October 18, 2019 Meeting


  1. Review Minutes from September 20, 2019
  2. Distance Education
  3. Auditor Visit – GLBA/Cybersecurity
  4. Password Policy Changes
  5. Equitrac Update
  6. Accreditation Subcommittee: Standard III (Technology Resources)
  7. Other

 Next Meeting: Friday, November 15, 2019


Members Present:

Andrew Prestage (Chair), Adam Bledsoe (Co-Chair), Shelley Getty, Mark Gibson, Dana Hicks, Richard Hudson, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, David Mitchell, David Reynolds,

Members Absent:   

Nicole Avina, Severo Balason, John Dodson, Gus Gonzalez, Jessica Grimes, Leslie Minor, Tiffany Rowden

Other Attendees:

Amar Abbott, Sharyn Eveland, Faculty Senate President

Student Representative:

Whisper-Lynn Null


Andrew Prestage and Adam Bledsoe facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks was meeting recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting called to order at 10:11 A.M.

  1. Review Minutes from September 20, 2019
  • Eveland wished to correct September’s minutes to reflect her absence. She recently learned via the Faculty Senate Charter that she is to be a regular attendee for the ITC Meetings and apologized for missing September’s meeting. Reynolds, in response to Eveland’s comments, suggested that the ITC Committee’s charter be brought back for discussion during November’s meeting. The Committee reviewed and approved the minutes from the September 20, 2019 meeting as corrected.
  1. Distance Education
  • Bledsoe announced he is stepping down as Director of Distance Education and returning to tenured faculty status. He is also stepping down as Co-Chair of ITC Committee.
  • Distance education is working on integrating eLumen and Canvas. So far, the integration is successful but practical at this time.
  1. Auditor Visit – GLBA/Cybersecurity
  • Prestage stated that auditors are visiting the campus this week. Prestage briefly discussed details of his audit interview and informed the committee that he was questioned about both the Cyber Security Response Team and if an external security audit had been conducted. Prestage shared good news that the auditors had no initial findings with the college’s cybersecurity efforts.
  • Gibson shared that the IT office will be participating in a state-sponsored cybersecurity role-playing game coming up on October 30th.
  • Prestage presented the idea of adding a Cybersecurity discussion item as part of the regular discussion during ITC meetings. Eveland suggested that the newly reestablished Data Standards Committee may be a better venue for these discussions. Prestage stated that he would discuss the suggestion with the director of IR.
  1. Password Policy Changes
  • Prestage announced a new password policy effective November 1 that will raise the minimum password length from 8 characters to 12 characters. He discussed using a passphrase as an easy way to remember 12-character passwords. Prestage will email an announcement to the campus community ahead of the change.
  1. Equitrac Update
  • Prestage discussed the Equitrac issue that occurred earlier in the week where the entire system went down forcing the temporary removal of the software from campus copiers. The issue was labeled as unique by the vendors involved in the resolution process. The issue has been resolved and Equitrac has been added back to selected machines. Equitrac will be gradually added back to other campus copiers as Equitrac stability is verified.
  1. Accreditation Subcommittee: Standard III (Technology Resources)
  •  Prestage and Reynolds met this morning to discuss Accreditation technology subcommittee tasks. Prestage reported that the committee is making good progress. This morning’s meeting consisted of reviewing standards areas. Prestage and Gonzalez will be the main evidence collectors for the committee.

7.  Other

  • Prestage would like to add an agenda discussion topic for student input and would like to include Whisper in the discussions; the committee agreed.
  • May informed the committee about an issue with G8 classroom doors. Prestage to follow-up by submitting a workorder to get the door adjusted.

 The meeting concluded at 10:59 a.m.

Next Meeting: Friday, November 15, 2019
