May 08, 2015 Meeting



Governance Council

May 8, 2015

12:10 pm – 2:00 pm – Cougar Room



Facilitator:          Vicki Jacobi

Recorder:            Darcy Bogle

Timekeeper:      Laura L’Ecuyer

Minutes:             Melissa Blanco



  1. Approval of Minutes from April 17, 2015 Meeting                                                                   5 Minutes
  2. Committee Reports                (brief)                                                                                           20 Minutes
    1. Access Committee (Mark Williams)
    2. Success Committee (Darcy Bogle)
    3. Budget Committee (Brock McMurray)
    4. Strategic Planning Committee (Mark Williams/Darcy Bogle)
    5. Campus Safety and Security (Darcy Bogle)
    6. Information Technology Committee (Adrian Agundez)
  3. Institutional Effectiveness Initiative Indicators                                                                      30 Minutes
    1. Fiscal Viability/Compliance Indicators (Brock)
    2. Student Performance Indicators (Mark/Darcy)


  1. Emergency Operations Plan – Update (Darcy)                                                                        15 Minutes
  2. Facilities Committee Update (Brock)                                                                                         15 Minutes
  3. Accreditation Self Study Review Period(Eric Berube)                                                            25 Minutes



Next Meeting:  May 14, 2015

Call for Facilitator, Recorder and Timekeeper



May 8, 2015


Members Present:      Darcy Bogle, Kanoe Bandy, Sheri Black, Bill Devine, Geoffrey Dyer, Sharyn Eveland, Bruce Ferguson, Greg Golling, Adam Hightower, Laura L’Ecuyer, Dena Maloney, Brock McMurray, Velda Pena, Tony Thompson, Vicki Jacobi, Brandy Young, and Mark Williams, Kamala Carlson

Members Absent:       None

Guest:                              Eric Bérubé, Officer Kevin Altenhofel, and Adrian Agundez


Facilitator:                       Vicki Jacobi

Recorder:                        Darcy Bogle

Timekeeper:                  Laura L’Ecuyer



  • The minutes of the meeting held May 8, 2015 were approved by consensus with a correction to the misspelling of Eric Berube’s name.



  • Access Committee (Mark Williams)
    • Mark reported he attended a meeting in Los Angeles on Student Equity.
    • The Chancellor’s Office assembled a team of 30 individuals to review student equity plans.
    • Colleges will get feedback on their plans. New, updated plans will be due in November 2015.
    • There is a possibility of more funding for student equity if the Governor’s budget is approved.
  • Success Committee (Darcy Bogle)
    • The committee has not met.
    • Darcy stated each College’s Student Success plan was reviewed in similar fashion and feedback on our SSSP plan will be provided was well.
  • Budget Committee (Brock McMurray)
    • Brock stated the May revise will be coming out soon.
  • Strategic Planning Committee (Darcy Bogle/Mark Williams)
    • Darcy stated the SPC met Friday and has been working on revising the timeline for the program review process.
    • Darcy distributed a handout titled “Strategic Planning Committee-Annual Program Review Timeline Proposal (5.4.15)” (copy attached to official minutes).
    • Changes were made so ranking and funding would follow quickly. It seemed decisions lagged about a year and half after input/program reviews.
    • There was some concern expressed regarding if this timeline worked with the needs of recruiting faculty.
    • In our current program review process, the time between submitting PRs and receiving funding is too big.
    • The goal is to truly make this an annual cycle and to have it fit with the budget process.
    • The SPC will continue to fine tune the timeline.
    • It was recommended to continue this discussion at our next meeting as an agenda item.



Governance Council

May 8, 2015

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  • Campus Safety and Security Committee (Darcy Bogle)
    • Darcy stated there were no critical updates.
    • She announced the MOU with the City of Taft to renew the Campus Security Officer/Advisor position for another year will go to the Board of Trustees in June.
  • Information Technology Committee (Adrian Agundez)
    • Adrian stated the ITC will meet next week.
    • They are working on the third revision of the Technology master plan.
    • Adrian announced our legal counsel, Lozano Smith, will be on campus in the Cougar Room on May 18th at 2pm to present legal aspects of technology and the Administrative Procedure regarding campus use of technology.




  • Fiscal Viability/Compliance Indicators (Brock McMurray) – Brock distributed a handout which gave a snapshot of the District’s indicator rates for the following two required goals:
  • Fund balance (General Funds)
  • Unmodified Auditor’s Report Without Internal Controls


  • Brock stated our Fund Balance goal for 2015-2015 will be 20% and we would continue to work towards an unmodified auditor’s report with no findings/recommendations regarding internal controls.
  • CONSENSUS – The GC supported the recommendation of the Budget Committee regarding fiscal viability/compliance indicators goals.
  • Student Performance Indicators (Darcy Bogle/Mark Williams) – Darcy distributed a handout titled “Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Advisory Committee Framework of Indicators” (copy attached to official minutes). Darcy stated goals for student performance were set based on course completion rates. TC’s goal for 2015-2016 will be set for 1% higher (67.6%) and we would continue to work towards the goal of accreditation status-reaffirmed.
    • CONSENSUS – The GC supported the recommendation of the SPC to set the course completion rate goal at 67.7%. The second goal to remain fully accredited was also supported.
  • The four goals will be presented to the Board of Trustees at its June meeting and upon approval, will be submitted to the Chancellor’s Office.


(Led Darcy Bogle, VP of Student Services and Officer Kevin Altenhofel, Campus Security Officer)

  • Darcy distributed a handout titled “Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)” (copy attached to official minutes).
  • The handout outlined some assumptions, general information and listed the table of contents for the current draft of the District’s EOP.
  • A subcommittee of the Safety Committee worked together in developing the draft of the EOP for the District and put together a plan that was practical for our District.
  • The subcommittee is currently working on finalizing administrative procedures and an evacuation plan for emergencies.
  • In the future, the Campus Safety & Security Committee plans on providing training and practice drills to faculty and staff.



Governance Council

May 8, 2015

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(Led by Brock McMurray, Executive Vice President of Admin. Services)

  • Brock stated the STEM Project has begun with the prepping and compaction of the dirt. The modulars are being built of site.
  • The Student Center Project is still at DSA and has not been released for bidding yet.
  • Brock stated we have completed some Prop 39 projects with the installation of efficiency lighting around campus.
  • The Gym Reroof Project was approved last month and the Gym Painting/Sound Panels Project will go to the board this month.
  • The Alley Project is also on the list of construction projects and will provide more power for the campus due to the addition of new facilities and powering for the HVAC system.
  • Brock announced the West Kern Water District has asked the college to reduce our water usage by 25% due to the drought issue in California.
  • It was suggested to adjust the water flow for the bathroom faucets.
  • Brock stated the Facilities Committee is currently looking at designating the garden area near the quad as a memorial area and will place plaques in honor of individuals the District may want to memorialize. The memorial benches will be offered and returned to the families of those memorialized. The garden area would also be the place where the District could honor and memorialize Ginger, the campus dog.



(Led by Dr. Eric Bérubé, Coordinator of Institutional Assessment, Research, & Planning)

  • Eric stated a copy of the Accreditation Self Study was sent out the community for review and feedback.
  • Once additional feedback is received then more editing will be done.
  • The Self Evaluation will be placed on the Senate Agenda for its May20th meeting for discussion and approval.
  • After all signature pages are received and the final editing has been done, it will then be presented to the Board of Trustees in June.
  • A big thank you was given out to all those who worked on this report. It has taken a lot of time and hard work.
  • Dena asked the GC members to keep in mind what they are most proud of in their areas, departments, and college.


  • Dena stated the Senior HR position will be recommended to the Board of Trustees as an Associate VP position at a salary grade 20. She appreciated the input and discussion at the last meeting. This placement was analyzed using comparison data from similarly-sized districts.
  • The CTE Director position has been given the approval to begin recruiting.


Next Meeting:  Thursday, May 14, 2015

Facilitator:          Bruce Ferguson

Recorder:            Kanoe Bandy

Timekeeper:      Sharyn Eveland


Meeting Adjourned:      1:40 pm

Respectfully submitted by:

Melissa Blanco
