October 23, 2015 Meeting



Governance Council

October 23, 2015

12:10 – 2:00 pm


Facilitator:          Greg Golling

Timekeeper:      Brandy Young

Minutes:             Melissa Blanco



  1. Approval of Minutes from October 9, 2015 Meeting                                                                               5 Minutes
  2. Strategic Action Plan Updates (led by Champions) 15 Minutes
  3. Continuation of Discussion – Proposal to Split Liberal Arts Division

(Bill Devine)                                                                                                                                                                20 Minutes


  1. Continuation of Discussion – Proposal to Add Two New Sports in 2016/17

(Kanoe Bandy)                                                                                                                                          15 Minutes


  1. 2015 CCSSE Results (Eric Berube)                                 15 Minutes
  2. COGNOS Club Presentation (Sharyn Eveland) 10 Minutes
  3. Student Success Plan Presentation (Darcy Bogle) 15 Minutes
  4. Adult Education Plan (Dena Maloney) 15 Minutes



Next Meeting:  Friday, November 13

Call for Facilitator and Timekeeper



October 23, 2015


Members Present:      Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Darcy Bogle, Kamala Carlson, Geoffrey Dyer, Sharyn Eveland, Bruce Ferguson, Greg Golling,  Vicki Jacobi, Shoshanna Kukuliev (Student Rep.), Laura L’Ecuyer, Dena Maloney, Velda Pena, Tony Thompson, Mark Williams, and Brandy Young


Members Absent:       Bill Devine and Brock McMurray

Guest:                              Diane Baeza and Eric Bérubé

Facilitator:                       Greg Golling

Timekeeper:                  Brandy Young



  • The minutes of the meeting held October 9, 2015 were approved by consensus.



(Led by Kamala Carson, Co-Chair, Liberal Arts Division and Professor)


  • At the last meeting, Bill Devine shared the resolution the Academic Senate endorsed.
  • Dena stated she saw three options as follows:
    • TC can go back to the original concept of each division having only one chair.
    • TC can continue status-quo and have two co-chairs continue to serve.
    • TC can recognize there has been two divisions operating as one for 8 years and elect to split the division into two.
  • Dena stated she was comfortable acknowledging the split of the Liberal Arts Division formally.
  • Sharon Eveland agreed with the provision that the District will create a process and criteria for creating and splitting divisions.
  • Bruce Ferguson suggested the procedures and process be created first before agreeing to this request.
  • Dena stated the reality is that the Liberal Arts Division has been functioning as 2 divisions; therefore, should be recognized as two divisions.
  • CONSENSUS: The Governance Council agreed to recommend to split the Liberal Arts Division into two divisions:  (1) Liberal Arts Division and (2) English Division.





  • Mark distributed a handout titled “Strategic Action Plan (SAP) Objectives Review [1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 5.3] 10/23/15” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • Mark stated the Access and Student Success Committees are working together to achieve and complete the objectives.




  • Mark reviewed the objectives and gave a brief update of the work being done to accomplish each objective.
  • He stated Basic Skills will be working with the committee and begin structuring positions for mentors to work with students.
  • Lourdes Gonzalez has been assisting with the development of this mentor program.
  • Students will be able to apply for the mentor program through the College Central Network.
  • Mark stated they have added SPC and division liaisons to the list of champions to also address the objectives.
  • Mark also stated they received feedback from the Accreditation Team to look at professional development and what is being offered during in-service for the District.


  • At the last GC meeting, Kanoe presented a proposal to add two new sports: women’s and men’ golf.
  • The coach will be hired as an adjunct faculty member.
  • The development is one of the main challenges.
  • Buena Vista Golf Club supports TC and will provide their facilities to the athletics for free and only charge for tournaments.
  • Kanoe stated she preferred if the District provided transportation for the athletes rather than each driving individually.
  • The cost of the program is estimated to be $45,000.
  • The program will bring in an estimated 20 full-time students to TC.
  • No equipment cost due to each athlete being responsible for the purchase of their own equipment.
  • Dena stated she supported the addition of the two new sports; however, she suggested to begin with the addition of the women’s golf team first to see if viable.
  • Since women’s golf is a fall sport, this would give TC time to recruit and develop the curriculum for the program.
  • It was recommended for Kanoe to take this proposal to the Academic Senate for approval then bring back to the Governance Council.



(Led by Dr. Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)


  • Eric distributed a handout titled “Community College Survey of Student Engagement – 2015 Key Findings” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • The CCSSE is conducted every 3 years and was developed as a research device to assist community colleges in retaining students.
  • Eric reviewed the key findings for the District.
  • Eric stated the full version of the results and findings of the CCSSE can be located on the TC website. Eric only presented a summary of the findings.




(Led by Sharyn Eveland, Division Chair, Social Science and Professor)


  • Sharyn presented a PowerPoint presentation to the Governance Council summarizing the work the COGNOS Club has accomplished.
  • The COGNOS Club is a working committee that was created to establish credibility of data through training.
  • The group develops reports and levels of query to be utilized for retrieving data for decision making and assessing problems.
  • They also work in validating and cleaning up data and making the data useful and meaningful for users.



(Led by Darcy Bogle, Vice President of Student Services)


  • Darcy distributed two handouts titled “Student Success and Support Program Plan” and “Success Plan”.
  • Darcy stated the goal of Student Success and Support Program is to increase student access and success by providing students with core SSP services to assist them in achieving their educational and career goals.
  • Currently, Darcy and her department have extended their hours during enrollment to accommodate students and plan to provide a comprehensive E. Plan by the end of a student’s first semester.
  • Darcy also stated a common assessment is in the works for TC and Degree Works will roll out in January.
  • Darcy stated she did not feel the non-credit SSSP was worth the work for the amount of money and recommended to opt out of the non-credit SSSP. This would not jeopardize the District’s ability to participate in the credit SSSP and receive funding.
  • Darcy stated the 2015-2016 SSSP plans are due next Friday.



(Led by Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President and Co-Chair)

  • Consortium members include the unified school district, the high school district, and the community college district.
  • $750,000 has been received to implement the Adult Education Plan and is considered a block-grant. We must submit a three year plan as well as an annual plan.
  • We currently have a few pilot projects in the works. These pilot projects are designed to evaluate what services or programs will be beneficial to our program.




  • The following are three major priorities of the Adult Education Program:
    • Literacy
    • ESL
    • High School Equivalency
    • Citizenship Preparation
  • The consortium has approved the development of the Adult Education Director position, a new full time position paid for out of block grant funds. As TC is the fiscal agent, this position will be under the administration of the TC Office of Instruction but functionally reports to the Adult ED consortium.



Next Meeting:  November 13, 2015 – 12:10 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Facilitator:          Sharyn Eveland

Timekeeper:      Tony Thompson


Meeting Adjourned:  2:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco
