February 22, 2019 Meeting


  1. Review Minutes from 2/8/2019 Printer Study Meeting
  2. AV Upgrade in S2, S3, S6 and S7
  3. Print Study
  4. Technology Master Plan Update
  5. Other

 Proposed Next Meeting: Friday, March 15, 2019


Members Present:

Andrew Prestage (Chair), Adam Bledsoe (Co-Chair), Adam Bledsoe, Shelley Getty, Mark Gibson, Gus Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, David Mitchell, David Reynolds, Tiffany Rowden

Members Absent:   

Nicole Avina, John Dodson, Richard Hudson, Aldrin Lubin, Brock McMurray,

Other Attendees:

Amar Abbott

Student Representative:

Whisper-Lynn Null


Andrew Prestage facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks, recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting called to order at 10:05 a.m.

  1. Review Minutes from February 8, 2019
  • The minutes were not available from the February 8 meeting. They will be sent out after today’s meeting.

2.  AV Upgrade in S2, S3, S6 and S7

  • Prestage briefly talked about the upgrades that occurred in the Science 2, 3, 6 and 7 classrooms.
  • After the project wrapped up, the TV in S7 failed. A replacement has been ordered.
  • Prestage will be holding a “Lessons Learned” meeting to discuss the project. He will be sending out meeting invites later next week.

3.  Print Study Update

  • Prestage presented the Printer Study documentation and the ITC committee’s questions and concerns at last month’s Cabinet meeting.
  • Prestage is waiting to hear back from Dr. Daniels on how to proceed with the study.
  • A discussion occurred with Reynolds asking if any targeted discussions about print volumes with campus departments.
  • Bledsoe questioned what’s wrong with having black/white desk printers with centralized color printing. Prestage responded that CA Reding referenced this scenario especially in the Science area.
  • Prestage stated what’s being looked at now is a Phasing option where the Administration Building staff will see the first phase of Printer Study going into effect. A question was asked what will be happening to any existing equipment lease contracts. Prestage’s responded with CA Reding will issue checks to buyout any existing equipment lease agreements. Prestage indicated that no faculty will be affected during Phase 1.  Prestage added that both Mailroom and G2 copiers will be part of Phase 1.
  • Reynolds expressed a concern for individual print tracking and hoped the topic was addressed during Prestage’s Cabinet presentation.
  • The committee discussed the importance of input from the entire campus since the change will impact everyone working and going to school at Taft College.
  • May asked the about the efficiency of the new machine being placed in the Mailroom; Prestage will look into the machine and get back with May.

4.  Technology Master Plan Update

  •  Prestage summarized and talked about the Technology Master Plan documentation that was distributed to the committee members.
  • Mitchell asked if the STEM AV equipment was included in this plan. Prestage didn’t think he included plans for the STEM Lab; this was an accidental oversight that’s easily corrected.
  • Prestage asked the committee to review the Technology Master Plan and email him any suggestions and/or corrections by Wednesday, February 27.

 Next Meeting: Friday, March 15, 2018
