September 11, 2015 Meeting


Governance Council
September 11, 2015
12:10 – 2:00 pm – Cougar Room

Facilitator: Sharyn Eveland
Recorder: Greg Golling
Timekeeper: Brandy Young
Minutes: Melissa Blanco

  1. Approval of Minutes from August 28, 2015 Meeting 5 Minutes
  2. Committee Reports (brief) 25 Minutes
    1. Access Committee (Mark Williams)
    2. Success Committee (Darcy Bogle)
    3. Budget Committee (Brock McMurray)
    4. Strategic Planning Committee (Mark/Darcy)
    5. Campus Safety and Security (Darcy Bogle)
  3. Accreditation Update and ACCJC Special Report (Dena Maloney/Eric Bérubé) 20 Minutes
  4. Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Assistance (Dyer/Maloney) 10 Minutes
  5. Budget Presentation (Brock McMurray) 15 Minutes
  6. Facilities Master Plan (Brock McMurray) 10 Minutes
  7. Governance Guide – Annual Review (Dena Maloney) 10 Minutes
  8. Revised Charter for the Governance Council (Eric Berube) 10 Minutes
  9. Need for Recorder – Discussion 10 Minutes

Next Meeting: Friday, September 25 from 12:10 – 2:00pm
Call for Facilitator, Recorder and Timekeeper



September 11, 2015



Members Present: Darcy Bogle, Bill Devine, Geoffrey Dyer, Sharyn Eveland, Bruce Ferguson,  Greg Golling, Vicki Jacobi, Shoshanna Kukuliev (Student Rep.), Laura L’Ecuyer, Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Mark Williams, and Brandy Young


Members Absent:       Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Kamala Carlson, Velda Pena Guest:      Eric Bérubé

Facilitator:                       Sharyn Eveland

Timekeeper:                  Brandy Young



  • The minutes of the meeting held August 28, 2015 were approved by consensus with a correction to remove Adam Hightower as a member present since he did not



  • The Governance Council decided there was no longer a need to have a recorder at the meetings since the minutes are also recorded by Melissa Blanco. The minutes will then be reviewed by the GC co-chairs for accuracy and corrections before being sent out to
  • CONCENSUS: The GC members approved not having a recorder present at the GC meetings and to remove the “recorder” from the “Charter for Governance Council”.




  • Access Committee (Mark Williams)
    • Mark distributed a handout titled “Governance Council Briefing – 11.15” (copy attached to official minutes).
    • The Access Committee met today with members of the Student Success
    • They are currently working on Cognos reporting and trying to identify data and design reporting for disproportionate impact
    • The Student Equity Plan is due December 18, 2015 and will presented to the GC members for review.
    • The committee is currently looking at strategies to align with the Student Success Plan such as enrollment management and integrating the SAP and APRs with equity
    • They are also working toward addressing student motivational
    • Discussed work being done on related pre-collegiate issues such as the mentoring programs.
  • Success Committee (Darcy Bogle)
    • The committee has not met yet; however, they did join the Access Committee today to work together on how to bridge the gap between equity and success and align
    • They focused on enrollment management which is a great place to focus and aligns with goals and objectives as
    • It was suggested for the SSC to utilize some of the resources to provide training for others on the “Completion by Design Model”. Darcy will look into the possibility of

Governance Council September 11, 2015

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  • Budget Committee (Brock McMurray)
    • Brock stated the BC met yesterday and mainly discussed the adopted budget for
    • Brock has also been working on the development of the budget calendar which will align with program reviews and go to the board for
  • Strategic Planning Committee (Darcy Bogle/Mark Williams)
    • The SPC has met to refine the program review timeline to align with other processes particularly the budget process and
    • The also had discussions around program review, program discontinuation, and resource allocations tied to APR requests.
    • Working on better integrating SLOs into the APR
    • A special meeting was also held to discuss the District’s response to the August 13, 2015 Accreditation Letter and to address the CTE
    • Review current tracking methods for job placement of CTE grads; however, cannot currently track those that
    • Dena expressed her excitement to utilize the new APR timeline and asked the SPC to incorporate an evaluation step to let them know how well it’s working or if issues need to be addressed. Eric Berube will follow-up on this
  • Campus Security (Darcy Bogle)
    • Darcy stated the committee met today and reviewed the charter for new
    • The committee set some goals for the next semester such as evacuation and emergency drills to educate staff and faculty on what to do during a time of an
    • Also, discussed more awareness training for students, faculty, and staff regarding safety issues.
    • Darcy informed the GC members of “Safety Grams” which can be found on the TC website to report safety concern or issues around
    • Darcy also stated the importance of routinely updating contact information on the Blackboard emergency alert portal system because in a time of an emergency information/updates are sent to the contacts
    • Darcy will send out a reminder to students, faculty, and staff about “Safety Grams” and updating contact information on
    • Darcy will bring the latest report for the Clery Act Reporting for the District to the October 9th


(Led by Dr. Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President and Co-Chair and Dr. Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • The District is working on its response to the ACCJC letter dated August 13,
  • There are three main areas that are a concern: (1) Institution-set standards; (2) CTE job placement rates and (3) percentage of courses/programs with ongoing
  • Currently, there are 44 courses that do not have SLOs and email reminders have been sent out to those instructors of the courses to develop
  • Currently, the District needs to assess the courses and programs listed for the District and determine their status.
  • Removing courses we no long offer will impact the calculation when determining the percentage of courses that have ongoing
  • Currently exploring our institution’s definition of on-going assessment and how to assess non- credit courses that are open entry/open
  • The District needs to review general education courses and determine if they are being assessed and if these courses should remain in general
  • The District also needs to identify entry courses, pre-requisites and capstone courses and assess them.
  • There is a concern of removing courses and how it would affect a student’s record; it was stated course substitution could be used to address this
  • There are some programs (degree and certificates) that have zero completers; should these be offered. No demand? Enrollment management question? Why should we keep? All
  • Addressing the concerns of the ACCJC letter dated August 13, 2015 has given the District a better understanding of programs in
  • A draft response to the ACCJC letter dated August 13, 2015 will presented to Dena September 21, 2015 so she can incorporate it into the Addendum for the site visit


(Led by Dr. Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President and Co-Chair and Geoffrey Dyer, Academic Senate President and Co-Chair)

Dena distributed a letter dated September 8, 2015 regarding the Effectiveness Partnership Resource Team who will be visiting Taft College.

  • The team will be working on strengthening the integration of SLOs in the District’s institutional planning
  • Questions were created for the team to analyze and discuss regarding Taft College and offer suggestions to better link data on SLOs assessment to
  • Taft College needs to get ahead of new standards and build them into current processes and make them on-going work of
  • The Effectiveness Partnership Resource Team will visit Taft College on November 17, 2015



(Led by Brock McMurray, Executive Vice President of Administrative Services)

Brock presented a PowerPoint presentation to the GC members titled “West Kern Community College District FY 2015-16 Proposed Budget 9-9-15”.

  • Brock discussed highlights of the Final FY 2015-16 State Budget as approved by the Legislature and signed by the Governor as follows:
  • AB 93/SB 97 signed by Governor June 24, 2015
  • 5th consecutive year passed on time
  • Budget is $115 billion ($7 billion increase from FY 14-15)
  • The budget includes a reserve of $3.4 billion
  • Budget is based on Governor’s conservative forecast
  • Budget eliminates $7 billion in debt


Governance Council September 11, 2015

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  • Brock reviewed the Fiscal Year 2015-16 state budget community college impacts as listed below:
    • $156.5M Growth/Access funds

o $61M              (1.02%)COLA

  • $100M Student Success and Support
  • $85M Student Equity
  • $33.7M EOPS
  • $2.5M COLA in EOPS, DSPS, CalWorks
  • $148M Deferred Maintenance & Instructional Equipment
  • $500M Adult Education Block Grant
  • $632M Mandate claims
  • $62.3M Full-time Faculty
  • $38.7M Proposition 39 energy efficiency Projects
  • Brock also reviewed the 2015-2016 WKCCD budget assumptions as below:
    • COLA
    • Step, Column and Longevity increases
    • Health care benefit cost increases
    • New faculty hires
    • Revenue based on P2 and State budget workshop projections for ongoing and one-time funds
    • Conservative Categorical funding for Programs
    • GASB funding out of one-time money
    • STRS increase to 73%
    • PERS increase to 85%
    • Strategic scheduling of course offerings to offer general education and major requirements in transfer education, Basic Skills and CTE
    • Plan for growth at 1%
    • Funded Program review items
  • Brock reviewed the Fiscal Year 2015-16 budget highlights:
General Fund 11 & 12 Expenditures FY 2014-15



FY 2015-16






Academic Salaries $      8,996,985 $      9,697,473 $        700,488
Classified Salaries $      5,825,360 $      6,308,061 $        482,701
Employee  Benefits $      5,542,694 $      6,131,792 $        589,098
Supplies $          855,316 $          836,903 $         (18,413)
Services $      5,729,034 $      5,571,383 $      (157,651)
Capital Outlay $          821,243 $          838,330 $          17,087
Other Outgoing $      1,118,142 $      1,702,913 $        584,771
Total  Expenditures $  28,888,774 $  31,086,855 $   2,198,081



  • Brock also reviewed total for all 2015-2016 funds budgeted for WKKCD:






11 General Fund, Unrestricted $   23,749,011
12 General Fund, Restricted $      7,337,844
31 Bookstore Enterprise Fund $      1,322,839
32 Cafeteria Enterprise Fund $      1,043,790
33 Child Development Center Fund $      1,797,587
35 Dormitory Fund $          350,200
36 Parking fund $               1,555
39 Transition to Independent Living Fund $      1,965,481
43 Restricted Purpose Fund $      1,896,603
  TOTAL ALL FUNDS $   39,464,910
  • Brock distributed a handout titled “California Community College Growth Allocation Formula Explanation of the Formula Methodology” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • Brock stated this handout explained the new growth allocation formula which is effective 2015-2016. It allows the District growth of 1%.
  • Brock ended his presentation with reviewing the budget future as below:
    • Proposition 30 is temporary
    • Sales tax increase terminates at the end of 2016 (approximately 21% of Prop 30 revenues)
    • Income tax increase terminates at the end of 2018
    • OPEB Obligation
    • New base money to help offset some of the rising PERS and STRS costs
    • New growth formula to be evaluated
    • Continued support for Student Success
    • Prop 98 maintenance factor, which totaled nearly $11 billion during the economic downturn, is reduced to $772 million
    • Economic future
  • Brock also distributed a handout titled “Program Review Funded Items” (copy attached to official minutes) which included 32 items, ranging from resources, equipment, course offerings, professional development, to hiring of staff and faculty as requested in program


(Led by Brock McMurray, Executive Vice President of Administrative Services)

Brock stated the Facilities Master Plan will be up on the website.

  • The Facilities Master Plan links the Educational Master Plan to and helps the District better plan for future
  • Brock, the Facilities Committee, and AP were given thanks by the GC members for their hard
  • Brock stated the Alley Construction Project should be done by
  • The Student Center Project is waiting for one more final DSA approval and hopefully the District can begin the bid process


(Led by Dr. Dena Maloney, Superintendent/President and Co-Chair)

Dena stated it was time for the annual review of the 2014-2015 Governance Guide.

  • She stated the GC members need to review and update the Governance Guide along with charters for all
  • Dena then demonstrated how to access the Governance Guide on the TC
  • Members can access the Governance Guide by going to the main TC website, then go to the “About Us” tab, next the “Institutional Research” tab, and then the “Planning” Once at the “Planning” page, scroll down to “Planning Documents” listed and click on “Governance Guide”.
  • Dena requested for everyone to review the current document and bring back any feedback and updates to the next GC


(Led by Dr. Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

Eric Bérubé distributed the revised draft of the Charter for the Governance Council (GC) (copy attached to official minutes).

  • Eric discussed the highlighted revisions made since it was last reviewed and asked the members to review and approve the revised
  • Members pointed out the following necessary corrections:
    • “Charter” in the title was misspelled; please
    • On page 2, the total for the membership should be corrected from “15” to “16”.
    • On page 2, second bullet, remove the need for a “recorder” during
    • On page 2, under “Administration (4)”, update the title of Vice President, Administrative Services to Executive Vice President, Administrative
  • CONSENSUS: The GC members approved the charter with the recommended changes noted above.
  • Dena also expressed the need for members/representatives to report out information of the GC and other various committees they may serve on to their constituents and the campus community for campus-wide dialogue and feedback.
  • Minutes and agendas are found on the TC website along with their charter, membership, and meeting dates and



Next Meeting: September 25, 2015 Facilitator:                Bill Devine Timekeeper:    Laura L’Ecuyer


Meeting Adjourned: 2 pm Respectfully submitted by: Melissa Blanco
