April 24, 2015 Meeting


Access Committee 4.24-15

  1. Equity agenda
  2. Equity presentation at BC
  3. Dan Arvizu
  4. Dr. J. Goosby Smith
  5. Visibility at TC


  1. Pastor, Cognos
  2. How do we raise visibility for conversations like Arvizu, Dr. J-library of equity presentations
  3. Research Agenda
  4. Program Review, Accreditation
  5. Cognos trainings
  6. TC reports (selecting, filtering, disaggregating)
  7. Contract support


  1. Time dimension
  2. Completion monitoring data report
  3. Interventions
  4. Enrollment Management-May 15th 0 9:00-11:00-first ever “schedule situation room” – comprehensive/collective review of schedule issues, cancellations, etc.
  5. Primarily Division Chairs and Division Liaisons
  6. Opportunity to bring completion monitoring to review

iii. Invite Access members to join in discussions

  1. Childcare —Conversation with Becky and Genoveve
  2. Start Summer
  3. Build to capacity in fall
  4. Web project I
  5. Student workers
  6. Prioritizing and implementing in summer
  7. Building equity into Program Review and use of SLOs


Build off of work being done by PIC on navigation, branding

  1. Staffing


  1. Classified support staff
  2. full-time vs part-time
  3. Can get on May BOT agenda, start summer
  4. Data Research


  1. Proposing up to half-time faculty (release or stipend) maybe more in summer
  2. Budget
  3. Based on discussion today, draft spend-down of this year’s budget through Dec
  4. Self-evaluation report
  5. Due by end of term
  6. Would like to complete by end of first week of May to give time to circulate to review


Access Committee 4.24-15

  1. Equity agenda
  2. Equity presentation at BC
  3. Dan Arvizu
  4. Dr. J. Goosby Smith

Access Members Dan Hall, Vicki Jacobi, Mark Williams, Danielle Vohnout, and Alexander Victoria attended the Equity conference at Bakersfield College on April 23, 2015.

  1. Visibility at TC
  2. Pastor, Cognos
  3. How do we raise visibility for conversations like Arvizu, Dr. J-library of equity presentations

Mark asked about doing something here at TC in the Fall, but no definite plans were made. A comment about involving students and ASB in the future was made. At the BC conference, students were in attendance and had a separate lunch with one of the presenters.

  1. Research Agenda
  2. Program Review, Accreditation
  3. Cognos trainings


  1. TC reports (selecting, filtering, disaggregating)

Cognos training is taking place next week on April 27-30. Adam asked what the focus should be in regards to reports as he would like to practice right away. The completions monitoring report should be the 1st item.

  1. Contract support
  2. Time dimension
  3. Completion monitoring data report

Not a module in the Cognos training, but should be a priority.

  1. Interventions
  2. Enrollment Management-May 15th 0 9:00-11:00-first ever “schedule situation room” – comprehensive/collective review of schedule issues, cancellations, etc.
  3. Primarily Division Chairs and Division Liaisons
  4. Opportunity to bring completion monitoring to review

iii.            Invite Access members to join in discussions

Data work such as major completions should be made available to the Enrollment Management group. Mark would send out the Dropbox link to Access members.

  1. Childcare —Conversation with Becky and Genoveve
  2. Start Summer
  3. Build to capacity in fall

The members approved going forward with the Childcare Intervention this summer. Discussion regarding what this will really look like was had. Equity money would be given to the Childcare center in order to support a cohort of Taft College students who need childcare and disproportionally impacted. It was discussed that there may be an application process or a first-come-first-served basis. The details have yet to be worked out, and a subcommittee of Access may need to work on this separately.

  1. Web project I Build off of work being done by PIC on navigation, branding

We are going to wait for the State as they may provide more help/guidance in this area.

  1. Student workers
  2. Prioritizing and implementing in summer

Students who are disproportionally impacted would become student workers who then could work as mentors, tutors, in focus groups, research, etc. Since a classified support staff member is going to be hired, this may wait until that position is hired and can oversee the student workers.

  1. Building equity into Program Review and use of SLOs

Program review changes are being discussed in the Strategic Planning committee. The question was asked how we would see the Equity agenda built into the Program review process and SLOs used as an intervention. It was discussed that courses should have 1-2 overarching SLOs that are really the course goals. Questions were asked regarding how to make SLOs meaningful and how to have these larger conversations across campus. The idea of discussions happening as degrees/programs rather than as divisions would de-silo the campus.

  1. Staffing
  2. Classified support staff
  3. full-time vs part-time
  4. Can get on May BOT agenda, start summer
  5. Data Research
  6. Proposing up to half-time faculty (release or stipend) maybe more in summer


This position will be full-time and hired this summer.
