September 11, 2015 Meeting


Access Committee – Agenda Notes – 9.11.15

Update(s) – 10 min

  • Equity template/plan
    • due dates for AS, Governance, Board, chancellor’s office (now Dec 18)
    • We’ve been asked to budget 170% of last years – or approx. $340K
    • Will send out current budget update
  • APR reports – DI reports

“Cognos Club” is meeting all day today and a half day tomorrow with Consultant Chad Harvey who wrote for us:

  • the two Annual Program Review (APR) reports that replicates Successful Course Completion and Successful Course Section Completion, and
  • the Disproportionate Impact (DI) report that identifies students in DI population cohorts

Practically speaking we are now able to use the DI report to identify students for interventions.

  • Adam’s data conference – report?
  • Hiring update(s)
    • Equity position hiring pool – review committee
    • Pre-collegiate full-time faculty

Mentoring conversation

  • Garden Pathways conversation
    • Trauma Informed approaches
    • Mentoring
  • (ESP meeting notes handout)

Review of strategy / overall plan (ID DI -> R&D -> SSSP)

  • Alignment with Student Success – enrollment management
    • Two year schedule of baseline/core offerings and optional/marginal offerings
    • Subcommittee for program discontinuation, offering/cancelling class sections
  • Equity Extensions to APR
    • Equity data/disaggregations in standard APR data
  • Equity DI
  • Equity “lens” to proposed CPC – Comprehensive Program Committee
  • Student Mentors – work of informal ESP group
    • Goal “get on the bike, start riding”
    • Engage student mentors now
      • Carefully define/limit the scope
      • Scale up quickly

Writing the next Equity Plan

  • Who would like to be on writing team?
  • Oct AS: Discussion of TC Equity model at Oct Academic Senate (Jennifer? Sharyn?)
  • Nov AS: Summary discussion/action
  • Nov GC: Discussion/action
  • Dec Board: approval
  • Dec 18: submission deadline


Access Committee – Minutes – 9.11.15

Update(s) – 10 min

  1. Equity template/plan
    • due dates for AS, Governance, Board, chancellor’s office (now Dec 18)
    • We’ve been asked to budget 170% of last years – or approx. $340K
    • Will send out current budget update


  1. APR reports – DI reports
  • “Cognos Club” is meeting all day today and a half day tomorrow with Consultant Chad Harvey who wrote for us:
    • the two Annual Program Review (APR) reports that replicates Successful Course Completion and Successful Course Section Completion, and
    • the Disproportionate Impact (DI) report that identifies students in DI population cohorts
  • Practically speaking we are now able to use the DI report to identify students for interventions.

The benefit of this is that we can use the data in the APR for our purpose with Equity.


III. Adam’s data conference – report?

Adam is in the Cognos Club and will report at the next meeting


  1. Hiring update(s)
    • Equity position hiring pool – review committee
    • Pre-collegiate full-time faculty

The equity technician position will hopefully be screened next week. The pre-collegiate full time position will go to board in October. Vicki recommended that an organizational chart be created as there are lots of pieces with BSI, QFS, AB86, etc.


  1. Mentoring conversation
  • Garden Pathways conversation
    • Trauma Informed approaches
    • Mentoring
  • (ESP meeting notes handout)

The people from Garden Pathways presented the strategies they use in their mentoring program. Several steps need to be taken next: purchase the ETO software to track mentoring interactions, edit the mentor agreement, identify students, and organize a meet & greet with mentors/mentees. The plan is to identify DI students and hire them at 10 hours a week to be mentors, but they will also be mentored by a faculty/staff member. Issues with student pay such as do students need a SSN need to be addressed.


  1. Review of strategy / overall plan (ID DI -> R&D -> SSSP)
  • Alignment with Student Success – enrollment management
    • Two year schedule of baseline/core offerings and optional/marginal offerings
    • Subcommittee for program discontinuation, offering/cancelling class sections
  • Equity Extensions to APR
    • Equity data/disaggregations in standard APR data
  • Equity DI
  • Equity “lens” to proposed CPC – Comprehensive Program Committee
  • Student Mentors – work of informal ESP group
    • Goal “get on the bike, start riding”
    • Engage student mentors now
      • Carefully define/limit the scope
      • Scale up quickly

The group agreed to focus our energy on enrollment management. The goals include: a 2 year schedule and creating a subcommittee for program discontinuation. The subcommittee for program discontinuation needs to focus on policy: setting benchmarks, using APRs, etc. to plan for program discontinuation. It was pointed out that the Comprehensive Program Committee would really be a Comprehensive Program Planning committee. The goal would be to look at the APRs of the last 5 years, to make a plan for the future, not to review what has already been reviewed.


Writing the next Equity Plan

  • Who would like to be on writing team?
  • Oct AS: Discussion of TC Equity model at Oct Academic Senate (Jennifer? Sharyn?)
  • Nov AS: Summary discussion/action
  • Nov GC: Discussion/action
  • Dec Board: approval
  • Dec 18: submission deadline