March 08, 2019 Meeting


Access Committee Meeting Agenda

Friday, March 8, 2019

Cougar Room



  1. Welcome to Dr. Leslie Minor


  1. Review Data


Access Committee Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 8, 2019

Cougar Room



Attendees: Leslie Minor, Shelley Getty, Bre Payne, Jennifer Altenhofel, Candace Duron, Juana Rangel-Escobedo, Danielle Vohnout (recorder)


  1. Welcome to Dr. Leslie Minor

The group introduced themselves to Leslie.


  1. Review Data

The group reviewed the data from Degree Works that was provided by IT. The group also opened Degree Works, to see what the data looks like there. Feedback regarding the report was the report would be most helpful with general education and major block information.


The goal of this is to give information to divisions for scheduling purposes. For example, we could provide data such as how many students need a specific course in order to ensure it is offered.


Students use degree Works regularly. They have read access but do not yet have move access. There are issues regarding students transferring course work in. Those issues are handled on an individual basis.


A few other issues were discussed: special admit students – how to classify them when they begin taking courses after high school graduation. Another issue has to do with the deadline for drop for non-payment. Since there is only 1 drop for non-payment, it limits flexibility in the schedule. Also, the pre-requisite drop doesn’t happen until in-service.


Next steps: Juana will work with Alvin in IT to add additional information to the report. Leslie will work with Brock & student services regarding the special admit and fee schedule for students.
