September 20, 2019 Meeting


  1. Review Minutes from May 17, 2019
  2. Review ITC Charter
  3. Distance Education
  4. Security Awareness Training
  5. Copier Project Update
  6. GLBA / Cybersecurity Audit
  7. Accreditation Subcommittee: Standard III (Technology Resources)
  8. Other

 Next Meeting: Friday, October 18, 2019


Members Present:

Andrew Prestage (Chair), Adam Bledsoe (Co-Chair), Nicole Avina, Shelley Getty, Mark Gibson, Gus Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, David Mitchell, David Reynolds,

Members Absent:   

Severo Balason, John Dodson, Sharyn Eveland, Richard Hudson, Leslie Minor, Tiffany Rowden

Other Attendees:

Jessica Grimes as CTE Representative, Amar Abbott

Student Representative:

Whisper-Lynn Null (Absent)


Andrew Prestage and Adam Bledsoe facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks was meeting recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting called to order at 10:11 A.M.

  1. Review Minutes from May 17, 2019
  • The Committee reviewed and approved the minutes from the May 17, 2019 meeting with no changes.

 Review ITC Charter

  • The committee reviewed the charter and approved it as written. Reynolds asked a question inquiring if any ITC discussions / decisions are brought forward any of the Governance Council meetings. Prestage responded that he mentions details of ITC meetings during his weekly meetings with Dr. Daniels, but his reports at the Governance Council are more condensed and focusing on critical updates.
  1. Distance Education
  • Bledsoe stated that Distance Education is working with Chaidez (Testing Center Director) and Young to incorporate Canvas with eLumen. Bledsoe is meeting with Chaidez and Young this coming Monday to continue the discussion. Bledsoe mentioned he may need to incorporate eLumen with SSO and will notify IT when ready to discuss.
  •  Avina discussed issues involving student Active Directory account issues relating to Canvas. Not all students are uploading correctly to Active Directory. Gibson mentioned that the Active Directory process might need to be rewritten to ensure that all students are being uploaded correctly.
  • Bledsoe has been working with Russell on student preferred name listings in Canvas. He mentioned he may need IT assistance with developing a process and will contact IT when ready. For now, Bledsoe is currently making preferred name changes manually.

4.  Security Awareness Training

  • Gibson reported the progress of the current simulated phishing campaign. As of today, 18 people filled out the linked form with information. This indicates to him a need for more security awareness training. Gibson found that the state offers a short, simple online training free of charge. He is also researching additional for-cost third party training options. Gibson is hoping to make security awareness training a mandatory requirement for all current and future staff members much like the sexual harassment training.

5.  Copier Project Update

  • Prestage informed the committee members that the Bookstore is ramping up services with the intention of offering print shop services for the college and surrounding community.
  • The Math Lab now has a new, more efficient copier with the most current Equitrac software and is still free for students to use.
  • Jarrahian inquired if faculty will be charged for copies. Prestage responded with an explanation of the maintenance charges (which are still being worked out). The vendor allotted the campus with 70,000 free B/W and 8,000 color copies that will be funneled to campus departments. The hope is that this will drive more volume to the more efficient Mailroom and G-02 workroom copiers. Prestage commented that CA Reding will bill for overages which in turn will be allocated to individual departments.
  1. GLBA / Cybersecurity Audit
  •  Prestage informed the committee that auditors will be visiting the week of October 14 and questioning GLBA / Cybersecurity compliance. In preparation for the visit, IT had an outside entity conduct a preliminary vulnerability audit performed and completed last week. There were 10 critical issues that required immediate attention, which IT is taking immediate action on. Per Prestage, a draft report will be out in two weeks.
  1. Accreditation Subcommittee: Standard III (Technology Resources)
  •  Prestage informed the group he is heading an Accreditation Subcommittee and is looking for volunteers to assist.

8.  Other

  • Referencing the Technology Master Plan, Getty brought up a concern regarding at least three Science / Math faculty working on old machines and asked what can be done about funding to update these machines. A discussion followed. Jarrahian stated that departments can’t reserve funds from year-to-year as unspent department budgets are rolled back into general funds at the end of each fiscal year. Prestage encouraged faculty members to take the question to the Budget Committee for clarification.

 The meeting concluded at 11:08 a.m.

Next Meeting: Friday, October 18, 2019
