March 27, 2015 Meeting
Governance Council
March 27, 2015
12:10 pm – 2:00 pm – Cougar Room
Facilitator: Velda Pena
Recorder: Greg Golling
Timekeeper: Bill Devine
Minutes: Melissa Blanco
- Approval of Minutes from March 13, 2015 Meeting 5 Minutes
- Committee Reports (brief)
20 Minutes
- Access Committee (Mark Williams)
- Success Committee (Darcy Bogle)
- Budget Committee (Brock McMurray)
- Strategic Planning Committee (Eric Berube)
- Campus Safety and Security (Darcy Bogle)
- Information Technology Committee (Adrian Agundez)
- Institution Set Standards (led by Eric Berube) 30 Minutes
- College Website Project (led by Darcy Bogle) 25 Minutes
- Standards for Data Reporting/Strategic Plan Object 5.1 30 Minutes
(led by Eric Berube and Dena Maloney)
Next Meeting: April 10, 2015
Call for Facilitator, Recorder and Timekeeper
March 27, 2015
Members Present: Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, Bill Devine, Geoffrey Dyer, Sharyn Eveland, Greg Golling, Adam Hightower, Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Velda Pena, Tony Thompson, Brandy Young, and Mark Williams
Members Absent: Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Bruce Ferguson, Vicki Jacobi, and Laura L’Ecuyer
Guest: Eric Bérubé
Facilitator: Velda Pena
Recorder: Greg Golling
Timekeeper: Bill Devine
- The minutes of the meeting held January 23, 2015 were approved by consensus.
- Access Committee (Mark Williams)
- Mark distributed a handout titled “Access Committee Update-March 27, 2015” (copy attached to official minutes). This provided an overview of the current focus and goals of the committee.
- The Access Committee is currently focusing on enrollment management.
- The Access Committee invited guest speaker, Dr. Manuel Pastor, to Taft College who did a presentation on demographics. He also worked with the Access and Student Success Committees on using this data and understanding the impact of the data for planning.
- The demographic information will be shared with the TC community for others to view and help develop a conversation regarding the data.
- Mark also stated they are also working on plans to provide Cognos reporting training in late April.
- Success Committee (Darcy Bogle)
- Darcy stated at the last meeting she took the time to review the committee’s charter, mission, and goals with new members that joined this semester.
- The committee plans on focusing on course completion by using the Completion by Design model.
- Budget Committee (Brock McMurray)
- Brock stated the committee has not yet met, but will be identifying funding sources for the prioritized list of program review items/goals.
- Strategic Planning Committee (Eric Bérubé)
- Eric stated the committee met under the new co-chairs, Darcy and Mark, last week.
- The committee discussed the annual program review process, how it was developed, and how to meet accreditation standards.
- They also discussed the ACCJC annual report.
Governance Council
March 27, 2015
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- The committee is also working on how to incorporate and embed accreditation work in all the committees so the process is done routinely rather than every few years.
- Campus Safety and Security Committee (Darcy Bogle)
- The committee is currently working on issues such as the smoking policies and designated areas.
- Once member suggested moving the smoking area by the baseball fields to another area because it interferes with the athletes training.
- Recommended changes for passenger and delivery loading and unloading zones were reviewed and may be implemented to better guide traffic in the main parking lot.
- The MOU for the campus security officer will be the main focus at the next meeting.
- The committee is also working on a draft of the TC Emergency Operations Plans (EOP) for the District and plans to present it to the GC for review and feedback.
- Information Technology Committee (Adrian Agundez)
- Adrian has been working on updating the Technology Master Plan and also plans to bring it to the GC for review and feedback.
- The Academic Senate is currently reviewing the AP 3270 language issues and has provided feedback to Adrian.
(Led by Dr. Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)
- Eric distributed a handout titled “April 23, 2015 Meeting Regarding the 2015 Annual Report” (copy attached to official minutes).
- Institution set standards are required by the accreditation process that we are working under now.
- The following three institution set standards were recommended:
- Course Success Rates
- Student Retention Rates
- Student Persistence Rates
- Our Strategic Action Plan (SAP) currently set our target for our set goals as 5% increase in three years.
- Last year, the GC approved a set of institution standards for TC and it is time to review them for 2014/15.
- The ACCJC is asking for a defined process for evaluation of our set standards
- It was recommended to focus on identifying our institution set standards as we established them last year.
- This will give us a guide on where to focus our attention. Institution set standards are our starting point and the SAP represents our targets.
- We need to focus on short term leading indicators such as student course success, retention, and persistence rates.
- Course success rates, get the mean (have this as a goal in SAP) add a small amount to that mean (5%). Divide that over a period of time (3 years), use that as institution set standard.
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March 27, 2015
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- Remedial rates, accumulating 30 units, completion are also three other indicators we can improve by focusing on the top three institution set standards.
- Leading and lagging indicators institution set standards seem reasonable and can be tied to SAP.
- It was suggested to review data relevant to the recommended institution set standards and review what the data is reveals for the main three institution set standards.
- CONSENSUS: The GC members agreed setting the institution set standards on a particular set of metrics and agreed to use the mean plus 1% and include completion and transfer numbers as a starting point since the report is due in a couple of weeks.
- Also, there needs to be clear definitions and meanings of what is in a cohort.
College Website Project
(Led by Darcy Bogle, Vice President of Student Services)
- Darcy distributed a handout titled “Taft College Branding and Website Design Project” which provide an overview of the plans for the District’s revamping of the TC website by providing uniformity, organization, and ADA compliance.
- An outside web-design source, JP Marketing, was approved at the March Board of Trustees’ meeting to assist the District in accomplishing this task.
- Darcy asked the GC members for feedback and also to submit three adjectives or words that describe how they would like Taft College to be perceived.
- It was recommended to work with students on this project and to get their ideas and feedback as well. Our website needs to reflect what students would like to see.
(Led by Dr. Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)
- Erik distributed a handout titled “Data Reporting” (copy attached to official minutes).
- It was suggested the SPC members review the recommended data reporting metric and bring back to the GC. The topic and information requires much more time and attention than the time allotted for this topic.
- The handout lists three data identifiers:
- Institution Set Standards
- Student Success Scorecards
- IR Dashboard
- It identifies the metric, how the data is disaggregated, where it currently is being reported, and where the data is being discussed.
- Members asked that definitions be provided when data is being presented such as what defines a specific cohort or metric.
- CONCENSUS: SPC will address this agenda item of data reporting, make recommendations, and bring back to the GC for review.
Governance Council
March 27, 2015
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Next Meeting: Friday, April 17, 2015
Facilitator: Adam Hightower
Recorder: Brandy Young
Timekeeper: Velda Pena
Meeting Adjourned: 2:50 pm
Respectfully submitted by:
Melissa Blanco