating pre-collegiate across campus – equity funded for first year or two, but keeping commitment/focus on implementing with Equity and scaling with SSSP/AB86/BSI/etc.
  • Data capacity
    • As outlined above – moving quickly to develop minimarts
    • Improvements to APR data model, data collection and distribution, automated email distribution of reports
    • Ongoing training and mutual support for Cognos Club
  • Equity Mentors
    • Group discussion on what led us here, where we are at currently, where we’re headed with this
  • Equity Plan v2
    • Much more detailed and prescriptive template from state
    • Exploring proportionality
    • Alignment with SSSP around enrollment management – focus on equity data as we develop our comprehensive data model to support comprehensive program review (really comprehensive program “plan”), integration of ideas and direction with Strategic Planning Committee


Access Committee – Special meeting

Sept. 30, 2015

Attendees: Jen Altenhofel, Adam Bledsoe, Lourdes Gonzalez, Vicki Jacobi, Danielle Vohnout, Sharyn Eveland, and Alexander Victoria.

Pre-collegiate equity mentoring

  • Review of outcomes of student focus group yesterday

Vicki, Lourdes, and Jen shared what happened on September 29, 2015 when a student focus group met and discussed the access peer mentoring program. Students shared many ideas including more signage/advertisement that was permanent and visible since students didn’t know about resources on campus. Students also suggested tours of the campus. It was agreed that the tour leaders should be other students who are familiar with the campus. An App or better website to get information to students was mentioned as well as something called Link Crew which teams up a 2nd year student with a 1st year student. Ten to fifteen students attended.

  • Decide on next steps for pre-collegiate equity mentoring program
    • Establish a program maximum of 15 hrs/wk

The next steps are to identify students who are in the following D.I. groups: DSPS, EOPS, 1st generation and foster youth who are also eligible for student worker jobs (have at least a 2.2 GPA, be enrolled in 6 units, and have fewer than 60 units completed). Adam will generate this list. These students will receive an email to invite them to apply for a student worker job for up to 15 hours per week. These students will be paid and receive training on how to be mentors. Each student will also be mentored by a faculty member. The timeline for this is 2 weeks. The trainings for mentors will also be available to other groups on campus with mentoring such as EOPS.

Sharyn shared with the group the 80% rule tables for both courses and programs as well as the tables using proportionality. Currently we use the 80% rule to define disproportionally impacted groups. Proportionality requires establishing the percentage of the population represented by each subgroup and the percentage of the successful population represented by the subgroup. Using proportionality, the set standard is .85. Sharyn said that proportionality benefits smaller subgroups. It was mentioned that Strategic Planning or Access would need to make the decision to use proportionality rather than the 80% rule. She also handed out the Equity Plan Template that needs to be board approved and sent to the Chancellor’s office by December.
