May 08, 2015 Meeting


Access Committee Agenda – 5.8.15

  1. Updates / additions
  2. Data Trainings
  3. Review of beginner/advanced trainings – next steps
  4. !dvanced “Framework Manager” training set for June 15-18
  5. Request for “SCRUM Master”
  6. Definitions of backlog, sprint, sprint meeting, stand-ups, review meeting
  7. Maintain backlog, schedule, etc. until Technician on board
  8. CCLC Conference overview and discussion (handout)
  9. Program overview
  10. Promising Practices (as per the Chancellor’s office)
  11. Future Changes
  12. Observations/Review
  13. Focus on Data
  14. Strategy of building capacity – ubiquitous data
  15. Clarifying priorities and understanding
  16. Clarifying strategy
  17. Identify DI population students
  18. Case Management / Peer Mentor strategy – highly personalized

iii. Student DI population mentors for student DI population students

  1. Interventions
  2. Course completion monitoring
  3. Childcare

iii. Preemptive Alert System

  1. Race Matters
  2. System Integration (i.e. program review)
  3. Professional Development
  4. Summer work
  5. Data Coach – checked – not yet posted – will go out today
  6. Equity Technician – going to Board
  7. Student workers?
  8. Faculty extra duty time?
  9. End-of-year self-evaluation
  10. How would we like to engage with this?
  11. Idea: happiness quiz for committee at the end of each sprint
  12. On a scale from 1 to 5, how do you feel about your role on Access/equity?
  13. On the same scale, how do you feel about Access/equity as a whole?

iii. Why do you feel that way?

  1. What one thing would make you happier in the next sprint?
  2. Other?


Access Committee Agenda – 5.8.15

All Members Present

  1. Updates / additions
  2. Data Trainings
  3. Review of beginner/advanced trainings – next steps
  4. Advanced “Framework Manager” training set for June 15-18


Advanced training on data modeling and creating clean data sets is set up for June. There will be room for 6 participates.

  1. Request for “SCRUM Master”
  2. Definitions of backlog, sprint, sprint meeting, stand-ups, review meeting
  3. Maintain backlog, schedule, etc. until Technician on board

Mark asked for a volunteer or two to be the “SCRUM Master” Dan and Vicki volunteered and will work on the picture of the backlog, current and future projects. This will be presented at the next (and last) meeting of the semester.

  1. CCLC Conference overview and discussion (handout)
  2. Program overview
  3. Promising Practices (as per the Chancellor’s office)
  4. Future Changes


The Strategic Planning Committee has a proposal for the annual program review timeline that would move the due date of the annual program review day from March to January. It was discussed that student equity data should be integrated into the annual program review. Mark attended a conference last week by the Community College League of California. He briefly spoke about which sessions he attended and his takeaways. It was also discussed that there is an update to the Equity plan in November. We will want to more closely align data with barriers moving from plan to action.

  1. Observations/Review
  2. Focus on Data
  3. Strategy of building capacity – ubiquitous data
  4. Clarifying priorities and understanding
  5. Clarifying strategy


  1. Identify DI population students
  2. Case Management / Peer Mentor strategy – highly personalized

iii. Student DI population mentors for student DI population students

It was discussed that a strategy for starting a campus wide dialogue regarding equity would be to focus on one piece of data and send that out to faculty asking for comments. The feedback would give the committee a better idea of what the campus as a whole thinks.

  1. Interventions
  2. Course completion monitoring
  3. Childcare

iii. Preemptive Alert System

  1. Race Matters
  2. System Integration (i.e. program review)
  3. Professional Development


With Vicki and Dan working on the backlog of projects, hopefully it will be clearer where in the process each intervention is.

  1. Summer work
  2. Data Coach – checked – not yet posted – will go out today
  3. Equity Technician – going to Board
  4. Student workers?
  5. Faculty extra duty time?


  1. End-of-year self-evaluation
  2. How would we like to engage with this?
  3. Idea: happiness quiz for committee at the end of each sprint


  1. On a scale from 1 to 5, how do you feel about your role on Access/equity?
  2. On the same scale, how do you feel about Access/equity as a whole?

iii. Why do you feel that way?

  1. What one thing would make you happier in the next sprint?
  2. Other?