November 05, 2019 Meeting


  1. Review Minutes from October 18, 2019
  2. Distance Education
  3. Review Charter
  4. Student Concerns – WiFi Performance
  5. Annual Committee Review Self-Evaluation
  6. AP 3720 – Computer and Network Use Procedure
  7. Other

 Next Meeting: Friday, December 20, 2019


Members Present:

Andrew Prestage (Chair), Adam Bledsoe (Co-Chair), Nicole Avina, Shelley Getty, Mark Gibson, Gus Gonzalez, Dana Hicks, David Mitchell, David Reynolds,


Members Absent:   

Severo Balason, John Dodson, Jessica Grimes, Abbas Jarrahian, James May, Leslie Minor, Tiffany Rowden

Other Attendees:

Marty Morales

Student Representative:

Whisper-Lynn Null


Andrew Prestage and Adam Bledsoe facilitated the meeting.


Dana Hicks was meeting recorder.

Meeting Called to Order:

The meeting called to order at 10:13 A.M.


  1. Review Minutes from October 18, 2019
  • The committee reviewed the October 18 minutes with the following minor changes:
    • Bledsoe modified the second bullet-point under Distance Ed. section to read from, “So far, the integration is successful minus some minor issues with the Canvas Shell.” to “So far, the integration is successful but not practical at this time.”


    • Mitchell modified the first bullet point under agenda item #1, “Review of minutes from September 20, 2019 meeting” to reflect that Reynolds, not Mitchell, suggested bringing the ITC charter back for discussion during November’s meeting.


  • The committee approved the October minutes as corrected.


  1. Distance Education
  • Avina and Morales have been working on an accessibility plugin for Canvas. There will trainings provided on using the plugin as part of the in-service in January.
  1. Review Charter


  • The committee reviewed the charter and confirmed the removal of the Faculty Senate President from the membership list.


  1. Student Concerns – WiFi Performance
  • Topic was brought forward to the committee by Whisper out of concerns expressed by several students. Students are having numerous issues staying connected to the campus Wi-Fi while moving from building to building around campus.


  • Per Gibson and Gonzalez, reasons for connectivity issues may be 1) too many devices trying to connect to a single access point or 2) the devices themselves. Solutions include seeking funding from Student Services or ASO to improve / upgrade Wi-Fi infrastructure. Prestage would like Gibson and Gonzalez to obtain a price quote to improve WiFi connectivity around campus. Morales advised that if seeking funding from Student Services, it’s best to present the VPSS with a detailed quote for wireless infrastructure.


  • Gibson and Gonzalez to provide update on student wireless issues at next meeting.


  1. Annual Committee Review Self-Evaluation
  • Prestage distributed the self-evaluation form to the committee. The committee briefly discussed the form. Prestage will meet with the IR Director to obtain instructions on next steps and will return to the committee at a future meeting with more information.


  1. AP 3720 – Computer and Network Use Procedure


  • Per Prestage, he and Gibson worked on the document together and incorporated a lot of information from a version available through the Chancellor’s office.


  • The committee, at length, discussed the new Computer and Network Use procedure and Prestage made note of any additions and removal of content throughout the document. Per Bledsoe, he had the VP of Instruction look over the document and she advises to be careful when making changes to the language throughout the document; some language is considered “boilerplate” to lawyers and is included as such for a reason.


  • Prestage made note of all changes and additions and will present an updated version at the next meeting held either January or February.


  1. Other
  • Reynolds reiterated he would like to revisit the AP 3720 topic at the next meeting; Prestage confirmed.


  • Prestage and the committee agreed there will be no meeting in December. Next meeting will be held in either January or February.


The meeting concluded at 11:07 a.m.

Next Meeting: TBD

Approved by the Committee as written on 1/24/2020
