February 01, 2019 Meeting


  1. Review Minutes from November 16, 2018
  2. Print Study

 Next Meeting: Friday, February 16, 2019 (holiday)

Proposed Next Meeting: Friday, February 22, 2019


Members Present:

Andrew Prestage, Nicole Avina, Adam Bledsoe, Shelley Getty, Mark Gibson, Gus Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, Richard Hudson, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, David Reynolds, Tiffany Rowden

Members Absent:   

John Dodson, Aldrin Lubin, James May, Brock McMurray, David Mitchell, Whisper-Lynn Null (Student Rep.)

Student Representative:


Andrew Prestage facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks, recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting called to order at 1:09 P.M.

  1. Review Minutes from November 16, 2018
  • There were no changes; the committee approved the minutes by consensus

 2. Print Study

  • The committee discussed the Print Study in detail. Representatives from CA Reding were present to answer questions and give details about the study findings.
  • The handouts distributed included frequently asked questions (with answers), detailed existing costs vs future savings comparisons, and printer acquisitions covering a nine-year period.
  • Jarrahian and Reynolds asked several questions regarding the number of units placed around campus, what the campus total cost savings will be, what the plan will be for existing personal printers, and if other members of the campus are aware of the study. Discussion followed, including references to information on the handouts.
  • Reynolds commented that concerns expressed by faculty include the types of printers to be installed / availability of large machines available for faculty use and if the machines would be able to handle the volume of use. Faculty are also concerned about how going to a centralized printing environment will impact instruction and the process of teaching the learning. Discussion followed.
  • Reynolds asked if faculty print jobs could be prioritized over students. Discussion followed.
  • Reynolds expressed a concern regarding the costs associated with “per page billing” and how that might affect the various campus department budgets. Discussion followed.
  • Prestage suggested that the committee take no action to vote on a print proposal at this time due to the need to incorporate additional concerns and information into the proposal.
  • Prestage suggested that the committee meet again on February 8 to continue discussing the study. Prestage to bring a prepared proposal for the committee to review at the February 8 meeting.

Next Meeting: Friday, February 8, 2018 at 1:00 p.m.

Proposed Next Meeting: Friday, February 22, 2019
