March 15, 2019 Meeting


  1. Review Minutes from February 8 and 22, 2019
  2. Print Study Update
  3. Technology Master Plan Update
  4. Other

 Next Meeting: Friday, April 19, 2019


Members Present:

Andrew Prestage (Chair), Adam Bledsoe (Co-Chair), Severo Balason, Mark Gibson, Gus Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, Richard Hudson, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, David Reynolds, Tiffany Rowden

Members Absent:   

Nicole Avina, John Dodson, Shelley Getty, Brock McMurray, Leslie Minor, David Mitchell

Other Attendees:

Marty Morales

Student Representative:

Whisper-Lynn Null (Absent)


Andrew Prestage facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks, recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting called to order at 10:08 A.M.

  1. Review Minutes from February 8 and 22, 2019
  • The committee reviewed the two sets of minutes from February 8 and 22. The committee approved the minutes as written.

2.  Print Study Update

  • There is no update at this time. A decision on the print study is pending.
  • Rowden inquired why the vendor was on campus recently. Per Prestage, the vendor was on campus to doublecheck network and power availability at the proposed equipment placement locations.
  1. Technology Master Plan Update
  • A handout of the proposed equipment purchases and upgrades over the next five years was distributed. The committee took a moment and reviewed the proposal; a discussion followed.
  • The discussion covered concerns expressed over the types of forecasted technology purchases over the next five years. A few members of the committee stressed the importance of purchasing MacBook Pros rather than Lenovo equipment for Science due to specialized software utilized by Science faculty and students.  Prestage made note of the MacBook needs.
  • The committee brought up and discussed concerns over costs of the Plan covering the five years. Gibson commented that the costs of equipment may be reduced by bulk purchasing when equipment quantities are known.
  • Prestage commented that Dr. Daniels suggested restructuring the equipment purchasing plan to focus on one area of the campus at a time. Prestage will restructure the plan accordingly and redistribute it to committee members.
  • There was a brief discussion about network (data center) updates. Currently, our voice gateway is 13 years old. Per our supplier, if our equipment fails, replacements may take up 90 days. A discussion followed about the importance of updating the voice gateway with a new system.
  • Prestage will rework some missing details in the Plan as indicated in the discussion and will send out the Plan via email for review.

4.  Other

  • There was a brief discussion about overhauling the Taft College website. Balason joined in the discussion stating that CISOA is presently utilizing our current website as a model for their presentations. The first part of the college’s Guided Pathways Dashboard has been completed.  Per Balason, the Chancellor’s office is very excited about our progress on the Guided Pathways dashboard, and it may well become a statewide model for other community colleges to use.
  • May inquired on the status of the G2 Copier. Per Hicks, the copier is up and running, however, the finisher was deactivated due to the copier’s age. With the finisher deactivated, the machine will not staple or hole-punch.
  • Reynolds inquired about the status of the Science classrooms door remotes project. Per Gonzalez, the project is in progress. The Board has approved the Convergint proposal for parts and labor, and the work is now being scheduled. There is a possibility of including a button for emergency / campus lock-down purposes under the faculty station desk.
  • Bledsoe asked about the Cognos version 11 update. Per Prestage, the cost to migrate from Cognos version 10 to 11 is sizeable and is not yet approved. The proposal under consideration will include upgrading our test environments, validating data sources and reports, and getting everything set up in preparation to put into production.

 The meeting ended at 10:58 a.m.

 Next Meeting: Friday, April 19, 2018
