February 09, 2015 Meeting




Access Committee Agenda

Meeting Date: Monday, February 9, 2015
Meeting Time: 10:00-11:00am
Meeting Location: Counseling Conference Room
Committee Members: J. Altenhofel, A. Bledsoe, D. Hall, V. Jacobi, D. Vohnout, and M.


  1. Enrollment Management-Psychology Degree

Sharyn spoke with Jill Brown about working with Aldrin Luben who may be able to program the enrollment management report. Sharyn and Vicki will try to find a time to meet with Aldrin, Jill, and Tori Furman before the next Access meeting

  1. Manuel Pastor

Manuel Pastor will be presenting on March 20th. Focus will be on demographics and work force development. Currently the idea is that there will be an all faculty meeting in the morning; a working lunch with Q&A in the Cougar Room, then work with the Access & Student Success committees in the afternoon.

  1. Review of backlog

The question of whether a counselor will become a permanent member of the Access committee. Vicki

doesn’t believe that a counselor will join, but she will bring information from counseling.

  1. IR position

The Research Analyst position in the IR department will be ½ paid by equity and student success money. This allows us to utilize this position for equity purposes.

  1. Governance Council Retreat

The Access committee members are invited guests to the Governance Council Retreat on February 27th from 8:30am to 4:30pm at the Stockdale Country Club.

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