September 25, 2015 Meeting


Governance Council September 25, 2015

12:10 – 2:00 pm – Cougar Room


Facilitator:          Bill Devine Timekeeper:                                Laura L’Ecuyer Minutes:                                Melissa Blanco


1. Approval of Minutes from  September 11, 2015 Meeting 5 Minutes
2. Strategic Plan Review of the following Objectives: (each champion provides an update) 40 Minutes


1.2.               Increase successful course completion rate by 5%


  • Improve scorecard degree completion by 5%


  • Increase basic skills course success and completion by 5%


  • Increase retention rates by 5%


  • Increase persistence rates by 5%


  • Increase completion of 30-unit momentum point by 5%


2.1                 Develop an enrollment management plan that meets FTES targets with efficient use of resources while providing equitable access to students.


3.1                 Increase the employability of students by developing an integrated system with central repository that aligns students’ career-transferrable skills with employment


  • Increase instructional space utilization efficiency


  • Develop a land acquisition plan


  • Develop centralized and standardized processes regarding data analysis methodology For decision-making
  • Improve quality of institutional level student learning outcomes
  • Establish a comprehensive staff development plan


3. Institution Set Standards for Licensure Exam Pass Rates (Mark) 15 Minutes
4. Accreditation – Final Preparations and Addendum Report (Eric/Dena) 40 Minutes
5. Governance Guide Updates due (Dena) 10 Minutes


Next Meeting: Friday, October 9th from 12:10 – 2:00pm Call for Facilitator and Timekeeper


