September 13, 2019 Meeting


  • Welcome!
  • Student-Centered Funding Formula
  • Review Charter
  • Scheduling Report


Attendees: Juana Rangel-Escobedo, Candace Duron, Leslie Minor, Vicki Jacobi, Bre Payne, Shelley Getty, Jennifer Altenhofel, Brock McMurray (Guest Presenter), Danielle Vohnout (recorder)

  • Welcome!

Leslie welcomed the group back and asked that Brock give us an overview of the funding formula to help us on projects this year.

  • Student-Centered Funding Formula

Brock presented on the student centered funding formula, the break down in percentage allocations and the guidelines and rates of each.

  • Base Allocation (70%) includes rates for the following:

Credit courses – 3 year rolling average of funded FTES

Special Admit Students

Incarcerated students

Basic allocation

  • Supplemental Allocation (20%)

Pell Grant recipients

AB540 students

Bog Waiver recipients

  • Student Success Allocation (10%)

ADTS, AA/AS., Credit Certificates, Transfer Level Math & English, Transfer, 9+ units in CTE, regional living wage, additional bonus if Pell/bog waiver student

Brock reported that this has been an evolving process and changes are still being made to definitions and rates. It is important that we capitalize on these metrics for planning in the next year.

  • Review Charter

The group reviewed the charter and made small changes to the “purpose” area of the charter. Leslie will present the changes to the Governance Council.

  • Scheduling Report

No report was available to the group. Leslie will follow up with Marty regarding the scheduling report.
