July 21, 2015 Meeting


Access Committee Budget Priority Discussion                                                                                     July 21, 2015

  • Data systems
    • Reports (e.g. completion monitoring)
    • Processes (e.g. APR > disaggregation demographics)
    • Trainings (e.g. classes for Cognos research and reporting roles)
  • All-Campus trainings
    • g. Pastor on demographics
    • Papillon on implicit bias
    • Trauma-Informed Approaches
    • Other PD?
  • Equity Capacity Building
    • Full-time pre-collegiate coordinator position, non-teaching, 11 month
    • Other Equity roles—e.g. similar to equity data coaches but on small scale?
    • Equity Technician
    • Library Collections
  • Interventions
    • Childcare
    • Students
      • Mentors/mentees
      • Equity ambassadors – visibility with student population
    • Equity Data “specialists” – release time, working out of class
    • Other?


Access Committee Budget Priority Discussion                                                                                     July 21, 2015

There is 100k Equity money to spend before December 2015.

  • Data systems
    • Reports (e.g. completion monitoring)
    • Processes (e.g. APR > disaggregation demographics)
    • Trainings (e.g. classes for Cognos research and reporting roles)

Licensing costs are about 29k. The Cognos Club continues to meet and work. Adam stated that it is most useful if there is time to work it immediately after trainings.

  • All-Campus trainings
    • E.g. Pastor on demographics
    • Papillon on implicit bias
    • Trauma-Informed Approaches
    • Other PD?

Training for the fulltime coordinator (future hire) and the Equity Technician as well as the mentors was discussed.

  • Equity Capacity Building
    • Full-time pre-collegiate coordinator position, non-teaching, 11 month
    • Other Equity roles—e.g. similar to equity data coaches but on small scale?
    • Equity Technician
    • Library Collections

The Equity Technician job should be posted any day now. That doesn’t need to be included in the 100k. Discussion was had regarding the full-time pre-collegiate coordinator position including changing the name to full-time equity coordinator and the job duties/roles. Ultimately it was decided to hold off on the coordinator position until the technician is hired, and we evaluate the need. Mark also stated that he would be in favor of spending around 10k on Library collections to include books and resources related to Equity.

  • Interventions
    • Childcare
    • Students
      • Mentors/mentees
      • Equity ambassadors – visibility with student population
    • Equity Data “specialists” – release time, working out of class
    • Other?

Mark mentioned that opening up childcare spots to equity students continues to be a difficult task, but starting in Fall 2015 there will hopefully be space for 20 children at the Center. It was discussed that one role for the Equity “specialists” would be as mentors for students. The idea is to have both Staff Mentors as well as Student Mentors. The Staff Mentors would receive a stipend for mentoring 3 students. The purpose is two-fold. 1. It reaches disproportionally impacted students through mentoring and 2. It provides the opportunity to reach more Taft College employees to teach them about the Equity Plan, disproportionally impacted groups, and the importance. These staff members could be non-instructional employees, and they would learn about how their job affects student success. They would be assigned up to three students who they would touch base with once a week. They would become those students’ first contact at Taft College. The Staff Mentors would also meet up with each other to discuss to have an opportunity to discuss what they and their mentees are experiencing. The Equity Technician would help facilitate and coordinate this effort.

Dan presented a Distance Education Funding Proposal as a way to reach distance learning students. The proposal included a part-time advisor as well as a part-time Student Support person and a student worker. It was discussed that we have to be careful with Equity money and that it needs to be used to reach disproportionally impacted students. This may be coupled with other Equity projects to ensure disproportionally impacted students are reached.
