May 19, 2015 Meeting


Access Committee
Agenda – 5.19.15
All Members Present
1. Review of the Access committee backlog


Access Committee Agenda – 5.19.15

All Members Present

  1. Review of the Access committee backlog

Vicki worked on a visual presentation of the Access committee backlog. Backlog events included: preemptive alerts, peer mentoring, Cognos, enrollment management, childcare, path to completion.

Vicki also brought examples of reports from SuccessNavigator. This could be purchased to be used as a preemptive alert system. SuccessNavigator is an online assessment that students can take with their Accuplacer test that helps reach at-risk students. The tool provides a score in different areas indicating where the student is at risk and interventions that may be useful such as meeting with a tutor or a counselor, etc. It would be given to students at the time of assessment once they are flagged by accuplacer as falling into one of the identified groups of interest.

The group then discussed defining the IGOI (identified groups of interest) from the larger Taft College population. Mark stated that equity money needs to be spent on equity students and not the general population.

The definition of the IGOI students was discussed using the Equity plan. Sharyn read sections of the Equity plan that identified groups such as males; students aged 20-24; students who begin in basic skills.

The exact definition of the IGOI hasn’t been identified yet, but Sharyn is going to work on that.

It was also discussed that once the list of IGOI characteristics is determined, students could then be ranked in order of how many of the characteristics they have. For example: some students may hit all the criteria such as: male and 20-24 and beginning in basic skills. Other students may fit fewer criteria.

Below is diagram of the interventions a student may receive once they are identified as being in an IGOI:



The group also focused on the question: What do we learn? What do we do with the information?

Does this information then inform scheduling decisions, create different professional development opportunities such as Adult Learning, etc?

It was reiterated that this is a very important part of the process-reflecting and evaluating what we have learned, that this is not about changing the student, but changing the institution, not that students are unprepared, but that we as an institution are unprepared for students.

Conversation also included the role of the Access committee. Are we an advisory group, a recommendation body? It was stated that the work equity does will focus on students we identify as being in an IGOI, and scaling those interventions would become the work of other groups or people on campus, but as the Access committee, we are focused on the equity work.

The group then made a list of tasks to be accomplished. Some of these things will be worked on and completed in the summer:

  • Sharyn will create list of IGOI criteria *beginning summer
  • Hire a classified staff-Danielle and Mark to continue to work on the job description *beginning summer
  • Vicki-lead a discussion on mentoring programs
  • Child Care-*beginning summer
  • Cognos training/completion monitoring Adam and Sharyn will attend a training on campus in June
  • Vicki to have conversation of Joe’ll regarding SuccessNavigator
  • Professional Development track-Adult Learning Theory.


The group will reconvene officially during in-service for a 2-3 hour meeting. We will meet informally via email this summer.
